Gustave: Maybe I'm just naïve.
Constance: That takes me back.
Viscount Albany: Remember the mock battle?
Pittacus: It's maddening.
: I was so happy to hear that.
Shez: It's gotta be a buncha nonsense!
Chilon: I'm still hesitant.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We've got a solution.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Leicester's believers...
Viscount Fenja: I thought this would happen.
Miklan: I can't believe this is happening.
Charon General: I swear...
Tomas: It feels so weird.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I am thinking Brigid will have a larger role.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Do you have need of me?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Is it really that important?
Dominic General: Ordelia suffered major losses.
Metodey: Could I beat him?
Jeritza: How fortuitous.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We're finally facing them, huh?
???: Come again soon!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I wonder who it is now...
???: Sooner or later...
Merchant: Hrym territory...
Citizen: I wouldn't want that.
???: They're safe!
???: That's a ways away.
???: I'm gonna survive.
???: Be safe.
???: I'm so relieved.
???: They've been ditching their contracts.
Adrienne: I'm a little put out.
Adrienne: I'm gonna do right by the captain.
Jeritza: How fortuitous.
Dorothea: So that's why.
Dorothea: My father...
Sylvain: So that's why.
Sylvain: My father...
link Lysithea
As maddening as it is, we have no way to fight those who slither in the dark so long as they remain in the shadows.
link Lysithea
Which means all we can do is try our best to put a halt to their ambitions.
link Shez
If their aim is to throw Fódlan into chaos, then the best way to stop that would be...
link Shez
If their aim is to throw Fódlan into chaos, then the best way to stop that would be...
link Lysithea
That's the only way to ensure they won't meddle with us again, and that the same tragedies aren't repeated.
link Shez
To hurry up and end the war so Fódlan can be at peace. Right?
link Shez
To hurry up and end the war so Fódlan can be at peace. Right?
link Lysithea
That is part of it. But simply ending the war won't be enough.
link Lysithea
We need to reform our systems of power so that peace is sustainable.
link Shez
To unify Fódlan, right?
link Shez
To unify Fódlan, right?
link Lysithea
Yes, and also to reform our systems of power so that peace is sustainable.
link Ignatz
I can hardly believe Edelgard is counting on us to save her.
link Ignatz
I'm honestly happy to hear that. It means she trusts us... That she considers us her friends.
link Ignatz
I was so relieved when Claude said we were going to Garreg Mach.
link Shez
Yeah, it feels good to be relied on, even if she had no other choice.
link Shez
Yeah, it feels good to be relied on, even if she had no other choice.
link Ignatz
Doesn't it? I just want to help her, regardless of all the political nonsense.
link Shez
We're just her last resort. It's not something to get all excited about.
link Shez
We're just her last resort. It's not something to get all excited about.
link Ignatz
Even so, she still believes we'll come to her aid.
link Raphael
Have you heard about how Lady Rhea's actually ridiculously strong?
link Raphael
Apparently, these bandits attacked her one time, and she took 'em out in the blink of an eye.
link Raphael
But I think that's all a bunch of nonsense! I'm mean, look at her! She's so skinny!
link Marianne
I'm still hesitant to say Lady Rhea is outright evil.
link Marianne
But that doesn't mean I approve of her methods, considering how divided each region has become over the faith.
link Marianne
I wonder what the goddess thinks of this war as she looks down on us from the heavens.
link Leonie
The captain's having a pretty in-depth conversation with the Ashen Demon over there.
link Leonie
I'm a little put out he didn't include me, but I'm not gonna sulk about it.
link Leonie
It's not my place to butt in on family discussions, even if I am his first and greatest apprentice.
link Leonie
We'll have to fight both the Kingdom and the Central Church in order to save the Imperial army.
link Leonie
It might be tricky to pull off, but if we can hack it, then everyone in Fódlan will know our names.
link Leonie
I'll fight as hard as I can so I can do right by Jeralt and all his training.
link Holst
The bandits may have devastated Ordelia territory, but that's a problem with a simple solution.
