1. Pardon my lateness, Your Majesty.
  2. You needn't worry, Felix. I know your duties are [cdb]many. Though I'm afraid we could not wait for you [cdb]to begin the discussion.
  3. This is about the Empire's declaration of war against [cdb]the Central Church, yes?
  4. Indeed. As you're aware, we have already begun [cdb]accepting refugees from Garreg Mach.
  5. But a few days ago, I received a confidential request [cdb]from Seteth asking us to protect the higher-ranking [cdb]members of the church, including Lady Rhea herself.
  6. Of course, we'd only meet this eventuality were Garreg Mach to fall.
  7. As it stands, we find ourselves quite literally stuck [cdb]between the Empire and the church. I'm not sure [cdb]how much longer we can remain neutral.
  8. If I might, Your Majesty. Troubling as it may be, I believe it prudent for us to reject this proposal [cdb]from the church outright.
  9. Offering them shelter will only serve to provoke [cdb]an invasion from the Empire.
  10. This matter of the Southern Church concerns me as [cdb]well, but I believe we have more important matters [cdb]to be fussing over at the moment.
  11. Your counsel is much appreciated, Viscount Elidure, [cdb]but I assure you things are not as cut and dry as [cdb]you make them out to be.
  12. The mandate granted to the king of Faerghus and [cdb]all the lords who serve under him is given legitimacy [cdb]only by the grace of the church.
  13. Are we to renounce the very heart of this Kingdom [cdb]simply because we shudder at the thought of [cdb]invasion?
  14. ...
  15. War will always come at one point or another, [cdb]and some degree of suffering is purely inevitable. You know this as well as I, Viscount.
  16. You dare speak of suffering, do you? When the blaze [cdb]of war will not scorch your lands in the north as it [cdb]does ours?
  17. I would normally agree that those of us from [cdb]the northern territories should hold less sway [cdb]in this discussion.
  18. But if Garreg Mach were to fall, the warfront would [cdb]not halt in the west.
  19. Your Majesty, what of House Rowe, or Galatea? Or the others in the south?
  20. Not a word from Count Rowe as it stands, [cdb]but I did receive a missive from Count Galatea.
  21. It read, "My people are not fools enough to rejoice in [cdb]the surrender of their territories to invaders."
  22. "There is no morality in turning our backs on the [cdb]institution at the very foundation of our lives. We [cdb]must support the church as they have supported us."
  23. Your Majesty, we owe a great debt to the Central Church for their role in quelling [cdb]the uprising two years ago.
  24. To not repay such generosity in kind would risk [cdb]weakening the trust of your vassals.
  25. And if that happens, we might find ourselves right [cdb]back in the same mess as before.
  26. They lack the Crest of Blaiddyd, but there's no [cdb]small number of nobles who might crawl out of [cdb]the woodwork claiming royal blood.
  27. The Kingdom's already seen the turmoil and [cdb]division such claimants can bring after the death [cdb]of King Klaus.
  28. But Duke Fraldarius! Surely we are better served [cdb]attempting to head off the very real and imminent [cdb]war at hand instead of debating hypothetical unrest?
  29. I don't want my people to suffer the pain of conflict. But does anyone here really think the Empire will [cdb]simply stop if we appease their every demand?
  30. Suppose we do let the Empire take the archbishop. And suppose we accept this new Southern Church. Then what?
  31. I imagine the Empire plans to install the [cdb]bishop of the Southern Church, Count Varley, [cdb]in Lady Rhea's place.
  32. I fear I've heard nothing good concerning either [cdb]the man himself or his teachings.
  33. They purport to be an arm of the Church of Seiros, [cdb]but the Southern Church is nothing more than a [cdb]mouthpiece for the Empire at large.
  34. In other words, rejecting the Central Church in favor [cdb]of this new Southern one would be no different from [cdb]flat out accepting Imperial rule.
  35. It's hard to say just how they would treat [cdb]our kingdom were such events to unfold.
  36. Though I imagine it would involve heavy taxation [cdb]for the express purpose of bleeding Faerghus dry. And filling the Imperial coffers.
  37. Ngh.
  38. Do you have something to add, Duke Fraldarius?
  39. Not really, no. I was just wondering how long we [cdb]were planning to continue this tedious charade.
  40. The question's simple: do we hand over our kingdom [cdb]and subject ourselves to Imperial rule, or not?
  41. I believe the margrave has been quite clear as to what [cdb]will happen if we give in to the Empire's demands.
  42. We've all been informed of the rapid reformation [cdb]their region has undergone. Many aspects of which I admire, I'm not ashamed to say.
  43. But an old, stubborn land like ours isn't suited for [cdb]such tempestuous change.
  44. Radical new freedoms are not what the people of Faerghus need right now.
  45. They need stability. Steady improvement in their [cdb]daily lives. And real, lasting change can only come [cdb]from a solid foundation.
  46. Sounds like Your Majesty has made up his mind, then. Just say the word and we'll leap into action.
  47. Ahem.
  48. The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus will hereby offer [cdb]asylum to the Church of Seiros. Everyone, sharpen [cdb]your blades and prepare for the battles ahead.
  49. Gustave. Dedue. Make to ride at once. Our intentions must be made clear.
  50. Not only to the church and the Empire, but to Count Rowe as well. And all the other lords who [cdb]failed to answer my summons.
  51. Understood, Your Majesty.