1. Perfect timing, Caspar. I was just looking for you.
  2. You were? Oh, I get it. You wanna go a few rounds, [cdb]huh?! Fine, I'll take you down without even breaking [cdb]a sweat!
  3. Well no, I mean— OK, yes at some point, but that's [cdb]not what I'm here for. Your dad's around, right?
  4. I was sorta hoping I could get a session in with him. You know, a little lesson from the Minister of Military Affairs himself.
  5. Yeah, you miiight not wanna do that.
  6. Why not? You're training with him, aren't you?
  7. Well sure, but I've been doing that since I could [cdb]barely even talk.
  8. And it still knocks my backside into next month. A regular person like you wouldn't stand a chance.
  9. What about this looks regular to you? C'mon, I'm [cdb]serious.
  10. Don't say I didn't warn you. You want my advice, [cdb]don't eat anything beforehand if you don't wanna [cdb]be cleaning it off your armor later.
  11. Oh, and cancel all your plans for after, 'cause I can guarantee you are not gonna make them. Just, keep that in mind, OK?
  12. Doesn't faze me.
  13. Fazes me. Definitely fazes me.
  14. C'mon, it is really that bad? I appreciate the advice, [cdb]but I think I'll be fine.
  15. Hey, better to be ready than get blindsided by the [cdb]pain. Trust me, I've lived it.
  16. It...can't be that bad, can it? You're kinda scaring [cdb]me here.
  17. Oh trust me, it can. I'm just making sure you don't [cdb]get blindsided by the pain.
  18. Training with my father... It's a marathon of blood, [cdb]sweat, and tears that'll leave you feeling like you're [cdb]face-to-face with the goddess herself.
  19. Ugh...
  20. Hey, you still alive?
  21. I can't feel my legs.
  22. Don't worry, you'll be fine. You're just out of energy [cdb]is all. You know, my father praised you.
  23. Nobody's ever kept up with him as long as you did.
  24. Apparently he's gonna come up with even tougher [cdb]training now. Though I really wish he wouldn't.
  25. I think...I underestimated you, Caspar. I don't know [cdb]how you can handle training like that every day.
  26. Getting used to it was kinda my only choice [cdb]growing up.
  27. I mean, I'm not as clever as you, so I had to make up [cdb]for it by being tough as nails.
  28. That's why I'm always so gung-ho about getting [cdb]stronger. Though I don't know if that's really the [cdb]most efficient way to go about it.
  29. No, that training... Efficiency has nothing to do [cdb]with it.
  30. I think I get where that unwavering focus of yours [cdb]comes from now.
  31. Yeah? Well, in any case, I'm glad you're still alive and [cdb]kicking!
  32. Our enemies aren't gonna know what hit 'em next [cdb]time we get out on the battlefield!
  33. Can't...talk...anymore...
  34. Force some encouraging words out.
  35. Urghhh...
  36. Yeah... All this suffering would've been for nothing if [cdb]we don't get the results to back it up.
  37. Hahaha! You know, it's a nice change of pace seeing [cdb]you like this.
  38. Please don't laugh at my pain...