1. Lysithea!
  2. Must you cry out my name whenever you see me? Yes, well, what do you need?
  3. A moment of your time, nothing more. I have an issue I would like to discuss.
  4. Very well—but please make it fast.
  5. It concerns your future.
  6. Huh?
  7. I just could not understand why a talented young [cdb]woman such as yourself would make such a rash and, [cdb]frankly, illogical decision.
  8. Why would you throw away your nobility? Why must you live with such hasty abandon?
  9. I sought answers to these questions. I attempted to [cdb]understand your reason for living.
  10. Could you not, though? It's incredibly irritating.
  11. Ugh. Fine, whatever. Keep talking.
  12. Right. Well, in the end, I happened upon your secret [cdb]and came here to talk to you.
  13. I know you have been condemned to a brief life.
  14. ...
  15. So you know the truth. Good for you.
  16. Well, as I have no options or choice in the matter, I'd appreciate you just leaving it be.
  17. Do you truly have no options?
  18. And what option do you think is open to me? I can't [cdb]do anything but take on responsibility for my parents.
  19. I do not know, at least not right now, but...
  20. Don't you think I'd do something if I could?!
  21. Of course. And as I said, I lack a solution to the issue [cdb]at present.
  22. Though there may only be little time left to you, [cdb]does it mean there is no tomorrow? No day after that?
  23. As long as you draw breath, you can take action.
  24. And what "action" can I possibly take, Ferdinand?!
  25. I stopped clinging to false hope long ago!
  26. Do not turn away from the magic of possibility.
  27. Lord Arundel and the others who worked in the [cdb]shadows of the Empire left behind a great deal [cdb]of information.
  28. And as you know, I have been delving into that [cdb]information with Hubert.
  29. In the course of our work, we located records of the [cdb]fell experiments conducted at House Ordelia.
  30. Ah!
  31. You...did?
  32. We did. Now, there is no guarantee we will stumble [cdb]across a solution to your particular problem...
  33. But we have the wisest minds of the Empire— [cdb]including Linhardt, Professor Hanneman, and many [cdb]others—researching the matter as we speak.
  34. With the aid of some of our most esteemed Crest [cdb]scholars, we are beginning to unravel many mysteries.
  35. So please just hold on a little longer, Lysithea. Let us finish this before your life flickers out.
  36. That's... I don't even...
  37. Ferdinand, wait! Let me help with the research, too!
  38. That way would be better! Much, much, better! Wait for me!