1. Enough with the searching glances, Dimitri. Say what [cdb]you're going to say.
  2. I was just thinking that I find it difficult to speak [cdb]with you, even now that we have the opportunity [cdb]to exchange words peaceably.
  3. Too many have died for us to suddenly have [cdb]meaningful heart-to-heart conversation.
  4. Oh? That's not how I feel.
  5. Unless you mean you don't wish to speak with the [cdb]tyrant you consider responsible for their deaths.
  6. In which case, let's just believe what we believe, [cdb]accept that our paths have diverged, and see this [cdb]through to the very end.
  7. You're placing words in my mouth. Still, I suppose [cdb]that does cut to the heart of the matter.
  8. I will not claim that all my choices were right, but I [cdb]accept responsibility for them. I made them carefully, [cdb]and with full knowledge of the consequences.
  9. And I'd like to think I can say the same.
  10. But this is unproductive. We need to get out of here.
  11. Fair enough. But first, answer me this.
  12. Do you know what became of your mother, Anselma?
  13. Why would I?
  14. Someone told me that you would know how she [cdb]met her end. Although I suspect that was nothing [cdb]more than the dying ravings of a madwoman.
  15. It was. I haven't seen my mother since I was a child.
  16. It would've been right before she was exiled. You would know what happened better than I.
  17. I suppose so. Regardless, thank you for answering.
  18. Now, shall we get back to finding our way out?
  19. Please. We can't resolve anything so long as we're [cdb]trapped in this... Ah!
  20. That was quite the tremor.
  21. Whatever this place is, I find myself liking it less by [cdb]the moment.
  22. Can you stand?
  23. Yes, thank... Hmph.
  24. Perhaps we can put our differences aside, if only for [cdb]the moment. Hostilities will do us no good here.
  25. Yes, I suppose you're right. I can agree to that.
  26. You know, I just remembered something. From back [cdb]when I was but a child.
  27. I had fallen to the ground, and was met with a kind [cdb]hand reaching out to help me up.
  28. I took it without thinking—without even looking first [cdb]to see who it was. I suppose that shows you how much I've grown.
  29. Ah...
  30. Dimitri? What is it?
  31. I have a similar memory. One of helping a little girl [cdb]who had fallen in the dirt.
  32. Knowing you, such occurrences would've been [cdb]commonplace in your youth.
  33. Don't try to imply we share a memory.
  34. No, I rarely forget an important face. Often to my [cdb]own woe, I might add.
  35. Enough. Let us end this before we both make greater [cdb]fools of ourselves.
  36. We need to escape. That's our only priority.
  37. Not that the world outside will be any kinder to me [cdb]than the one in here.
  38. Edelgard, I...
  39. What are you doing? You should know, I won't [cdb]hesitate to leave you behind.
  40. Indeed. I'm coming, El.