1. I was planning to handle this on my own, but... Well, thanks. I owe you one.
  2. I'm not some stranger to you, Balthus. Did you really [cdb]think I would abandon a friend in need?
  3. Yeah, I think Baltie would've been fine by himself.
  4. Don't say such things, Hilda. You'll make Balthus cry!
  5. No she won't.
  6. But was it not your own stepmother who hired [cdb]those assassins?
  7. Eighty percent sure, yeah. And hey, it wouldn't be the [cdb]first time she's come after me.
  8. This is inexcusable. I will speak to House Albrecht [cdb]about the matter at once!
  9. Don't bother. My little bro's already stuck running [cdb]that family, and I don't wanna add to his troubles.
  10. The same little bro whose mother is trying to have [cdb]you killed? Why protect him?
  11. The same little bro whose mother is trying to have [cdb]you killed? Why protect him?
  12. Because he hasn't done anything wrong—and he's a [cdb]good man.
  13. He's the only reason I was able to abandon the family [cdb]and live the life of freedom I have now.
  14. So earlier, you said something about how it was good [cdb]your stepmother wanted you dead.
  15. What was that about?
  16. See, she's got something of a persecution complex— [cdb]and is also persistent as anything.
  17. What do you think would happen if she set her sights [cdb]on my dad or my real mom instead of me?
  18. Wait, so your real mother is still alive? I heard [cdb]stepmother and just assumed...y'know.
  19. Wait, so your real mother is still alive? I heard [cdb]stepmother and just assumed...y'know.
  20. Yeah, it's...kinda complicated. Basically she's living in [cdb]hiding somewhere in the mountains now.
  21. Anyway, that's the long and short of it, so you don't [cdb]really need to worry about it anymore.
  22. But where does this end, Baltie? Your stepmother [cdb]clearly isn't going to stop sending people after you.
  23. It is what it is. Just gotta let her get it out of her [cdb]system, I suppose.
  24. I mean, I've already got debt collectors and bounty [cdb]hunters hounding me, right?
  25. What's a few assassins on top of that?
  26. If you changed your ways, you could at least rid [cdb]yourself of the debt collectors.
  27. You truly are a piece of work.
  28. Oh hey, I just remembered something I gotta do. Thanks for the help today!
  29. We are not done speaking, Balthus!
  30. In that case, let's hash it out over dinner sometime— [cdb]really get into it! Oh, and you can buy.
  31. Well, there he goes. Again.
  32. Take a positive spin on things.
  33. Play the pessimist.
  34. That's quite the lifestyle he's got going. Still, I can't really be mad at the guy.
  35. That's quite the lifestyle he's got going. Still, I can't really be mad at the guy.
  36. Nor I.
  37. I could never live like that—and I'd never want to.
  38. I could never live like that—and I'd never want to.
  39. I feel the same, but I think Holst disagrees.
  40. Indeed. Though I know it to be foolishness, I can't [cdb]help but admire his spirit.