<<EMPTY NAME>>: Oh, I'd just love to guard those gates!
Raphael: I'm quite relieved.
Jeralt: Much hinges on the looming battle.
Thales: Count Rowe has surprised me.
Miklan: I wonder how much you know.
Rodrigue: Surpassing my father won't be enough.
Jeritza: Jeralt's Mercenaries again...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Experience is being the greatest teacher.
Tomas: It's an introvert's paradise!
Ordelia General: She's as splendid as always.
Myson: This battle is important.
Viscount Enid: I have family in Faerghus.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Have you heard?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: This reminds me of my hometown.
Metodey: I don't want to fight them.
Constance: If only we could be united...
Charon General: Neither of 'em even seem human.
Pittacus: My father might be relieved.
Chilon: Oh, Goddess...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: My heart is full.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm so glad...
???: You all sure seem busy.
???: I am Baron Martyn.
Hunter: The Silver Maiden was originally the Empire's.
???: Ever since I was young...
???: Scary stuff!
???: Remember me?
???: Those Gaspard folks are impressive.
???: This was once Arundel territory.
???: Can we really trust mercs?
???: They look so alike...
Shez: I'm so excited!
: I'm thrilled myself.
Shez: Ignatz, buddy...
: Oh, Raphael. My friend...
link Edelgard
I confess, I'm more than a little relieved that things have finally settled down in Riegan.
link Edelgard
And that's to say nothing of my relief that we didn't lose Count Bergliez in the bargain.
link Edelgard
However, it looks like we'll need to keep a careful association with Claude moving forward.
link Shez
Even the strongest man in the Empire ends up on the back foot from time to time.
link Shez
Even the strongest man in the Empire ends up on the back foot from time to time.
link Shez
I'm just glad he made it out in one piece.
link Shez
I'm just glad he made it out in one piece.
link Edelgard
Agreed—although it was an interesting experience to see that even the great Count Bergliez is human.
link Shez
Yeah, Claude's a tough nut to crack. Definitely not someone you wanna test, strategically speaking.
link Shez
Yeah, Claude's a tough nut to crack. Definitely not someone you wanna test, strategically speaking.
link Edelgard
I agree. But rather than repeatedly fighting him to no avail, perhaps our best option is...
link Edelgard
No. Now is not yet the time.
link Hubert
It appears the king of Faerghus himself has come to recapture Arianrhod.
link Hubert
The outcome of this battle will likely contribute heavily to the balance of power between Adrestia and Faerghus.
link Hubert
I look forward to great success on your part.
link Hubert
But I also trust you to look after Her Majesty. This is the Kingdom we face, and there will be no end of rogues who seek to claim her life.
link Ferdinand
I thought Count Rowe might turn back to the Kingdom more readily, but instead he mounts a stout defense from the castle.
link Ferdinand
Perhaps he possesses some backbone after all.
link Shez
Oh, I agree—especially when you consider the situation with Count Gloucester.
link Shez
Oh, I agree—especially when you consider the situation with Count Gloucester.
link Ferdinand
I believe that man had his own reasons, but I understand what you are trying to say.
link Shez
Yeah, I dunno. Seems just as likely Rowe wants to flip sides and someone is counseling him otherwise.
link Shez
Yeah, I dunno. Seems just as likely Rowe wants to flip sides and someone is counseling him otherwise.
link Ferdinand
An interesting thought—and perhaps a prescient one, considering Lord Lonato is presently in Arianrhod.
link Ferdinand
I confess shame at my own ignorance for not having thought of such a possibility myself.
link Linhardt
Do you know what the Kingdom and Alliance possess which the Empire does not?
link Linhardt
Perhaps my question is overly broad, so let me just get to the point—I refer to the Heroes' Relics.
link Linhardt
In any event, Relics are such powerful weapons that it is said a single one of them equals the might of one thousand ordinary soldiers.
link Linhardt
Such is what it means to face off against the Kingdom and the several Relics in their possession.
link Shez
Relics are those fancy weapons used by folks with Crests, yeah?
link Shez
Relics are those fancy weapons used by folks with Crests, yeah?
link Linhardt
They are handed down among nobles of the Kingdom and Alliance who descend from the great heroes known as the Ten Elites.
link Linhardt
In any event, Relics are such powerful weapons that it is said a single one of them equals the might of one thousand ordinary soldiers.
link Linhardt
Such is what it means to face off against the Kingdom and the several Relics in their possession.
