1. ♪From the slimy depths of the swamp they rise! Great beasties of every shape and size!♪
  2. ♪They dance in a ring and...♪ No, that's not right. ♪Their slime they fling and...♪ Huh? Who's there?!
  3. Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Are you getting [cdb]in a little choir practice there?
  4. Oh, it's you, Sylvain. Were you listening [cdb]that whole time?
  5. Pretty much? I must say, that song's super creep— I mean...creative! You're the only person I know who [cdb]could think up something like that.
  6. I feel like you were about to use another word there.
  7. Nope! Great song, top-notch, A-plus. Are you going to perform it soon?
  8. I was actually going to sing it for everyone [cdb]later tonight!
  9. I came up with the lyrics and tune myself, [cdb]and now that I'm finished, I can perform it [cdb]loud and proud.
  10. And it's a song about...swamp beasties? Did I hear that part right?
  11. And what's wrong with swamp beasties?
  12. Nothing...in particular? It's just that if you're gonna [cdb]sing it in front of everyone, maybe it should be, I don't know...relatable?
  13. I mean, swamp beasties are so...beasty. Wouldn't it be better with a puppy or a baby sheep [cdb]or something cute like that?
  14. Hmm. I see what you're saying. Cute animals, [cdb]cute animals... Oh! What about bears?! HUGE ones!
  15. Yeah, I guess huge bears are better than beasties? I mean, they are pretty cute when they're not trying [cdb]to tear your face off...
  16. OK, that's good—except I'm pretty sure bears don't [cdb]live in swamps.
  17. So if you switch it up, it should probably be about [cdb]giant bears dancing in the woods.
  18. That is the most adorable thing I've ever heard! Are you secretly a professional songwriter, Sylvain?
  19. Absolutely not! In fact, I feel like I should apologize [cdb]for butting in with ideas when you've clearly been [cdb]working so hard on this.
  20. Aw, don't apologize. If it helps make it a song [cdb]everyone will enjoy, I'm all for it.
  21. I'm glad we're close enough for you to give your [cdb]honest opinion.
  22. Well, I've never been one to ignore hardworking girls [cdb]like you—and I'd love to hear it when it's finished.
  23. Wait, what's with the look? Did you come up with the [cdb]new lyrics already?
  24. Yep! Your suggestions gave me all the inspiration I needed.
  25. Impressive! Why don't you sing it for me?
  26. Of course! I'm sure you'll love it.
  27. ♪From the forest they appear! A sleuth of bears with [cdb]cute round ears!♪
  28. ♪They dance in a ring and enjoy the beats, [cdb]but tonight they'll feast on meaty treats!♪
  29. That actually might be more creepy somehow? But hey, maybe writing weird songs is a talent all [cdb]of its own.
  30. At the very least, they're great at distracting me from [cdb]real-life worries! Thanks, Annette!