1. What a wonderful meal.
  2. Hey, you've still got some food left. You don't want it? That Oghma wolverine meat's super hard to come by, [cdb]you know.
  3. Oh, I don't really eat meat. You can have it.
  4. Don't mind if I do, then. Y'know, I always feel [cdb]strangely energized after eating this stuff.
  5. Hehe! You look so pleased to be eating it.
  6. It's not every day I get to hear you laugh. Did I look funny or something?
  7. No, it's just that the look on your face made me [cdb]feel happy.
  8. Instead of just watching other people stuff their [cdb]faces, maybe you'd enjoy trying some yourself?
  9. I am perfectly content just watching.
  10. Huh... Well, anyway, it seems like you've gotten [cdb]more comfortable eating with me, Marianne.
  11. I have. When you told me not to act like someone I'm not, at first I didn't know what to do with myself.
  12. But I still thought I could learn something from you. And as I talked with you more, I just got used to [cdb]us eating together.
  13. I see. Then why not branch out and eat with [cdb]other people too?
  14. Meal times are a great opportunity to make [cdb]new friends, after all. Making conversation and [cdb]sitting around the dinner table go hand-in-hand.
  15. That's how we ended up friends, right? It might be a [cdb]good chance to get to know someone else.
  16. ...
  17. What's wrong?
  18. I'm sorry, it's just... My adoptive father said the same [cdb]thing to me once.
  19. He did?
  20. He often criticized me because I avoided other [cdb]people so much.
  21. He said that as the heir to House Edmund, I must be at least somewhat sociable.
  22. But he never bothered to understand how difficult it [cdb]was for me to do that.
  23. Apologize for being insensitive.
  24. Encourage her still.
  25. I'm sorry. I was being insensitive, just like your father.
  26. No, no. You've done nothing wrong.
  27. But you managed to make friends with me. I'm sure if you keep at it, you'll be able to [cdb]overcome any difficulties.
  28. Maybe you're right.
  29. But I don't think it's a good idea for me to get [cdb]involved with too many people.
  30. Why?
  31. I only bring misery and misfortune to anyone who [cdb]gets too close to me.
  32. That's not true at all! Why do you even think that?
  33. It is true! I know it!
  34. OK, if that's the case, then how is it possible for us to [cdb]be hanging out right now without any problems?
  35. You're right. I should've been more vigilant and kept [cdb]some distance between us.
  36. But you're so kind and I just like being around you. I'm sorry.
  37. I'll stay as far away from you as I can from now on. I should go.
  38. Hey, wait, Marianne! What am I gonna do about her?