1. Hubert, did you hear? My father has—
  2. Vanished, yes. We should have killed the dastard when [cdb]we had the chance.
  3. What happened to your solemn vow to not let him [cdb]stage a comeback? Pah! I told you this would happen.
  4. I think you knew he would try and scrabble his way [cdb]out of his predicament. Such is the nature of a noble. Until you finally squash them, that is.
  5. I have no way to refute that point.
  6. All I can say is that I wished my father to be tried [cdb]fairly, as is his noble right.
  7. But now, it is clear that will never happen.
  8. I could excoriate you further but we lack the time. We must get to the bottom of this, and quickly.
  9. The Knights of Seiros descended on us with a fury I have rarely seen.
  10. In all that confusion, even a bear could have slipped [cdb]away without raising an alarm.
  11. I would not go so far as to call them conspirators, [cdb]but my father had many old friends in the palace.
  12. Some may have turned a blind eye. They should be [cdb]found and questioned.
  13. I agree, that is one possibility. Though there is [cdb]another...
  14. Yes, well, now that we have a fugitive on our hands, I intend to make full use of it.
  15. This situation affords us a chance to remedy another.
  16. If that is the beginning of a scheme, Hubert, you do a [cdb]terribly poor job of veiling it.
  17. It is no concern of yours. Not yet, at any rate.
  18. Right. Lovely.
  19. Well, so long as whatever you are planning has Edelgard's blessing and will be of aid to the Empire, I will brook no complaint.
  20. All will be revealed in time. Heh.