1. Finished giving your report?
  2. Yes. I hope you were not waiting too long. Did you [cdb]need me for something?
  3. "Need" is a strong word. I just wanted to [cdb]commend you.
  4. I heard that last fight was brutal, but you made it [cdb]out alive.
  5. None of us expected it to evolve into such an arduous [cdb]battle. We were only supposed to be dealing with [cdb]some bandits.
  6. So you weren't injured?
  7. I'm fine. So is everyone else in the unit, thankfully.
  8. Though even in the darkest moments, I never lost [cdb]hope. All thanks to this.
  9. My brother's spur... You're telling me that hunk of [cdb]steel helped you?
  10. Perhaps not in a practical sense, but it certainly [cdb]bolstered my spirits.
  11. This spur symbolizes Glenn's pride and sense of duty. Things he fought for to his dying breath.
  12. I couldn't very well give up while I carried something [cdb]with that much meaning.
  13. It gave me the courage to keep fighting.
  14. I don't get it.
  15. It's all well and good to remember the dead, [cdb]but sentimentality will get you killed.
  16. All the tears in the world couldn't bring them back, [cdb]after all.
  17. You have always viewed the world in such stark terms. It might even be one of your strengths.
  18. But one day, you will learn that emotions and [cdb]sentimentality are also a strength, not a curse.
  19. So the dead can help the living? Interesting idea...
  20. Can we continue this later? I think I have earned a [cdb]good night's sleep.
  21. Ingrid, wait. Will you do something for me?
  22. I'm listening...
  23. Go visit my brother.
  24. This war shows no signs of stopping, which means you [cdb]have plenty of battles ahead of you.
  25. And if you're so certain the dead can help the living, [cdb]it couldn't hurt to offer him some flowers.
  26. You want me to go to Glenn's... I mean, of course.
  27. But you should join me—and perhaps His Majesty [cdb]as well.
  28. And even Lord Rodrigue, Sylvain, Sir Gustave... Everyone!
  29. And all of our other friends, too!
  30. Are you planning to host an entire banquet at his [cdb]gravestone?
  31. That was not my original intention, but now that you [cdb]mention it, a festive meal might be nice.
  32. We could all use a little relaxation, and Glenn always [cdb]preferred a joyous atmosphere to a somber one.
  33. Ugh. Fine. Just don't die before then, OK?
  34. Anyway, I'm keeping you. Go get something to eat [cdb]and get some rest.
  35. I will do just that. Thank you, Felix.