1. Oh boy. I think I'm in over my head here...
  2. Not often I see you sigh, Raphael. What's wrong?
  3. Oh, Leonie! I'm glad you're here! Listen, do you have [cdb]a second to answer a question about bow-making?
  4. Sure, go ahead. But you do know that all our bows [cdb]are pre-supplied to us, right?
  5. No, I get that. Problem is, the ones they give us [cdb]can't hold up to my muscles.
  6. Even if I draw the string back really carefully, [cdb]the bow still ends up snapping in half!
  7. You snap bows in half? That...really shouldn't be [cdb]possible.
  8. Anyway, I'm trying to make a bow that I can use in [cdb]place of the ones I keep busting, but I can't seem to [cdb]get it right.
  9. Well, you've come to the right gal. Give it here.
  10. Thanks, Leonie!
  11. OK, so it's much quicker to reinforce an existing [cdb]bow instead of trying to make one from scratch.
  12. First, you wrap this around here and flex it like so. Then on the opposite end...
  13. And there you have it!
  14. I used animal tendons, which will absorb the force [cdb]you place on the bow and make it even more pliant.
  15. This should be flexible enough to withstand even the [cdb]burliest of your pulls. Give it a try!
  16. Oh wow, look at that! I'm pulling with everything I've got and it's just fine! Thanks, Leonie!
  17. You're very welcome.
  18. But say, you're still pretty new to the bow, right?
  19. Yep—but I wanna get better, because using it makes [cdb]my muscles happy!
  20. In that case, I have an idea.
  21. I'm currently on guard duty, which means chasing off [cdb]random bandits and monsters whenever I see them.
  22. Why don't you come with me on my next patrol? It'll be a great way to test your new weapon.
  23. Oh, that would be great!
  24. You're really incredible, Leonie. No one can beat you [cdb]when it comes to bow stuff.
  25. Well, I was born in a hunting village, so I guess it's [cdb]sorta my thing.
  26. I imagine you've got different talents that just come [cdb]naturally to you, right?
  27. And if I ever find myself struggling with one of your [cdb]specialties, I'm sure you'll help me out.
  28. You bet! You ever need a hand with food or [cdb]workouts, I'm the man for you!
  29. Yeah, I'm a card-carrying member of the clean plate [cdb]club, so I don't need help in the eating department.
  30. Well then, just come to me if you ever wanna put a [cdb]little beef on your bod!