link Holst
Now that we're the Federation, the king can take the matter into his own hands and aid the reconstruction efforts.
link Holst
Naturally, I fully intend to lend a hand myself. We are neighbors, after all.
link Shamir
Looks like we're swooping in and saving the Empire from a crisis.
link Shamir
I predicted this would happen when we formed our alliance, and now here we are.
link Shamir
I don't feel any personal obligation to help them though.
link Shamir
Looks like we're swooping in and saving the Empire from a crisis.
link Shamir
I predicted this would happen when we formed our alliance, and now here we are.
link Shamir
I don't feel any personal obligation to help them though.
link Shez
What do you mean, Shamir?
link Shez
What do you mean, Shamir?
link Shamir
I've been in some life-or-death battles with the Empire before, when I was a mercenary in Dagda.
link Shamir
There are plenty of people in their army who I'd like to give some payback.
link Shez
You better watch what you say, Shamir. I don't really mind, but other people might not take it so well.
link Shez
You better watch what you say, Shamir. I don't really mind, but other people might not take it so well.
link Shamir
I know. Anyway, maybe we can swap mercenary stories sometime.
link Shez
You better watch what you say, Shamir. I don't really mind, but other people might not take it so well.
link Shez
You better watch what you say, Shamir. I don't really mind, but other people might not take it so well.
link Shamir
I know that. I'm only telling you because you're someone I can trust.
link Shamir
Looks like we're swooping in and saving the Empire from a crisis.
link Shamir
I predicted this would happen when we formed our alliance, and now here we are.
link Shamir
I don't feel any personal obligation to help them though.
link Linhardt
Ugh, does this mean I'm going to have to face Edelgard after all this time?
link Linhardt
The absolute last thing I want to do is go to Garreg Mach.
link Linhardt
I wonder if I can get out of it somehow. I don't really want to feign illness, but...
link Balthus
Count Ordelia must've been born to suffer, I swear.
link Balthus
He got pulled into the Hrym Rebellion, then got knocked around when the Empire invaded, and now he's been ruined by bandits...
link Balthus
If a person's life is supposed to be a balance of good and bad fortunes...
link Balthus
Then the count's gonna be sitting pretty for the rest of his life. And even then it'd hardly make up for what he's been through.
link Balthus
Though I honestly doubt anyone's life is perfectly balanced like that.
link Shez
What about you? Do you think your life's been pretty balanced?
link Shez
What about you? Do you think your life's been pretty balanced?
link Balthus
Me? Eh... I've dealt with my fair share of bad luck, but I've had a lot of fun too.
link Shez
I wonder if my life has been balanced like that.
link Shez
I wonder if my life has been balanced like that.
link Balthus
It seems to me like you've had plenty of good fortune. I mean, you've had it rough, but that's not the same thing as bad luck.
link Bernadetta
It's strange to think that we're going to rescue my father.
link Bernadetta
It's strange to think that we're going to rescue my father.
link Bernadetta
I really don't want to go, but I guess I don't have much of a choice.
link Bernadetta
I really don't want to go, but I guess I don't have much of a choice.
link Shez
I don't know what you've got against him, but just hang in there. I'll be right there with you.
link Shez
I don't know what you've got against him, but just hang in there. I'll be right there with you.
link Bernadetta
Thanks. I'll pull myself together in time for battle.
link Bernadetta
Thanks. I'll pull myself together in time for battle.
link Shez
Don't push yourself, Bernadetta. You could always ask to be taken out off the front lines.
link Shez
Don't push yourself, Bernadetta. You could always ask to be taken out off the front lines.
link Bernadetta
Oh no, I could never... I'll just try to stick it out.
link Petra
Since the Empire and Federation are having a new relationship, I am thinking Brigid will be playing a larger role.
link Petra
When relations between two regions can easily shatter, a third one takes importance.
link Petra
I am hoping that in the future Brigid can be taking their role.
link Shez
Yeah, that's true. Brigid may have to act as an intermediary.
