1. Nice of you to swing by, Dimitri. Looks like we're [cdb]all here, then.
  2. Apologies for the wait. How go the preparations?
  3. All set. We're ready to ring in the new year with the [cdb]greatest victory Fódlan has ever seen.
  4. Every last soldier we could find is in formation and [cdb]raring to go.
  5. You'll see for yourself soon enough—and I think [cdb]you're gonna like how it's looking. Are you planning [cdb]on heading south right away?
  6. That was my intention, yes. Why, does something [cdb]trouble you?
  7. A bit, yeah. We got a report, oh, just over a month [cdb]ago that Count Bergliez had withdrawn from the [cdb]eastern front.
  8. Which happens to line up exactly with when we [cdb]pulled our own forces back. It's all a little too [cdb]convenient, if you ask me.
  9. What I'm not sure of is whether he puzzled out our [cdb]plan with Garreg Mach, or if he fell back to fortify Enbarr instead.
  10. I guess the real question is how crafty the people [cdb]calling the shots for the Imperials are.
  11. They left quite the impression on us.
  12. He's right. We had our hands full and more over in [cdb]the west.
  13. He's right. We had our hands full and more over in [cdb]the west.
  14. Every time we claimed a territory, we'd look for spots [cdb]to set up camp, only to find the army had razed all [cdb]the towns and fields to the ground as they retreated.
  15. Every time we claimed a territory, we'd look for spots [cdb]to set up camp, only to find the army had razed all [cdb]the towns and fields to the ground as they retreated.
  16. If they're going that far, there's a good chance they've [cdb]caught on to our plan.
  17. Though I doubt they're expecting all their enemies to [cdb]come marching through the Valley of Torment hand [cdb]in hand.
  18. Couldn't we have picked an easier way, though?
  19. I'm practically swimming in sweat in this heat! Let's just hope we're almost out...
  20. I see you have scarcely changed from your days at the [cdb]academy, Hilda.
  21. Seteth? And...Lady Rhea? Are you joining the cause [cdb]as well?
  22. I refuse to spectate from afar while the fate of Fódlan [cdb]hangs in the balance.
  23. Well sure, but if something were to happen to you, [cdb]it would be the end of the whole church.
  24. I am capable of taking care of myself—and I want [cdb]nothing more than to aid you in this battle.
  25. We know every inch this valley has to offer. Allow us [cdb]to guide you.
  26. If we can traverse it unnoticed, we should arrive at Garreg Mach without incident.
  27. The valley's terrain, however, is well-suited for [cdb]ambushes and other such craven tactics.
  28. Yes, we must exercise the utmost caution as we [cdb]proceed. Our movements should be not only swift, [cdb]but sensible.
  29. And in the off chance we do face hostilities, [cdb]we'll surely require help from the Knights [cdb]of Seiros.
  30. If need be, I will lead them myself.
  31. Now come. Let us restore our rightful claim to Garreg Mach...and put an end to this monstrous [cdb]tyranny.
  32. Lady Rhea? Are you joining the cause as well?