link Shez
Get ready to get schooled! Relics are weapons handed down to nobles of the Kingdom and Alliance who descend from the heroes known as the Ten Elites.
link Shez
Get ready to get schooled! Relics are weapons handed down to nobles of the Kingdom and Alliance who descend from the heroes known as the Ten Elites.
link Linhardt
Er, yes, actually. I am surprised you possess such a... detailed knowledge of the matter.
link Linhardt
In any event, Relics are such powerful weapons that it is said a single one of them equals the might of one thousand ordinary soldiers.
link Linhardt
Such is what it means to face off against the Kingdom and the several Relics in their possession.
link Caspar
For a long time, all I cared about was being just like my father in every way, and then surpassing him.
link Caspar
But now I know that's not enough. I mean, there have to be people even stronger than him, right?
link Shez
Yeaaah, that seems unlikely. And even if there are, I bet you can count them on one hand.
link Shez
Yeaaah, that seems unlikely. And even if there are, I bet you can count them on one hand.
link Caspar
Hmm... Maybe you're right. Still, if Holst decided to fight my father, I wonder who would win?
link Shez
Actually, you might be right. And besides, true strength comes in all forms and shapes.
link Shez
Actually, you might be right. And besides, true strength comes in all forms and shapes.
link Caspar
See? You get it! Still, I've set a lot of goals for myself, so I know there's a long road ahead.
link Dorothea
We ended up facing off against Jeralt's Mercenaries again in Riegan.
link Dorothea
It's almost like there's some fateful connection between us and them.
link Shez
Maybe, although they don't seem to have any particular grudge against the Empire.
link Shez
Maybe, although they don't seem to have any particular grudge against the Empire.
link Shez
Could just be a coincidence.
link Shez
Could just be a coincidence.
link Dorothea
I'd be grateful if that were the case. But as they say, what happens twice will surely happen thrice.
link Shez
I actually fought them a while ago and lost. Badly.
link Shez
I actually fought them a while ago and lost. Badly.
link Dorothea
Which means they've always been strong.
link Dorothea
That makes it all the more curious.
link Petra
I grow stronger through battle. Combat experience really is being the greatest of teachers.
link Petra
Hunting beasts and hunting people are different things, after all.
link Shez
Fighting and hunting are different, huh? How so?
link Shez
Fighting and hunting are different, huh? How so?
link Petra
Beasts are determining enemy strength and choosing whether to fight or run.
link Petra
But many people are not able to do this, which leads to battles of much pointlessness.
link Shez
They certainly are different. Let's just hope my skills stay as sharp as yours.
link Shez
They certainly are different. Let's just hope my skills stay as sharp as yours.
link Petra
I am not doubting at all that you can.
link Bernadetta
Arianrhod, huh? Sure wish I had an invincible fortress I could lock myself away in forever!
link Bernadetta
Arianrhod, huh? Sure wish I had an invincible fortress I could lock myself away in forever!
link Bernadetta
Still, I know that there's no such thing as something being truly "invincible."
link Bernadetta
Still, I know that there's no such thing as something being truly "invincible."
link Bernadetta
I mean, even Count Bergliez loses on occasion, right? Which means it's only a matter of time for Arianrhod.
link Bernadetta
I mean, even Count Bergliez loses on occasion, right? Which means it's only a matter of time for Arianrhod.
link Monica
Even when tinged with sadness, her face remains as splendid as always. Still, I wish I could do something that might bring her joy...
link Monica
If only I was smarter! Or stronger! Or both!
link Monica
Well, I'll just do the best I can with what I've got, and I'm hoping you'll do the same.
link Manuela
We have more troops than ever now.
link Manuela
It just goes to show how important this battle is— but on the other side of that coin, it will doubtless lead to ever greater losses.
link Shez
Then it's a good thing we've got folks like you to keep those numbers low.
link Shez
Then it's a good thing we've got folks like you to keep those numbers low.
link Shez
Still, we have no choice but to be realistic and face the day as best we can.
link Shez
Still, we have no choice but to be realistic and face the day as best we can.
link Manuela
I find your calm reassuring.
link Shez
Yeah, you're right—but with people like you around, maybe we'll be able to reduce that number a little.
link Shez
Yeah, you're right—but with people like you around, maybe we'll be able to reduce that number a little.
link Manuela
I'm just sad about all those we won't be able to save.
link Jeritza
I don't care about Faerghus personally...but I do have family there.
link Jeritza
I heard they are fighting for the Kingdom. On the battlefield, they are our enemy.
