1. If I hope to sleep tomorrow, I have to [cdb]kill today.
  2. War is filled with such distasteful sounds [cdb]and sensations.
  3. Battle does have its benefits.
  4. I wish I could just flee and avoid all of this [cdb]fighting.
  5. One less enemy general to deal with.
  6. I wonder if I could nap here.
  7. I hope this location proves useful.
  8. I've gained control of the stronghold.
  9. I don't understand you at all. Maybe I need to [cdb]conduct a few more experiments.
  10. I'm glad you've quit the battle, Edelgard.
  11. Maybe you didn't get a good night of sleep?
  12. I won't count this as our first fight, Caspar.
  13. Hmm... I feel as though we may be aiming for [cdb]rather different things.
  14. I wish there was something to be gained from [cdb]surpassing my father.
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. Hmm... They went easy on me, I could tell.
  20. How fortunate I am to witness the power of [cdb]such a rare Crest.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Perhaps this is fate for we who live in [cdb]such times.
  25. Had you only elected to be my research partner [cdb]instead...
  26. War truly is a cruel thing—to think I could have [cdb]so many deaths on my ledger and no end [cdb]in sight...
  27. I guess I was lucky, but I'd feel luckier if I [cdb]could stop fighting.
  28. Dying would defeat the purpose of all this.
  29. Did I misjudge my chance to withdraw?
  30. Thank you.
  31. Thanks.
  32. I thank you.
  33. Thank you very much.
  34. Simply incredible...
  35. Your impressive accomplishments have woken [cdb]me right up!
  36. Simply incredible...
  37. Yes, this is good. I might even have to try [cdb]working hard myself from now on.
  38. You know, perhaps I really am curious about [cdb]your power...
  39. No one should ever oppose the emperor.
  40. I expect nothing less from our emperor's [cdb]faithful servant.
  41. That spirit of yours has taken you far.
  42. It's a curious feeling to see one's classmates [cdb]performing so admirably.
  43. Splendid! Now please keep it up, but at a [cdb]range where I can study you closely...
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. Your power appears to be a thing you [cdb]mastered all on your own.
  49. No overdoing it, Bernadetta. Understand?
  50. Your fighting style is a thing of beauty, Petra.
  51. Your efforts of late have been most [cdb]wonderful, Hilda.
  52. And to which Constance should I credit that?
  53. Your great performance will likely go down in [cdb]history. Meanwhile I'm just glad you did all [cdb]the work for me.
  54. I tremble at the thought of you being [cdb]my enemy!
  55. You're not going to collapse from overusing [cdb]your power, are you? I must admit I'm a bit [cdb]worried.
  56. You're always at the forefront, aren't you?
  57. I can't help but feel sympathy for your [cdb]enemies, Hubert.
  58. When I see you tearing across the battlefield, I understand just what it means for someone [cdb]to have found their true calling.
  59. It seems I need to revise my hypothesis.
  60. Such deeds make me want to believe your [cdb]power rests in precisely the right person.
  61. Amazing, Bernadetta. Perhaps this was a [cdb]miracle brought on by caring for others.
  62. Such diligence makes me worry that I need to [cdb]work harder as well.
  63. You see? If we both work a little harder, [cdb]things become easier for everyone.
  64. You remain a difficult woman to pin down, Constance.
  65. Well, this seems bad.
  66. They got us.
  67. Maybe I should stop them.
  68. I didn't want us to be enemies.
  69. Perhaps I'd be better off not fighting this [cdb]particular opponent.
  70. Though I am reluctant to do this, I can see [cdb]no other choice.
  71. I must secure a nice place to sleep.
  72. We'll find ourselves in dire straits indeed if this [cdb]position falls.
  73. This is a painful loss.
  74. I suppose I can't avoid the bother anymore.
  75. You don't have to fight, you know? Running [cdb]away is always an option.
  76. I truly hoped we'd not meet here.
  77. I truly hoped you and I would not meet here.
  78. Perhaps this will prove a good opportunity to [cdb]unravel the mysteries of your power.
  79. I'd hoped not to make an enemy of you.
  80. You truly are a workhorse, Hubert.
  81. Just like always, Caspar, all of your efforts will [cdb]amount to no more than spinning the wheels [cdb]of your wagon.
  82. You are a legend in our field, Professor Hanneman. Please don't be too hard on me.
  83. Do you also find this conflict pointless?
  84. It wounds me to my core to have my former [cdb]classmates as enemies.
  85. Battles are easier for me when I think about [cdb]the information I can glean from them.
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. I was able to help, which is all that matters.
  89. I did what I could.
  90. These things happen sometimes.
  91. We'd be well served to retreat and regroup.
  92. Clever thinking can be useful on occasion.
  93. You appear shorthanded.
  94. I'll never get used to fighting.
  95. Sometimes surrender is a bad thing.
  96. Right then, one more time.
  97. My luck ran out the day I was born into this [cdb]strife-ridden world...
  98. So tired...but I can't sleep now.
  99. I must live through this, no matter what.
  100. I wish our enemy was as disinterested in this [cdb]fight as I am.
  101. Both the life to be saved and the life seeking to [cdb]save will... Ugh, forget it. What a hassle.
  102. You need not risk your life to protect [cdb]this position.
  103. I'm confident in my ability to make an escape, [cdb]so here we go.
  104. I should probably make an actual effort in a [cdb]fight of this magnitude.
  105. I'll do what I can.
  106. You would fight even though we're at a [cdb]disadvantage? Oh, fine.
  107. Just thinking about fighting you exhausts me.
  108. I'm certainly not looking forward to this [cdb]battle.
  109. I'm just happy to be alive.
  110. Good thing I didn't slink off for a nap.
  111. In any event, the rescue is a success.
  112. I'm glad we were able to hold out.
  113. This is fine, so long as escape is all we seek.
  114. This was a greater foe than drowsiness. I'm actually rather proud of this victory.
  115. Some days are meant for victory, and others [cdb]for defeat.
  116. I don't wish to die just yet, so excuse me while I withdraw. Take care of things in my absence, [cdb]will you?
  117. I think it's time to press the attack.
  118. It probably won't sway you, but I recommend [cdb]a swift withdrawal.
  119. Ugh. I suppose I have to keep going, then.
  120. Well, nothing to be done but nap!
  121. I suppose needs must.
  122. If my assistance is needed, so be it.
  123. This should be easy if we work together.
  124. Can you advance?
  125. Please provide assistance.
  126. Can I count on you for this rescue?
  127. Defend the position, if you would.
  128. I wonder if I could just take a nap right now. No, I suppose not.
  129. Your assistance, if you would?
  130. I require your assistance post-haste!
  131. Might I have your assistance?
  132. I require aid!
  133. Sometimes, not even I will yield!
  134. How can I lose morale? I didn't think I [cdb]possessed any in the first place.
  135. Oh, if I must.
  136. Leave this to me.
  137. That was fortuitous.
  138. Middling results. Perhaps even adequate.
  139. The enemy was a cut above me.
  140. Failure happens to the best of us.
  141. And so it goes.
  142. Perhaps I could've improved on a few things [cdb]here and there.
  143. Off I go, then.
  144. Let's call this a success.
  145. Worrying about things gets you nowhere.
  146. Is running an option? Please say yes.