1. Dorothea, are you all right? I heard you were injured [cdb]in our latest battle!
  2. I'm fine. I can't say the same for my clothes, but at [cdb]least my body will heal up quickly.
  3. What a relief.
  4. It would be terrible if you were wounded, but even [cdb]a single scar marring your perfect skin would [cdb]be a tragedy!
  5. No need to make such a fuss over it. I have plenty of [cdb]scars already, Monnie.
  6. I'm aware, but a large one would present a different [cdb]type of problem altogether.
  7. Wait, how do you know that I have scars... Actually, [cdb]no. I'd rather not find out.
  8. By the way, Dorothea. There's something I was [cdb]hoping to ask you.
  9. I heard you were hurt because you hesitated to kill [cdb]an opponent and left yourself open to an attack. Is [cdb]that true?
  10. It is. My enemy was a young child, and she was all [cdb]skin and bones.
  11. I thought perhaps she was an orphan... And pity stayed my hand.
  12. So it is true...
  13. I'm sorry. I suppose my failure to act must have [cdb]been something of a burden on everyone else.
  14. I don't consider you a burden! But still, why do [cdb]you keep fighting if you have such a kind heart?
  15. How can you even stand it?
  16. Don't you want to run away? Don't you want to leave [cdb]the army and return to your opera company?
  17. Oh, of course. The little voice inside my head is [cdb]always telling me to pack up and go.
  18. But I have too much self-respect to do that... Or perhaps I'm simply too tied to my position.
  19. If I hadn't been given the opportunity to become a [cdb]songstress... If I'd remained an orphan, I might well [cdb]be in the same position as the child I faced today.
  20. I might have been pressed into battle without being [cdb]taught how to fight properly. I doubt I would have [cdb]lasted long out on the battlefield...
  21. And when I think about that, I can't run away. I can't [cdb]be the only one to flee to safety when everyone else is [cdb]in danger.
  22. I had no idea...
  23. Plus, Edie matters a lot to me.
  24. I want to stay by her side and support her. You know [cdb]all about what that's like, right?
  25. Even though you have the option of working in the [cdb]capital, you've chosen to stay here and fight.
  26. Well, you have me there.
  27. No matter what hardships might come, I can't [cdb]imagine ever abandoning her.
  28. That makes two of us.
  29. Dorothea? My apologies, there's something I need [cdb]to confess.
  30. I went to Her Majesty and...asked her to reassign you [cdb]to the rearguard.
  31. But after speaking to you, I now realize that was a [cdb]great mistake.
  32. Even if it's difficult—and even if you get hurt— [cdb]you still have a desire and a right to be on the front [cdb]with Lady Edelgard.
  33. You don't have to apologize, Monnie. I understand. So let's keep giving everything we've got to this fight!
  34. Yes! With the two of us at her side, Her Majesty will [cdb]be flanked by beautiful flowers!
  35. Wait. Her Majesty is also a beautiful flower, so, um...
  36. Upon the stage of battle we shall bloom—an army of [cdb]countless flowers bursting into full glory.