1. ...
  2. Huh? When did I fall asleep?
  3. Hey, where did my glasses go?
  4. Oh gosh. Where did I put them?
  5. Hmm? Who's that guy?
  6. Um, hey there. Did you need something, sir?
  7. Huh? Is that you, Hilda?
  8. You sound like... Wait, IGNATZ?! Is that you?!
  9. Yes! But why didn't you... Oh, right. The glasses.
  10. I totally couldn't recognize you without them. So, what happened to your specs?
  11. Well, I fell asleep on that chair over there a little [cdb]while ago, and when I woke up, they were gone.
  12. I must have set them down before I napped, [cdb]but I can't remember where I put them.
  13. You must've been really tired to do that! Want some help looking for them?
  14. Yes, thank you.
  15. They must be around here somewhere—I'm sure the [cdb]two of us will find them in no time.
  16. So what's the world look like without your glasses, Ignatz?
  17. Well, everything's blurry, for starters.
  18. And even if someone I know is standing right next to [cdb]me, I can barely see their face—sometimes I just think [cdb]they're a lamp or something like that.
  19. Yikes, that's worse than I thought. We'd better find [cdb]them before you stumble into a moat or something.
  20. Do you really not remember where you put them?
  21. No, sorry. I guess I was too tired and took them off [cdb]without thinking about it.
  22. Aha! Here they are!
  23. They must've fallen through the gap there.
  24. Thank you so much, Hilda!
  25. You're very welcome. I'm just glad we found them.
  26. You look like a totally different person without those [cdb]things, you know?
  27. I...do?
  28. Yeah. Even once I recognized your voice, it still took [cdb]my brain a little bit to catch up.
  29. It was weird, you know? I felt like I was alone in the [cdb]room with some mysterious stranger.
  30. Heh, sorry about that.
  31. Still, he doesn't look half bad without them.
  32. I mean, I think your glasses suit you, Ignatz— [cdb]so make sure not to lose them again, OK?
  33. I'll try to be more careful!