1. And so, the Alliance has agreed to bring their troops [cdb]to bear and attack the Kingdom from the east.
  2. At the same time, we will resume our invasion from [cdb]the west using Arianrhod as a foothold.
  3. We'll subjugate the Kingdom's lords one by one as we [cdb]work our way toward Blaiddyd.
  4. News of the pact will doubtless have spread [cdb]throughout the Kingdom by now.
  5. Provided enough houses see the futility in fighting, [cdb]we may be able to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.
  6. However, that is likely wishful thinking. We should [cdb]instead expect the worst and prepare accordingly.
  7. You think? Some of them already bent the knee to us [cdb]once, along with Count Rowe.
  8. You think? Some of them already bent the knee to us [cdb]once along with Count Rowe.
  9. Wouldn't they jump at a chance to swap sides again?
  10. Wouldn't they jump at a chance to swap sides again?
  11. An idea I am certain has already occurred to the king.
  12. Lately, we have been scrambling to reorganize, [cdb]dealing with an attack by the Knights of Seiros, [cdb]and negotiating a pact with Leicester.
  13. And during that time, the winds of purgation have [cdb]swept across Faerghus.
  14. In one fell swoop, the king has expunged most of the [cdb]nobles likely to align with us.
  15. Still, it's us and the Alliance against him, which means [cdb]we've got the advantage.
  16. What's there to worry about?
  17. The concern isn't that we'll lose—it's that winning [cdb]might come at the cost of too many lives.
  18. What an utterly pointless, senseless thing to do... I find it all so very draining.
  19. Whatever our intent, we're the instigators here.
  20. We can't expect the enemy to do anything less than [cdb]defend their land with tooth and claw.
  21. Speak for yourself. If someone invaded my territory, I'd hand over lands and titles on a silver platter— [cdb]especially if I had no chance of winning.
  22. There is truly no other noble like you, Linhardt— [cdb]and perhaps no person at all, for that matter. Regardless, we must proceed with caution.
  23. When people think someone is after what they [cdb]possess, they respond with fear—even if the [cdb]thought is all in their head.
  24. In the eyes of the people of Faerghus, there is no [cdb]limit to what evils the Empire might visit upon them.
  25. My father started saying he can't sleep because he's [cdb]scared the old church is coming to Garreg Mach to [cdb]kill him.
  26. From the sound of my mother's letters, he's really [cdb]shaken up...
  27. Remember that the Kingdom has much coldness. We must not forget to be bundling up like people [cdb]of the snow.
  28. Our Petra is always ready for what lies ahead.
  29. I wish I had better understanding of your Fódlan ways [cdb]so I could be giving more assistance to everyone.
  30. Don't worry about it, Petra! With all the different [cdb]factions in this thing, even we have a hard time [cdb]keeping it straight.
  31. This all must seem so backward compared to the way [cdb]things were in Brigid.
  32. In any case, the battles ahead will be more brutal than [cdb]any we have yet fought. Keep a vigilant eye out for [cdb]both yourselves and each other.
  33. That is all. Dismissed.
  34. Guess things aren't gonna be so easy anymore. We're under some real pressure to win.
  35. Guess things aren't gonna be so easy anymore. We're under some real pressure to win.