1. Hm. I'm not certain this market is worth my time.
  2. Although the variety of sellers and goods is at least [cdb]moderately impressive...
  3. Hey there, Linhardt. It's not every day I see you [cdb]out shopping.
  4. Oh, I thought I might happen across some good finds. And what brings you here, Leonie?
  5. Same. This is the best place to get affordable daily [cdb]necessities and hunting equipment and the like.
  6. I myself am looking for items that might prove useful [cdb]to my research, but alas, I have come up empty.
  7. Yeah, but the best finds usually don't jump right out [cdb]at you. You gotta dig a little, you know?
  8. How about this? You keep looking, and I'll pitch in [cdb]and help look at the same time.
  9. No, I've had enough for today. I'm so tired...
  10. You never change, Linhardt—and I mean never.
  11. Well, I'm going to be here for a while, so if I find [cdb]anything I think you might want, I'll grab it.
  12. Ooh, that looks interesting...
  13. But how will you know what I want when I haven't... Oh, never mind.
  14. Heya, Linhardt! I found something good!
  15. Wait, I thought you were gonna take a nap.
  16. It would've been rude to make you look while I [cdb]enjoyed a moment of repose, so I decided to see if I could find anything you might enjoy.
  17. Wait, is that a mask?
  18. Indeed! It's an animal mask you wear like so.
  19. Pffft! Haha! OK, that looks just like the real [cdb]thing, which makes it amazing on you!
  20. Is it really that amusing? I thought you could wear it [cdb]hunting and confuse your prey into thinking you were [cdb]one of their own kind.
  21. Aaahaha! Yeah, I could probably... Hahaha! No! Stop! My stomach!
  22. This wasn't quite the reaction I envisioned, but I [cdb]suppose your finding it amusing is good enough in [cdb]and of itself.
  23. Sorry! Sorry. I'll take it hunting with me next time I [cdb]go, I promise—although I'll probably burst out [cdb]laughing and scare off all the animals.
  24. And what did you find for me?
  25. Oh, right! Check this out... Ta-daaah!
  26. At first I just thought it was a weird-looking statue, [cdb]but apparently it's really old.
  27. Ah. I see. Yes, well, thank you. Pfft...
  28. Something about your reaction isn't sitting right. Is it not actually a good find?
  29. That I cannot tell without further investigation. But there's no denying it is a curious little thing.
  30. In any event, judging from its appearance... Ahahaha!
  31. OK, what's the deal?!
  32. I'm sorry! The statue is just so terribly amusing! Ahahaha!
  33. Huh? Where are you going? And stop laughing! Hey! Linhardt! Get back here!