1. I'm so sorry I can't let you run free. We'll go for [cdb]another walk together soon, all right?
  2. Ah!
  3. Why so guarded, Marianne? Is that how you always [cdb]greet beautiful men?
  4. Yuri... What do you want?
  5. Oh, nothing in particular. I simply spotted you on the [cdb]way back from drills and felt like coming over to see [cdb]what you were doing.
  6. I feel like you never leave these stables. Don't you [cdb]ever grow tired of it?
  7. I'm sorry...
  8. It's merely a question. I'm not trying to judge you [cdb]or anything.
  9. Well, this is going poorly already. All I wanted was [cdb]to make a little small talk, and it ended up like...this.
  10. Are you always this gloomy? It seems you speak just [cdb]fine around everyone else.
  11. I only know how to make small talk about animals, [cdb]and you seem to hate them.
  12. So, um, I figured that no matter what I talked about, [cdb]you would hate it. And...me.
  13. Hold on. Why would I hate you? And when have I [cdb]ever said I hate animals?
  14. Once, when I was replacing the horses' hay, I saw you [cdb]glaring at me from a distance.
  15. But if you don't hate animals, then it must be me...
  16. I'm sorry, I don't mean to sour your mood further. I'll be gone soon anyway.
  17. ...
  18. Um, look, Marianne. Allow me to clear everything [cdb]up for you.
  19. Firstly, I don't despise animals. I actually like them. Understand?
  20. Yes. I'm sorry!
  21. Don't apologize or I'll have to repeat myself forever. Just listen.
  22. Second, I don't hate you, or even think poorly of you. Although I'll admit that I was somewhat annoyed [cdb]with you earlier in this conversation.
  23. Sorr... Um, then why were you glaring at me before?
  24. I'm not sure. Perhaps you saw it wrong? I don't know [cdb]when this was, but...
  25. Wait. I think I see now.
  26. I have a...condition, of sorts. One that can get [cdb]aggravated under certain circumstances.
  27. I knew it. My very presence had aggravated you.
  28. I'm telling you that's not it! I swear by the goddess [cdb]herself that it's not your fault. OK?
  29. No, you don't know what I have... Excuse me!
  30. Well, that got us absolutely nowhere. Conversing [cdb]with the shady lady is almost pleasant in comparison.
  31. Well, that got us absolutely nowhere. There has to be [cdb]some way to make her hear me.
  32. Hm. What did she mean when she said she'd "be gone [cdb]soon"? That's a little too ominous to ignore.