link Shez
Yeah, that's true. Brigid may have to act as an intermediary.
link Petra
Yes. In the past, it was the Empire, Kingdom, and Alliance that was keeping the peace.
link Shez
Huh... But what about the Kingdom?
link Shez
Huh... But what about the Kingdom?
link Petra
I am thinking the Kingdom will be losing much power.
link Constance
Do you have need of me? Perhaps you wish me to aid you at Garreg Mach?
link Constance
Feel free to use me as a decoy, or make me pretend to surrender, or have me sabotage them from underground. I care not what I do.
link Shez
We weren't going to ask you to do anything like that. We just want you to fight with us normally.
link Shez
We weren't going to ask you to do anything like that. We just want you to fight with us normally.
link Constance
Is that so? Well, I am your pawn to do with as you wish.
link Shez
Wait, sabotage? Are you plotting something?
link Shez
Wait, sabotage? Are you plotting something?
link Constance
Not really. I just have a talent for destruction, after all my failed experiments.
link Hapi
Garreg Mach's smack dab in the middle of Fódlan, right?
link Hapi
I know it's got historical significance, but is it really worth sacrificing so many lives over?
link Shez
It's a huge building, probably with some crazy catacombs underneath. Who knows what kind of secrets might be hiding down there.
link Shez
It's a huge building, probably with some crazy catacombs underneath. Who knows what kind of secrets might be hiding down there.
link Hapi
You think so too, huh? There definitely were some suspicious passages beneath the monastery.
link Shez
It's a holy site, and the church has their believers to consider. They can't afford to lose it.
link Shez
It's a holy site, and the church has their believers to consider. They can't afford to lose it.
link Hapi
Couldn't they just give up and build a monastery somewhere else? Though I guess that's easier said than done.
link Yuri
Ordelia suffered major losses in the recent attack.
link Yuri
The town was destroyed and many lost their homes and businesses. A fair number of townspeople don't know how they'll get by.
link Yuri
It's most certainly a terrible state of affairs, but it could also turn into a business opportunity.
link Shez
What do you mean?
link Shez
What do you mean?
link Yuri
Exactly what I said. It's important to give new jobs to those who have lost theirs, yes?
link Yuri
So they may as well come work for me. The pay is very competitive, if I do say so myself.
link Shez
A business opportunity? You never quit, do you?
link Shez
A business opportunity? You never quit, do you?
link Yuri
You wound me. I'm only trying to help the townspeople. I just happen to be doing it through my business.
link Yuri
It's much more practical than some idealistic notion of everyone lifting each other up.
link Yuri
But I know Lysithea will be furious if I go overboard, so I plan to keep my activities in check.
link Yuri
Though I have no intention of overstepping my bounds. Everything in moderation, you know.
link Ashe
I'm sure you noticed when you fought him in the capital, but...His Majesty is really strong. Without a doubt the strongest warrior in the Kingdom.
link Ashe
I don't know if I'd be able to defeat him in battle.
link Shez
You could take him. You're a lot stronger now than when we faced off before.
link Shez
You could take him. You're a lot stronger now than when we faced off before.
link Ashe
You think so? In any event, I'll at least try to make sure I'm prepared.
link Shez
If he's really that strong, then you'd probably have a rough time. But if you already know how powerful your opponent is...
link Shez
If he's really that strong, then you'd probably have a rough time. But if you already know how powerful your opponent is...
link Shez
Then all you need to do is have some tricks ready to handle him, right? This is war, not a sparring match.
link Shez
Then all you need to do is have some tricks ready to handle him, right? This is war, not a sparring match.
link Ashe
Huh... Yeah, that's a good point, I suppose.
link Shez
There's no need to force yourself to fight him. Especially since you don't know if you can win.
link Shez
There's no need to force yourself to fight him. Especially since you don't know if you can win.
link Ashe
No, I can't avoid him. I'm a member of the Federation army now.
link Ashe
This is going to be a tough battle. Take care of yourself, [HERO_MF].
