1. You made this? Impressive.
  2. Next time, I'll make you something. Though I can't [cdb]promise it'll suit your palate.
  3. I... Ahem. I appreciate it.
  4. I'll join you, if you wish.
  5. Sorry to make you wait. Let's go.
  6. What a peaceful spot. Perhaps I'll bring His Majesty [cdb]here sometime.
  7. So much rare vegetation. How did you find [cdb]this place?
  8. Duscur and Faerghus are separated by a mountain [cdb]range. Gwenhwyvar, it's called. I'm reminded of [cdb]it here.
  9. There's much peace to be found here.
  10. Sorry. This...brings back memories.
  11. There would be no flowers without insects like these. All life has a purpose.
  12. Don't eat those. You'll be horribly ill for three days [cdb]if you do.
  13. Try one of those berries. They're sweet and delicious.
  14. Impressive. I have much to learn from you.
  15. I don't mind. Though you aren't a child, you know.
  16. No? I'll have to teach you sometime.
  17. Ah, well. If it happens, it happens.
  18. I wouldn't be standing here now if His Majesty [cdb]hadn't protected me on that horrible day.
  19. I'll restore Duscur to its former glory someday. I'm sure of it.
  20. I have nothing but trust for Lord Rodrigue. He proved his worth time and again in the [cdb]negotiations with Duscur.
  21. I hope to devote my entire life to His Majesty. There is no greater pleasure than standing at [cdb]his side.
  22. Duscur is a land of fishermen. Even the son of a [cdb]blacksmith like me learned how to row a boat [cdb]growing up.
  23. I don't adhere to the Seiros faith. But if the goddess [cdb]does exist, I hope she protects His Majesty.
  24. Not long ago, I saw children from Faerghus playing [cdb]in the streets. With others from Duscur, no less.
  25. Cooking, gardening, sewing. Such tasks help calm [cdb]my nerves.
  26. Those who would harm His Majesty. Though I do [cdb]appreciate those who speak plainly with him.
  27. I desire nothing more than to support His Majesty's [cdb]reign.
  28. I've served His Majesty for years now, but I still don't [cdb]know his favorite food.
  29. I can no longer recall my parents' voices. Nor my [cdb]sister's. So much time has passed since that day.
  30. When I was young, I always thought I'd become a [cdb]blacksmith. Just like my father.
  31. Ally or no, I will cut down anyone who betrays His Majesty.
  32. I train to be a shield for His Majesty. That is why I'm [cdb]better suited to defensive battles.
  33. His Majesty trusts you. I will do the same.
  34. You've become indispensable. Both to His Majesty, [cdb]and to me.
  35. I thought of a new dish using vegetables from around [cdb]here. You'll have to try it later.
  36. I've been teaching the language of Fódlan to Duscur's warriors. I hope both sides can reach [cdb]an understanding someday.
  37. What? Do you find me interesting?
  38. I'm quite pleased with this hairstyle.
  39. I'm...not one for attention.
  40. Hm. I don't mind the attention from you.
  41. I'm not strong enough to keep His Majesty safe. Not yet.
  42. My father was tall, if my fading memory can be [cdb]trusted. But perhaps not as tall as me.
  43. That was fun.
  44. Let us do this again sometime.
  45. Yes, I'm ready.