link Jeritza
The lives of enemies and allies mean nothing to me.
link Jeritza
But I could not bear to lose her.
link Shez
Say, you're from the Empire, right? Why do you have family in the Kingdom?
link Shez
Say, you're from the Empire, right? Why do you have family in the Kingdom?
link Jeritza
Long story. Suffice it to say, I have reasons.
link Shez
Never would've thought I'd hear about family from you. You talking siblings or what?
link Shez
Never would've thought I'd hear about family from you. You talking siblings or what?
link Jeritza
My mother and sister. They are all I have.
link Constance
Have you heard the rumors? I hear there's someone else in our ranks who wishes to see their house restored!
link Shez
You mean Randolph? He's not trying to restore a house so much as establish a new one. I think it's a little different from your situation.
link Shez
You mean Randolph? He's not trying to restore a house so much as establish a new one. I think it's a little different from your situation.
link Constance
Yes, perhaps it is... But whatever the man's aims, I swear I shall be the first to see my noble house rise!
link Shez
You mean Randolph?
link Shez
You mean Randolph?
link Constance
Randolph, is it? I see. Tread lightly, "Randolph," for I have committed your name to memory!
link Constance
I shall not be outdone by you, dear fellow! I will see my house restored first!
link Hapi
Going back and forth in the mountains reminds me of my hometown.
link Hapi
Haven't seen anyone there in a looong time, but I think I'd like to head back someday.
link Hapi
It's in the middle of some great mountains. No, wait. Some great forest? Eh, it'll come to me eventually.
link Ashe
Lonato and his forces lead the vanguard to Arianrhod.
link Ashe
He'll be quite familiar with Arianrhod, seeing as it is House Rowe's residence.
link Ashe
Lonato is very important to me, as is everyone else in the Kingdom army.
link Ashe
And I don't want to whine—I really don't—but I also don't want to fight them.
link Lorenz
I find myself relieved that the battle with the Alliance has come to an end.
link Lorenz
Though I swore fealty to the Empire, it is no pleasant affair to be thrown into war against former comrades.
link Lorenz
I would rest far more easy if the Alliance and Empire were to be united.
link Shez
I don't think that's possible considering everything that's happened.
link Shez
I don't think that's possible considering everything that's happened.
link Lorenz
I see your point, though I could still see it coming to pass if the interests of both regions came into alignment.
link Shez
Hey, you never know, right?
link Shez
Hey, you never know, right?
link Lorenz
Yes, I am certain that if their interests were to align, they would not hesitate to come together.
link Ignatz
Raphael was such a dear friend, but...but we...
link Ignatz
War can be so very cruel.
link Ignatz
What will I say to his grandfather? Or Maya?
link Raphael
Aw, Ignatz. You're the one who asked me to join up with the Empire...
link Raphael
But what's the point of doing that if you're gonna up and die before me, buddy? Maybe I should just...
link Raphael
No. There's still a purpose here. I've gotta live through this for myself—and for Maya.
link Balthus
Never in all my life thought I'd run into somebody who could take out Holst.
link Balthus
I dunno about that Bergliez guy. He and Holst are so blasted strong they don't even seem human.
link Balthus
But Bergliez has a Crest, whereas Holst doesn't.
link Balthus
So if it comes out a draw, that's basically a win for Holst, yeah? Either way, I sure don't wanna tussle with either of 'em.
link Lysithea
I capitulated to the Empire, which might actually give my father greater peace of mind.
link Lysithea
You see, House Ordelia has for some time declared their inclinations to swear allegiance to the Empire.
link Lysithea
But in my father's heart of hearts, I know he wanted to join with the other lords of the Alliance and fight against the Empire.
link Lysithea
We once faced cruel treatment at the Empire's hands, so I was fighting in his place.
link Shez
You don't seem to like the Empire much, so why fall in with us?
link Shez
You don't seem to like the Empire much, so why fall in with us?
link Lysithea
link Lysithea
I'm rather curious about Edelgard, so... Ah, no. Please forget that last part.
link Shez
You don't seem to like the Empire much. Are you really going to obey them going forward?
link Shez
You don't seem to like the Empire much. Are you really going to obey them going forward?
link Lysithea
I've made my decision. Additionally...
link Lysithea
I'm rather curious about Edelgard, so... Ah, no. Please forget that last part.
link Marianne
Oh, Goddess...
link Marianne
Ah, excuse me. Do you need something?
link Shez
The Empire is working to annihilate the Central Church, yet faith is clearly important to you. Are you really OK with all of this?
