1. Oh, thanks! Did you know this was one of my [cdb]favorites?
  2. Eating outside like this makes the food taste even [cdb]better.
  3. I know you worked hard making this... I'd better [cdb]finish it!
  4. Sorry for the wait! I'm excited to find out where [cdb]we're going.
  5. Thanks for the invite! It'll be nice getting out of camp [cdb]for a little bit.
  6. It's so nice and quiet here. The weather's [cdb]amazing, too.
  7. Ahh. I love how piney the forest air always smells.
  8. Whoa, we're really high up! I didn't realize how far [cdb]we'd climbed.
  9. I had no idea there was a place like this nearby. I could stay here and relax all day long.
  10. Hm? Where? Oh...I guess I missed it. Let me know if [cdb]you see another one!
  11. One diced apple, a few grains of wheat, a spoonful of [cdb]honey... Hey, this is a dessert recipe! We should try [cdb]making it sometime!
  12. Huh? Oh, yeah. It's been just the two of us for a [cdb]while now.
  13. Oh, don't worry. I remember the way. But...wait. Haven't you traveled all over Fódlan? How'd you [cdb]manage that without a sense of direction?
  14. I appreciate it, but I'll be OK. I brought my own.
  15. Hm, do you? I don't mind getting a little wet if you're OK staying.
  16. Maybe we should get you up to speed, then. Who knows when it might come in handy.
  17. Yeah, some people get really queasy if they're not [cdb]used to the water. I'm glad that's never happened [cdb]to me.
  18. It's almost like a dream for a commoner like me to be [cdb]fighting alongside all these nobles.
  19. I wonder what life would've been like if you never [cdb]showed up at the academy.
  20. I'm glad you asked me out here. Work has sort of [cdb]ground to a halt recently.
  21. Everyone has to figure out their own sense of justice [cdb]for themselves.
  22. I worked so hard to get into the academy, only for it [cdb]to close down right after I finally walked through the [cdb]doors.
  23. Lonato taught me so much. I couldn't even read [cdb]before I ended up at Castle Gaspard.
  24. It's been so long, I can't even remember my father's [cdb]voice. Though I do remember the taste of his [cdb]cooking, strangely enough.
  25. I love reading tales of people's travels around the [cdb]world. If you close your eyes and imagine really hard, [cdb]it's almost like you're there on the adventure yourself!
  26. I don't like it when people lie to me. Of course, I can't stand when I lie to myself either.
  27. I have plenty of thoughts, but I think I'll wait until [cdb]after the war's over to sort through them all.
  28. Well, I'm not really good at complicated math and all [cdb]that. Calculating what angle to fire a cannon at, [cdb]those sorts of things.
  29. My siblings back home depend on me for support. That reminds me, I still need to send them some [cdb]money for the month.
  30. After my parents died, I...lived in absolute poverty. I did a lot of bad things I'd rather not remember.
  31. No matter how big a force we're up against, I won't [cdb]let any of my friends die in this war.
  32. Hmm, probably ranged combat. Definitely not the [cdb]up-close tactics that knights normally use.
  33. I'm glad we've become friends so quickly. I hope we [cdb]can keep building on that friendship!
  34. I'd love to visit your hometown someday. Probably after the war ends.
  35. They say Albinea's even colder than Faerghus or the Sreng region to the north. I can't even imagine what [cdb]that's like.
  36. I want to change people's lives for the better. Just like Lonato did for me.
  37. I probably need a haircut soon, huh?
  38. Is there something in my hair? It might be dust. I was [cdb]just cleaning before we came out here.
  39. It's hard to keep eye contact when you're talking to [cdb]someone. I can't help but look away.
  40. What is it? All that staring is making me blush.
  41. I've been training so hard these past two years, [cdb]but I'm still just as scrawny as ever.
  42. If you don't take care of your armor, it'll rust before [cdb]you even know it.
  43. Thanks! I'm glad we got to spend some time together.
  44. Let me know when you have more free time. I'd love [cdb]to join you again.
  45. Come on, we'll do it together!