1. Ah, there you are, Ignatz.
  2. Hello, Lysithea. Do you need something?
  3. I wanted to thank you for your actions in our [cdb]skirmish earlier.
  4. You blocked the enemy's approach, which allowed me [cdb]to maintain my position on the battlefield.
  5. I'm very grateful.
  6. Oh, you don't need to thank me. Protecting comrades [cdb]is all part of the job when you're a knight!
  7. At first, I thought knighthood would prove to be a [cdb]task beyond your ability, but you've turned out to [cdb]be surprisingly dependable.
  8. Didn't you come from a merchant family?
  9. I sure did.
  10. Then if I may, why have you chosen to become a [cdb]knight instead of taking over the family business?
  11. Because I'm the second son. My older brother is [cdb]going to take over the business.
  12. My father wanted me to become a knight so I could [cdb]help my brother that way.
  13. It was a lot to deal with, but in the end, I'm pretty [cdb]happy with how it all turned out.
  14. It's quite commendable to choose a future based on [cdb]your family's wishes.
  15. Oh, it's not so impressive.
  16. Your family must've been ecstatic when you [cdb]were knighted.
  17. I suppose they were...
  18. To be honest, I am envious of you.
  19. You are?
  20. I am. I haven't been able to do anything for my [cdb]own mother and father yet.
  21. I hope to be as strong as you and do something [cdb]equally wonderful for my parents one day.
  22. ...
  23. You're very considerate of your parents, Lysithea.
  24. And I know how hard you work when you set your [cdb]mind to something, so I'm sure you can do this, too.
  25. Yes, well, if there's anything I can do to help, just let [cdb]me know!
  26. Hmm... Um, that is to say, I certainly will. Thank you.
  27. Now if you'll excuse me, I really should be going. The work of a knight is never done, after all!
  28. Hmm...