
I will finish it summarily.


  1. Edelgard: There's something to be said for working here with everyone else. Don't you think, Hubert?
  2. Hubert: Quite so. I will not refuse any situation I can twist to my advantage.
  1. Edelgard: I don't know how you stay focused. Every time I think about the war and how much is left to be done, I grow so impatient for the end.
  2. Hubert: Do not be discouraged. Instead, focus on how much you have accomplished in so short a time.
  1. Hubert: Well, that was a nice change from the usual pressure we face.
  2. Edelgard: Yes, it is good to feel like I've actually accomplished something from time to time.
  1. Edelgard: Come at me, Hubert! Give me your all!
  2. Hubert: Of course, Your Majesty—especially as you will likely tear me apart if I refuse.


  1. Ferdinand: Behold as I prove once again to be the superior worker in this most menial of tasks!
  2. Hubert: If you are that superior, perhaps I will simply let you do everything.
  1. Ferdinand: Once I decide to do something, watch out! Come on, keep up! Full effort, now!
  2. Hubert: Your decisiveness is truly a pain in the... I mean, it is painfully helpful.
  1. Hubert: I often hold reservations about our working together, but cannot deny it yields results.
  2. Ferdinand: Oh, stop muttering and just be proud of what we accomplished!
  1. Hubert: You are so very easy to train with, Ferdinand. I needn't hold myself back to avoid killing you.
  2. Ferdinand: Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Um, Hubert?


  1. Monica: I know this is for Her Majesty, but I wouldn't mind if it turned into a chance to outshine you.
  2. Hubert: Well, what better way to get results than a little healthy competition?
  1. Hubert: You are such a fountain of competence these days. If I am not careful, you might just usurp my place at the emperor's side.
  2. Monica: I know you don't believe that. Now enough talk— help me with this already!
  1. Hubert: I am amazed we managed to get along well enough for our work to pass muster.
  2. Monica: Indeed! I wouldn't be able to face Her Majesty with pride in my chest if we botched this task.
  1. Hubert: So I am to train with you, hm? My, will I even survive this encounter?
  2. Monica: You don't have to patronize me. I am not the blood-crazed lunatic you are!