1. Are you free at the moment, Annette? I was [cdb]wondering if you might help me with something.
  2. I sure am! What's up?
  3. Well, I wish to conduct an experiment outside today, [cdb]though naturally I'm a touch hesitant about it.
  4. Because your mood changes outside, right?
  5. Exactly. And though I'm deeply reluctant to [cdb]experience that, one cannot make an omelet without [cdb]throwing a few eggs against the wall.
  6. Well, I think you're a genius regardless, so I'm happy [cdb]to help!
  7. No time like the present, right? Let's do this!
  8. Please stop pulling me along! I haven't even told you [cdb]what the experiment is yet!
  9. Oh dear, oh dear... Are you certain you want to do [cdb]this, Annette?
  10. I sincerely doubt any magic built upon my crude [cdb]ideas could ever work.
  11. Aw, it'll be fine! Let's get started.
  12. Well, if you insist, I suppose we must begin this [cdb]foolish experiment.
  13. Hey, I forgot to ask: What is the experiment, [cdb]anyway?
  14. Oh, just a completely useless spell meant to gather [cdb]cats from the surrounding area.
  15. Oh gosh, cute! What are you waiting for?! Let's get started!
  16. Hmmm. The spell seemed to go off all right, [cdb]but nothing happened.
  17. I knew it. I'm an utter failure. My research papers [cdb]should be gathered up and used to wipe mud from [cdb]the hooves of swine.
  18. Perhaps this is fate's way of telling me magic is beyond [cdb]my comprehension and I was a fool to ever try.
  19. Look, moping about it won't help anything, so let's [cdb]both take a deep breath and figure out what went [cdb]wrong.
  20. OK, I've got an idea. If we take the flower catalyst [cdb]and use wind magic to spread the fragrance...
  21. Oh look. It attracts insects. Quick, grab that [cdb]cockroach before it scurries away. It's clearly a finer [cdb]sorceress than I.
  22. Ew, gross! But yeah, that didn't work at all. Hm... Maybe if we use this mineral instead?
  23. Goodness. The reflective light has attracted the [cdb]attention of birds.
  24. And they're really mad for some reason! Run, Constance! Ruuun!
  25. Whew! I had intended that to be a brief exercise, [cdb]but it proved to be quite the ordeal.
  26. Sorry that all my tinkering just made things worse. But hey, I did notice one thing!
  27. When those insects and birds showed up, there sure [cdb]were a lot of them.
  28. True, each attempt did seem to attract a single type [cdb]of creature in unnaturally vast numbers.
  29. Does that indicate that the spell can indeed [cdb]effectively summon a swarm of one specific species?
  30. It would certainly explain why the flower attracted [cdb]so many bugs... Blech.
  31. And why the light of the mineral called down such a [cdb]huge flock of birds.
  32. Why, this is a magnificent discovery! I feel we're on [cdb]the cusp of breaking new ground!
  33. Maybe it didn't go as planned, but I guess this turned [cdb]out to be a pretty big success, huh?
  34. There's no time to waste, Annette! We must [cdb]investigate the cause of this phenomenon at once!
  35. Yeah! I bet you'll create something revolutionary!