1. There you are, Felix! Why didn't you tell me?
  2. Tell you what?
  3. About the fight you got into the other day with [cdb]those soldiers.
  4. Oh. That. Don't worry, I won't do it again.
  5. One of my men told me the whole story of what [cdb]actually went down.
  6. Apparently, one of your soldiers was mocking [cdb]the heir of House Gautier...who just so happens [cdb]to be me.
  7. Then he started getting into it with everyone else, [cdb]which is when you decided to jump in.
  8. Worst decision of my life. But like I said, I'm done [cdb]with all that.
  9. I only stepped in because I thought it was [cdb]my responsibility to make my men see sense.
  10. But my fists tend to move faster than my brain, [cdb]as I'm sure you know.
  11. I'm very well aware. Still, I'm curious why you didn't [cdb]tell me everything right away.
  12. Because he said some really nasty stuff about you. I didn't want your delicate ears dropping off in [cdb]horror.
  13. OK, now I'm even more curious... Anyway, sorry for [cdb]tearing into you without knowing the full story.
  14. No, I'm the one who should apologize. I can't [cdb]let personal life influence business, even if it [cdb]does concern you.
  15. You shouldn't worry about it. People speaking poorly [cdb]about me is something of a regular occurrence.
  16. And honestly? I deserve every last bit of it. I was [cdb]a real scoundrel in my younger days. Caused a whole [cdb]lot of people a whole lot of headaches.
  17. That kind of talk isn't your fault or your soldiers' [cdb]fault. The blame lies squarely with the man I used [cdb]to be.
  18. So why didn't you do something about that man [cdb]when you were younger?
  19. It was just... I had to be that way, you know? I had to play the part of the flippant, carefree [cdb]rogue because...
  20. Anyway, look. I know I'm a real piece of work, [cdb]but that's just me being me.
  21. Fine. Perhaps you do deserve to be made fun of.
  22. But I still won't stand it coming from a bunch of curs [cdb]who don't know a single thing about you.
  23. You may not have the title of margrave yet, but you [cdb]still make yourself pretty useful.
  24. I've seen how you've helped the boar, and... I guess how you help me, too.
  25. Wow, Felix. That's...wow. Hoo boy, I think someone's [cdb]cutting onions in here.
  26. Be quiet! Can't you listen to someone for two seconds [cdb]without opening your fat mouth and completely [cdb]ruining the moment?!
  27. You always have been too smart and too loud for [cdb]your own good, even if no one can match you in [cdb]military tactics or domestic affairs.
  28. It's like you said: We've got problems piling up both [cdb]inside and out of the Kingdom.
  29. But with you around, we might just be able to [cdb]see our way clear of it.
  30. That's a lot of problems to pile on one person. Especially when he isn't half great as you're implying.
  31. I mean, I might be, say, seven percent more cunning [cdb]than you? But that's pretty much it.
  32. If we really want to be useful to Faerghus and Dimitri, we need to work together so we can balance [cdb]out each other's weaknesses.
  33. I suppose that's true.
  34. In which case, I guess I'm counting on you. I may even...need you. Maybe.
  35. Besides, I'd be stuck with nothing but miserably [cdb]dour folks without you around. I'm not sure I could [cdb]handle it.
  36. You don't have to tell me twice, old friend. I'll always be there for you—I promise.