1. The general opposite us is a man by the name of Randolph. I hear tell he's related to the Empire's Count Bergliez.
  2. To complicate matters further, he's hired Jeralt's Mercenaries to assist in their fight.
  3. Them again, huh? Can't say I'm surprised.
  4. Them again, huh? Can't say I'm surprised.
  5. The Imperial army has gathered their forces in Hevring territory, with said mercenaries [cdb]composing the core of their offense.
  6. I expect they'll engage us in the woodlands—an ideal [cdb]location for the guerilla warfare they specialize in.
  7. Then we'll have to look out for traps and ambushes [cdb]as we advance. More than usual, that is.
  8. They're placing a great deal of faith in Jeralt, [cdb]trusting the front lines to his company.
  9. Perhaps there are no other generals for them to [cdb]rely on.
  10. This is our chance, then! We'll be in a great spot if we [cdb]can land a decisive blow on the Empire.
  11. Absolutely. They're bound to start feeling the heat [cdb]over in Enbarr once we get a solid foothold here in Hevring territory.
  12. A decisive victory here would set us up nicely for the [cdb]coming battles.
  13. And put pressure on their leaders over in Enbarr, [cdb]while we're at it. A foothold in Hevring territory [cdb]would be quite the get.
  14. Yes, and the enemy is surely well aware of that fact. No doubt that's precisely why Jeralt is among [cdb]their ranks.
  15. He and his company are incredible fighters, [cdb]but there's more to it than that. They also have [cdb]immense discipline.
  16. As long as they can afford the cost, I can see why the Imperials would trust them over some of their less [cdb]experienced generals.
  17. I didn't expect us to be facing them again so soon. We had best be ready.
  18. Though truly, I wish we could fight alongside them [cdb]for once instead.
  19. Announce you'll stop the Ashen Demon.
  20. Look for an indirect solution.
  21. We can't keep letting one mercenary mess with our [cdb]whole army.
  22. We can't keep letting one mercenary mess with our [cdb]whole army.
  23. So just watch. I'm gonna take that monster out [cdb]once and for all...or at least slow them down, [cdb]if nothing else.
  24. So just watch. I'm gonna take that monster out [cdb]once and for all...or at least slow them down, [cdb]if nothing else.
  25. That hesitance doesn't suit you, not anymore. You're far stronger than the last time your paths [cdb]crossed.
  26. Just say the words, and I'll give you all the power I [cdb]can muster. We will prevail.
  27. We should probably just steer clear of them entirely. There's no point throwing our lives away against an [cdb]opponent we can't beat.
  28. We should probably just steer clear of them entirely. There's no point throwing our lives away against an [cdb]opponent we can't beat.
  29. All we've gotta do is take down their general, Randolph, and the mercenaries will scatter.
  30. All we've gotta do is take down their general, Randolph, and the mercenaries will scatter.
  31. Oh, come now. You're strong enough to defeat the Ashen Demon if you want—I know you are!
  32. But if this is how you'd like to handle it, I'll still be in [cdb]your corner helping you every step of the way.
  33. Whatever we decide to do, we will need a sound [cdb]strategy if we are going to win.
  34. A strategy, huh? Maybe something like a huge [cdb]surprise attack on the Imperial positions?
  35. A bold suggestion, Sylvain. You remind me of your [cdb]father when he was young.
  36. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a compliment, [cdb]or what.
  37. The margrave's been managing the conflict in the [cdb]north for decades now, hasn't he?
  38. I'd say it's a great honor to be compared to him.
  39. Ah, such fine memories. All of his strategies seemed [cdb]to involve sending me and Lambert off to thrust [cdb]through the enemy lines on our own.
  40. Yeah, going straight to the suicide charge every time [cdb]doesn't sound all that strategic to me.
  41. At any rate, I have full faith that our combined might [cdb]will be up to the task at hand. We must succeed.
  42. ...
  43. Hm?
  44. Hm?