1. Huh? Whoa, everyone's already here!
  2. Yep. We were waiting on you, Hilda.
  3. Yep. We were waiting on you, Hilda.
  4. Hehe, whoops... But Claude isn't here yet, is he?
  5. He said he'd have something to tell us after the [cdb]roundtable conference, so I figured it'd run late, [cdb]as usual.
  6. You got that right. Those meetings always seem to [cdb]drag on forever.
  7. You got that right. Those meetings always seem to [cdb]drag on forever.
  8. Hah! Where's the love? These roundtables are [cdb]supposed to symbolize the Alliance's ideals, you know.
  9. Uh, sorry about that. I was out of line.
  10. Uh, sorry about that. I was out of line.
  11. No worries, my friend. That's exactly why we made [cdb]the decision we did today.
  12. What decision? Is that why you called us here?
  13. What decision? Is that why you called us here?
  14. Hold your horses. Everyone, listen up!
  15. As you know, the Leicester Alliance is governed [cdb]through a council of representatives known as the Five Great Lords.
  16. As the Alliance leader, it has been House Riegan's [cdb]responsibility to convene the roundtable and secure [cdb]the approval of the other lords on matters of policy.
  17. The lords of the Alliance felt this was the best [cdb]system to serve the welfare of their people.
  18. And in peacetime, maybe it was.
  19. But there's no denying that the roundtables have [cdb]hindered our ability to respond swiftly to emergency [cdb]situations.
  20. And it doesn't seem like Leicester's current state of [cdb]emergency is going to end anytime soon.
  21. Which is why I put forth an important proposal at [cdb]today's roundtable. One that's since been approved.
  22. As of today, the Leicester Alliance will be reborn... as the Leicester Federation!
  23. All authority has been entrusted to the king of Leicester. And as it just so happens, I have been [cdb]chosen to serve as the Federation's first king.
  24. With this, we'll no longer be held hostage by [cdb]roundtable delays that leave us at the mercy [cdb]of our enemies.
  25. I give you my word that I'll dedicate all my efforts to [cdb]protecting and preserving Leicester. I hope I can [cdb]count on all of your approval as well.
  26. We reached this decision after exhaustive discussion. I imagine not everyone will approve, but we ask for [cdb]your understanding.
  27. I hope we can all accept our former leader as our new [cdb]king, and continue working together to defend Leicester.
  28. So everyone, are you with me?
  29. This must be why my father was in such a hurry to [cdb]hand over leadership of our house to Holst.
  30. The former Duke Goneril was a ringleader of sorts [cdb]for the lords who opposed the establishment of the Federation.
  31. That said, he's been looking to put Holst in charge [cdb]for a while now. Maybe this was just the perfect [cdb]opportunity.
  32. It seems I'll also have much to discuss with my father [cdb]about House Ordelia's future.
  33. I imagine it's the same for you, right, Marianne?
  34. Hm? Oh, yes. I suppose that's so.
  35. It's just ridiculous to think that our Claude, of all [cdb]people, is a king now!
  36. Well, I think Claude will make a wonderful king.
  37. Yeah, me too! Long live King Claude!
  38. Huh. Didn't see that one coming.
  39. Huh. Didn't see that one coming.
  40. Quite an abrupt twist, isn't it? He certainly didn't [cdb]breathe a word of it to you!
  41. Say it doesn't bother you.
  42. Express relief that he didn't.
  43. That's true, but it doesn't really bug me.
  44. That's true, but it doesn't really bug me.
  45. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't share something that [cdb]important with a lowly mercenary either.
  46. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't share something that [cdb]important with a lowly mercenary either.
  47. No, he didn't. And to be honest, I appreciate that.
  48. No, he didn't. And to be honest, I appreciate that.
  49. It's not like I would've had any brilliant insight on the [cdb]matter.
  50. It's not like I would've had any brilliant insight on the [cdb]matter.
  51. Anyway, I'm happy for him. Now Claude's free to [cdb]act as he sees fit.
  52. Anyway, I'm happy for him. Now Claude's free to [cdb]act as he sees fit.
  53. And I'm gonna keep supporting him, just like always.
  54. And I'm gonna keep supporting him, just like always.
  55. Yes, I think that's probably for the best. Probably.