link Dorothea
I joined the Federation army to repay my debt to you all, but...
link Dorothea
It's fortuitous that we're going to rescue Edie.
link Dorothea
Let's hurry to Garreg Mach, OK? I'll be counting on you, [HERO_MF].
link Dorothea
Let's hurry to Garreg Mach, OK? I'll be counting on you, [HERO_MF].
link Shez
Yeah, everyone's really glad to have a songstress like you on board. We're gonna save Edelgard for sure.
link Shez
Yeah, everyone's really glad to have a songstress like you on board. We're gonna save Edelgard for sure.
link Dorothea
Hah, am I really all that useful? I'll endeavor to do my best.
link Shez
"Edie"? What kind of relationship do you have with her anyway?
link Shez
"Edie"? What kind of relationship do you have with her anyway?
link Dorothea
We're just friends. Though I guess that's an understatement when I'm talking about an emperor!
link Dorothea
I joined the Federation army to repay my debt to you all, but...
link Dorothea
It's fortuitous that we're going to rescue Edie.
link Dorothea
I don't want anyone else to die. We have to hurry.
link Shez
Yeah, everyone's really glad to have a songstress like you on board. We're gonna save Edelgard for sure.
link Shez
Yeah, everyone's really glad to have a songstress like you on board. We're gonna save Edelgard for sure.
link Dorothea
I'm hardly any help at all. But I'll do what I can.
link Shez
"Edie"? What kind of relationship do you have with her anyway?
link Shez
"Edie"? What kind of relationship do you have with her anyway?
link Dorothea
We're just friends. Though I guess that's an understatement when I'm talking about an emperor.
link Byleth
It seems my father was avoiding Archbishop Rhea specifically, rather than the Central Church on the whole.
link Byleth
And so I had little choice but to do the same.
link Byleth
But I can't keep running from her forever. And I want to figure out why he felt that was necessary.
link Byleth
It seems my father was avoiding Archbishop Rhea specifically, rather than the Central Church on the whole.
link Byleth
And so I had little choice but to do the same.
link Byleth
But I can't keep running from her forever. And I want to figure out why he felt that was necessary.
link Alois
Hmm... So we're finally facing off against the church.
link Alois
I thought I'd already prepared myself for this when we invaded the Kingdom capital, but...
link Alois
I admit I'm a little hesitant about fighting old comrades.
link Judith
I'm still a believer in the Church of Seiros. I don't doubt the goddess exists.
link Judith
But when it comes to doctrine and faith, I've always been a firm supporter of the Eastern Church.
link Judith
I respected the Central Church as the governing body of the Eastern one, but that's all.
link Judith
Most believers in Leicester are either like me or don't have a strong sense of faith to begin with.
link Judith
Though I imagine everyone considers Garreg Mach sacred ground.
link ???
I've got a bunch of discounts for you now that Leicester's peaceful again!
link ???
What? You're saying these are my usual prices? Well...
link ???
That's because I've always given you a discount! Be sure to come back soon!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Sounds like our bandit problem is no more! I hear you're off to Garreg Mach next.
link Gatekeeper
I wonder who's guarding the monastery gate now...
link Gatekeeper
Maybe it's my little brother. He's in the Imperial army, you know.
link Arval
link Shez
Something the matter, Arval? You're oddly quiet.
link Shez
Something the matter, Arval? You're oddly quiet.
link Arval
I know there is nothing to be done. I know that, and yet...
link Arval
I still have this nagging feeling that things cannot continue in this fashion. I wonder why that is.
link Arval
In truth, I believe your remarkable growth has me lamenting my current situation.
link Arval
It makes me reminisce about the days when you would waver and I would set you right again. Yet have the strength to set yourself right.
link Arval
I only hope you find the best path forward for both of us, [HERO_MF].
