1. ...
  2. We're beating the Empire in the smaller local battles, [cdb]yes... But that barely puts a dent in their total power.
  3. We can fight all we want, but there's no defeating an [cdb]army of that size. It may not be today or tomorrow, [cdb]but that sea will swallow us up soon enough.
  4. Is it really responsible of me to keep letting the war [cdb]drag on like this?
  5. You OK there, Claude? Looks like you have [cdb]something on your mind.
  6. You know, they say you'll get wrinkles if you keep [cdb]your brow furrowed like that all the time.
  7. Sounds like just the dignified look I need. People always tell me I'm "not noble enough."
  8. Oh come on. Everyone knows young and lively is the [cdb]way to be!
  9. Really? It would sure be nice if the roundtable [cdb]would propose strategies that are young and lively.
  10. They're all so conservative and selfish... I think a few [cdb]lines here or there would actually help me fit in.
  11. Really! You know what they say: if you're too set in [cdb]your ways, it'll set on your face.
  12. So whatever you do, just make sure you don't end up [cdb]some beady-eyed king with a face full of wrinkles.
  13. I just can't win with you, can I?
  14. I think you're missing the point, Claude.
  15. What I'm saying is, you should do what you think is [cdb]right, with enough vigor to blow any creases clean [cdb]off your face!
  16. Hold on, do you even hear yourself right now? Who knows what would happen to the Alliance [cdb]if I followed that advice?
  17. Hmmm, you do have a point there.
  18. But at least you wouldn't have to worry about those [cdb]pesky brow wrinkles anymore.
  19. And knowing you, Claude...I'm sure you'll find a way [cdb]to break through this standoff.
  20. You really do have me beat. I feel like you can see [cdb]straight through me.
  21. It's not hard when your thoughts are written so [cdb]plainly on your face. All I have to do is read what's [cdb]there.
  22. Guess I'd better try scrubbing them off, then.
  23. As you should.
  24. Honestly, Hilda, I... I don't know what to do. Is my way really the right path forward?
  25. It feels like I'm rejecting everything Leicester used [cdb]to be up until now. Like I'm tearing something [cdb]important away from the people who need it most.
  26. Are you sure you won't regret lighting this fire in me?
  27. I don't know, maybe I will. I'll probably get mad at [cdb]you at some point, too.
  28. But I know how hard you work to keep the Alliance [cdb]heading in the right direction.
  29. You're the smartest leader we've ever had, Claude. If I was a betting girl, I'd say you're gonna come up [cdb]with the best plan ever. Without a doubt.