1. Then you know my food preferences? But how? No, it matters not. You have my thanks.
  2. I appreciate your consideration, and will endeavor to [cdb]repay this kindness.
  3. This is... No, it is not your fault. Perhaps I am just [cdb]too picky.
  4. Now then, where shall we be off to?
  5. I shall leave our destination to your discretion. Wherever you choose to go, I follow.
  6. This seems to be a fine location for a large skirmish... Ah, my apologies. That was a boorish thing to say.
  7. This forest is as beautiful as it is tranquil. How good [cdb]to see such a place spared from the fell machinations [cdb]of human greed.
  8. How foolish of man to mar such a solemn and [cdb]majestic landscape with the scars of war.
  9. This reminds me of a place I used to live... Ah, but I [cdb]feel waves of nostalgia washing over me.
  10. That species is not often seen in this area. A stray, [cdb]perhaps? Hm. This could be the start of a fine fable.
  11. A mysterious note in a field with nary a settlement [cdb]in sight? Interesting. Let us hold onto it, just in case.
  12. Yes, it seems we are alone. As such, this may well be [cdb]the safest place in Fódlan.
  13. There is no need for concern—my sense of direction [cdb]is second to none.
  14. Your kindness is beyond reproach.
  15. I appreciate the sentiment, but an injury of this [cdb]degree is nothing to fret over.
  16. I, too, enjoy time spent in quiet contemplation with a [cdb]fishing rod in hand.
  17. With all due respect, I must decline.
  18. Just as nobility must abide by their duty, my position [cdb]demands certain responsibilities of me.
  19. The Holy Church of Seiros is the sole reason behind Fódlan's long period of peace.
  20. I consider the archbishop to be a kindred spirit and [cdb]intend to continue supporting her however I can, [cdb]no matter what trials may come.
  21. Many think me rigid and unapproachable, but it is [cdb]better to be feared than played for a fool.
  22. Garreg Mach Monastery has been the heart and [cdb]soul of the church for over a thousand years.
  23. I cannot defend every tenet of church doctrine, [cdb]but the vast majority are worth adhering to.
  24. I know what it is like to have one's parentage [cdb]shrouded in mystery. Of course, in my case, it is [cdb]because I choose not to make such details public.
  25. Did you know I compose fables in my spare time? I used to read them to the children at the monastery.
  26. I despise half-hearted efforts. If something is worth [cdb]doing, it is worth giving it your all!
  27. So long as I can fulfill my duty when the time comes, [cdb]that is sufficient.
  28. I have no time to spare ruminating upon my personal [cdb]tribulations. Rather, I must focus all my attention [cdb]towards our surviving this war.
  29. My dear sister Flayn has a troubling physical [cdb]ailment. I often find myself reminding her not to [cdb]overexert herself.
  30. I had a wife once. I lost her long ago, but her smile [cdb]remains in my mind to this very day.
  31. I once stood beside one I could call a true friend. I trust he is still out there somewhere, alive and well...
  32. While personal prowess is important, clever strategic [cdb]maneuvering is what makes or breaks a battle.
  33. I was not expecting you to invite me out like this. It appears there is yet much I do not understand [cdb]about you.
  34. Were it not for that mysterious power of yours, [cdb]perhaps... No, forgive me. I should not say such [cdb]things.
  35. I remain as busy as ever. Even during such times, [cdb]the archbishop works tirelessly—and so must I.
  36. There is no time for weariness—though I must admit [cdb]a desire to decompress now and again.
  37. All of my bloodline share a similar hair color.
  38. I have never been one to properly care for my hair. Perhaps you might consider trimming it for me?
  39. Many claim my face lacks amiability. Do you agree?
  40. I would like to present an affable expression to you, [cdb]but I fear this is the most I am capable of.
  41. Given the immense amount of clerical work I do, I fear my physical fitness has begun to atrophy.
  42. I find it difficult to overwork my body as I once did [cdb]when I was young. As you get older, you will also [cdb]come to understand this sad fact.
  43. That was a welcome respite from my duties. Please invite me again should the opportunity arise.
  44. It has been quite some time since I have been able to [cdb]relax like that. I look forward to another opportunity.
  45. Very well. I shall lend you my strength.