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I don't have the faintest sense of who's right in this war.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But one thing is clear: Anyone who would use bandits to cause a disturbance like that is evil.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It's a shame their leader got away. We'll have to put an end to him sooner or later.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Imperial army is taking control of the situation in southern Hrym for us, since that isn't part of our territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That should take care of all the bandits, so we can rest easy for a while.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I figured we'd have a joint operation with the Imperial army at some point, but I didn't think it'd happen like this.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Maybe the Federation should take this opportunity to seize control of Garreg Mach.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I heard the bishop of the Southern Church is there now, but he's just an Imperial noble, right?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I wouldn't want someone like him sitting at the head of the church.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My grandparents in Ordelia are safe! They managed to flee to the church.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Their house got wrecked, but we can always rebuild. What's most important is that they're alive.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I want to do something for them once the war is over.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Our next battle's at Garreg Mach, huh? That's quite a ways away.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We fight one battle after another and then drag ourselves halfway across the continent. It's gonna be hard to keep this up.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And yet, no one's deserted. I think it's because we all believe in King Claude.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We've fought a bunch of battles and lost many comrades since the Federation hired us.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But I'm gonna survive this war.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Then I'll kick back with all the gold I've made and settle down with a nice partner.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Thank you so very much for saving the townspeople.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I hear you're off to Garreg Mach next. I'll be praying for your safety.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm so relieved King Claude decided to come to our aid.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He may be our ally, but he can be a tough guy to read. Which is both good and bad.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I see a lot of similarities between him and Lord Hubert, actually.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A lot of mercenaries who worked for the Kingdom have ditched their contracts.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Everyone's pretty sure they know how this war will end up.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A mercenary won't last long if they don't pick up on subtle shifts like that.
link Claude
Edelgard may need our help, but we don't actually have to answer the call.
link Claude
I don't know what the right decision is. Lorenz, do you seriously have no opinion on the subject?
link Lorenz
It does not particularly matter to me. Though if we betray her trust, we will likely face consequences sooner or later.
link Hilda
Then why'd you even suggest betraying her in the first place?
link Lorenz
Because eliminating the emperor who started the war is one way to ensure it ends.
link Lorenz
Therefore, I decided the option was worth considering.
link Lorenz
My own preference would be to save her. Edelgard was a fellow classmate, after all.
link Claude
You do realize that applies to Dimitri too, right? Man, I sure do miss our academy days.
link Hilda
I remember the mock battle. Even [HERO_MF] joined in on the fun.
link Hilda
I remember the mock battle. Even [HERO_MF] joined in on the fun.
link Lorenz
Ah, that is right. And afterwards at the banquet, everyone celebrated together, regardless of house.
link Claude
We had nothing but praise for each other back then.
link Claude
Maybe I'm naïve for thinking this way, but I still don't see them as truly our enemies.
link Hilda
I remember the mock battle. Even [HERO_MF] joined in on the fun.
link Hilda
I remember the mock battle. Even [HERO_MF] joined in on the fun.
link Lorenz
Ah, that is right. And afterwards at the banquet, everyone celebrated together, regardless of house.
link Claude
We had nothing but praise for each other back then.
link Claude
Maybe I'm naïve for thinking this way, but I still don't see them as truly our enemies.
link Byleth
So that's why you quit the knights?
link Jeralt
Yeah. And also why I'm trying to avoid Lady Rhea as much as possible... Hm?
link Shez
Sorry, am I interrupting?
link Shez
Sorry, am I interrupting?
link Jeralt
Nah, don't worry about it. It wasn't important. Anyway...
link Jeralt
You feel like you're ready? This is gonna be our toughest battle yet.
link Byleth
We'll show them what Jeralt's Mercenaries are made of.
link Byleth
So that's why you quit the knights?
link Jeralt
Yeah. And also why I'm trying to avoid Lady Rhea as much as possible... Hm?
link Shez
Sorry, am I interrupting?
link Shez
Sorry, am I interrupting?
link Jeralt
Nah, don't worry about it. It wasn't important. Anyway...
link Jeralt
You feel like you're ready? This is gonna be our toughest battle yet.
link Byleth
We'll show them what Jeralt's Mercenaries are made of.