link Shez
The Empire is working to annihilate the Central Church, yet faith is clearly important to you. Are you really OK with all of this?
link Marianne
I feel a bit conflicted because I accepted the doctrine of the Central Church simply as a matter of course.
link Marianne
But so long as I can still pray, that is enough.
link Shez
Your family are lords of the Alliance, aren't they? I feel like it would be hard to fight your kin.
link Shez
Your family are lords of the Alliance, aren't they? I feel like it would be hard to fight your kin.
link Marianne
Actually my adoptive father would have expected me to join the Imperial army.
link Marianne
And while I don't know his plans moving forward, I suspect he will not want to fight.
link Randolph
I felt my recent performance to be lacking.
link Randolph
Nonetheless, Her Majesty honored me with praise, and now my heart is full.
link Randolph
Perhaps if I continue to accrue meritorious deeds to my name, I will be permitted to establish a house.
link Randolph
For my family, I will do whatever it takes.
link Fleche
I'm so glad Her Majesty praised Randolph's efforts. And it seems like he received a reward, too!
link Fleche
My brother works incredibly hard for our sakes, and I want to help however I can.
link Fleche
Hold on, Randolph! I'll help you—I swear it!
link ???
The Alliance and the Kingdom sure are keeping you folks busy!
link ???
As for me, I'm a merchant, so I'm always traveling this way and that.
link ???
It's through those amazing efforts that I maintain my store's astonishing lineup!
link Baron Martyn
I am Baron Martyn, and my territory is located southeast of here.
link Baron Martyn
Not that I expect you to know that, of course. I fear we're something of a minor house.
link Baron Martyn
Nonetheless, I will help you capture Arianrhod.
link Arval
What's the matter? Having second thoughts?
link Arval
Don't worry about it. You're human, after all. A little wavering is only natural.
link Arval
Trust in me. I will guide you to the right answer.
link Raphael
Ignatz! We're fighting on the same side! I'm more excited about this than a ham feast!
link Ignatz
I'm excited too, Raphael. But hey, how are Maya and your grandfather doing?
link Raphael
Great as usual! That's why I'm fighting—so they can keep on living a good and happy life.
link Ignatz
In that case, let's fight as hard as we can so we never have to be on opposite sides again.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Arianrhod, known also as the Silver Maiden, originally belonged to the Empire.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Sadly, the Count Rowe of the time betrayed the Empire and drove a wedge into their defenses.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But now it belongs to the Empire once more, and we will never again let it fall into enemy hands!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I've looked up to the knights of the Kingdom since I was a small girl.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But now that the time has come to cross spears with them, I find myself increasingly nervous.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I pray I fight in a way that does no shame to my opponents.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The army attacking Arianrhod is evidently being led by King Dimitri himself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Pretty scary to be fighting a guy who killed his own uncle on his path to the throne, huh?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Even those who simply sided with his uncle were named as perpetrators of the Tragedy of Duscur and punished accordingly.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Hey there! Remember me?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I guess you don't. I was in the same year as you, in the Golden Deer House.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A few houses of the Alliance are following the Empire now, including the one that I work for.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I don't much think about the lord himself, but those Gaspard folks are an impressive lot.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Most love Lord Lonato like a father, and are even willing to lay down their lives for him.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Maybe he's more praiseworthy than I realized.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
This was once Arundel territory, but the regent's rebellion saw the house ended.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
After that, it came under control of House Hresvelg, and the Minister of the Imperial Household began coming and going often.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Talk arose that it would be granted to House Vestra, but for now it remains under Hresvelg influence.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Seems like we've got more mercs on our side lately. Can we really trust 'em?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Wouldn't be surprising if they had a couple of spies mixed in among 'em. Better keep the important information close to the vest.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
No need to tell the mercs everything, after all! Those people would turn in their own grandmother for a couple of coins if it came down to it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Despite the difference in hair color, Her Majesty looks very much like her mother, Anselma.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
What, me? Oh, I'm just the head of a nearby village who's come to greet the emperor.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Her Majesty's mother Anselma was born right here in former Arundel territory!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
She would often come to visit our village. Though it was a great many years ago, I still remember her as a most wonderful person.
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
The gates of Arianrhod seem every bit as gigantic and sturdy as those in the capitals.
link Gatekeeper
Oh, how I would love to stand watch there!
link Gatekeeper
Not that I'm not proud of the tiny gate we have here! Wait, did I just call it tiny? Forget I said anything!