1. ♪La laaa! La la la la la laaa...♪
  2. Is that Lady Dorothea? Oh! It is!
  3. Hello, Monica. Oh, is something wrong?
  4. Well, I was wondering...
  5. Are you the same Lady Dorothea who was known as [cdb]the Mystical Songstress?
  6. Well, yes, I suppose I am. Did you not know that?
  7. Not at first—though it made perfect sense once I [cdb]finally realized it. I find it difficult to believe it's [cdb]really you.
  8. Well, I'm certainly not doing a lot of songstress-y [cdb]things here in the army, so I'm not surprised it took [cdb]you a bit to put two and two together.
  9. But it should not have taken me this long!
  10. You have the same name, and you carry yourself in [cdb]the same dignified manner as the Lady Dorothea I [cdb]saw in the capital!
  11. I can't believe you're right in front of me... The excitement is so great, I can barely stand!
  12. Oh, please. That's all in the past. Now I'm just [cdb]another one of your allies.
  13. No! You're different!
  14. There wasn't a girl in the capital who didn't want to [cdb]be you. I spent years trying to find a ticket to one of [cdb]your performances.
  15. But when I finally found one, I ended up in a seat [cdb]where I couldn't see the stage very well.
  16. It was so far back, I could barely even make out your [cdb]face. Or the rest of you, for that matter.
  17. That's likely why I failed to recognize you at first.
  18. Well, I'm certainly pleased you came to see me, [cdb]and I'm sorry the seat was less than ideal.
  19. Oh, but the costumes and stagecraft were more [cdb]gorgeous and stirring than I ever could've imagined!
  20. Your songs captivated me. They reached out from the [cdb]center of the stage all the way back to me in my little [cdb]corner of the opera house.
  21. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face... Hehe!
  22. You were a more passionate listener than I would've [cdb]imagined, Monica. Uh, Monnie? Still with me?
  23. Oh! My apologies, Lady Dorothea! I was sort of [cdb]carried off by a wave of memories there.
  24. It's fine, but can we maybe stop with all of the "Lady" [cdb]stuff? I find it a little unsettling.
  25. Well, all right...Dorothea.
  26. You know, I'm somewhat surprised you didn't return [cdb]to the opera company once the war broke out.
  27. You're not the only one. Edie and I being classmates [cdb]was a big part of why I stayed, but...
  28. Suffice it to say that a lot happened, and now I'm [cdb]here!
  29. It's a great honor to fight alongside you, Lady Dor— Um, Dorothea.
  30. Haha! Maybe I should just return the favor and [cdb]start calling you Lady Monica.