1. It's fine, we're fine, everything's fine here. Just gonna [cdb]grab it and run right back out...
  2. Good evening, Annette.
  3. Erk!
  4. Ah! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you.
  5. Oh, Ingrid! It's just you! Sorry about that. Guess I'm a little jumpy right now.
  6. Don't worry, it's fine. But if I may, what are you [cdb]doing out here so late at night?
  7. I forgot my book in the mess hall and came back to [cdb]grab it.
  8. What a coincidence. I was also headed to the mess [cdb]hall to look for something.
  9. Oh, yay! Then we can go together! Seriously, I'd feel [cdb]so much better if you were with me.
  10. Not entirely sure why that's the case, but OK.
  11. Oh gosh, it's so dark...
  12. Eek! Wh-what was that?! I think it came from the [cdb]grass over there!
  13. Hm? Probably just another night owl. I wonder [cdb]if it's...
  14. Annette, stop! You're going to run into that pile of—
  15. Oww! Who put these crates here?!
  16. Crates. Oh, Annette.
  17. Well, that was quite the ordeal, but we finally made [cdb]it. Thanks, Ingrid.
  18. I'm glad nobody got hurt aside from you and those [cdb]crates. But if I may, Annette, are you...afraid of [cdb]the dark?
  19. Uh, yeah, actually—I've been afraid of it my whole [cdb]life. I'd give anything not to be, but I just can't seem [cdb]to shake it.
  20. What about you, Ingrid? Aren't you scared? I mean, [cdb]a ghost could pop out of anywhere and ghost you!
  21. The dark does not really bother me, no. And as I have [cdb]never seen a ghost, I'm not afraid of them.
  22. But doesn't it scare you to think about it? I mean, [cdb]just imagine some icky dead person riiiising from the [cdb]earth and coming at you with big, chattery teeth!
  23. Certainly we had such stories back home in Galatea. My brothers loved to tell them when I was a child.
  24. But if they were true, we would not be able to walk to [cdb]breakfast without bumping into a horde of the dead.
  25. Huh. Yeah, I suppose that's true... But it's still hard to [cdb]get the idea out of my head.
  26. I personally think it would be wonderful if the dead [cdb]became ghosts and we could see them again.
  27. But when people die, that's it. We can't see or speak [cdb]to them ever again.
  28. Yeah. When someone dies, they're gone forever.
  29. But that's all the more reason to treasure what little [cdb]time we get, right?
  30. Agreed. We have only one life to live, after all.
  31. In that case, I'm going to walk back all by myself!
  32. Are you sure? We went through quite the struggle [cdb]just to make it here.
  33. If I want to conquer my fears, I'd better do it while I'm alive!
  34. The dark is still pretty terrifying, but I'm going to [cdb]push through it.
  35. Heh. I could learn a thing or two from her [cdb]optimism. We only live once... Hm.