While you were occupied in Ailell, both the church and those who slither in the dark have made a play for Garreg Mach. It's time to end this conflict and unite Fódlan under the Empire's banner.

Edelgard volume_up
And with the end...so near...
Shez volume_up
No! I was so...close...
Shez volume_up
No! I was so...close...
Shez volume_up
No! I was so...close...
Shez volume_up
No! I was so...close...
link Edelgard volume_up
It seems Rhea and Thales have both breached the monastery. And for the sake of Fódlan's future, we will make it their tomb!
link Hubert volume_up
The barriers conjured by the enemy will hinder the movement of our troops.
link Edelgard volume_up
Then we've no choice but to proceed in two groups. Take care that neither one is wiped out.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
I am finally back within these walls. Now all that remains is to exterminate the rebels.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Our most fervent desire is nearly within reach. Go, then! Overrun this den of beasts!
link Edelgard volume_up
It seems Rhea and Thales have both breached the monastery. And for the sake of Fódlan's future, we will make it their tomb!
??? volume_up
Once our conflicts with the church and those mages escalated, we were worn down almost instantly...
link Hubert volume_up
The barriers conjured by the enemy will hinder the movement of our troops.
link Edelgard volume_up
Then we've no choice but to proceed in two groups. Take care that neither one is wiped out.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Where are the reinforcements? No! I don't want to die!
link Hubert volume_up
We should rescue Count Varley if at all possible. It will not be easy to find another man to wear the miter.
link Monica volume_up
There's a structural weakness in that wall. A heavily armored unit might be able to break through and expedite the rescue.
link Edelgard volume_up
A new path has been cleared. Let's take it.
Citizen volume_up
They've broken through the walls? No! Send reinforcements at once!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I demand that you rescue me right this... Hm? Bernadetta? Oh, I didn't know that you...
link Bernadetta volume_up
Um, hello. This is all a bit...unexpected, I guess.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You honor your humble servant with this daring rescue, Your Majesty! What a grand display of sympathy for my plight!
link Edelgard volume_up
I suspect you abandoned the monastery just so you might cower here, but I will have your full explanation once time allows.
link Hubert volume_up
Ah, Count Varley. How lovely to see you in one piece—although I did expect to find you inside the monastery, rather than out.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
No, you have it all wrong! I didn't flee! Why, I would never abandon my station!
Grégoire volume_up
I am the bishop of the Southern Church, and you are obligated to protect me! Now do so and be quick about it!
link Yuri volume_up
I'm tempted to ignore that, but we'll have a mess on our hands if the cretin actually dies.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
This isn't right! Why should I have to die?!
Grégoire volume_up
Thus ends a brilliant man...a glorious life... and far too much unspent gold...
link Hubert volume_up
Hmph. Now we have to install another bishop. As if we did not have enough to do...
link Bernadetta volume_up
My father's been killed? Oh.
??? volume_up
The bishop of the Southern Church has been struck down! Press the attack!
??? volume_up
How could we let that happen to the count... It was our duty to protect him!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'm alive... I mean, of course I am! My death would be a crippling blow to the Empire!
link Edelgard volume_up
The man is incorrigible. Someone keep an eye on him—we're not out of the woods yet.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
The enemy's wretched mage there has conjured barriers that are hampering my escape. I mean, my ability to fight!
??? volume_up
Your Majesty, that dark mage seems to be the one creating these strange barriers.
link Hubert volume_up
He must be a sorcerer of some repute... Let us smite him and his magic here and now.
??? volume_up
Imperial dogs! Stop interfering and learn your place!
link Ferdinand volume_up
An ambush, is it? I should have known things would not be as simple as they seemed.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Ah, there is the perfect place to unleash my secret weapon... Let fly the arrows!
Mage volume_up
Huh? Where are those coming from?! Argh!
link Hubert volume_up
Goodness me. Who knew the count still had some fight left in him?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I may be a bishop, but I still know when to stay the hand of mercy!
Shez volume_up
So, you're with those who slither in the dark? I've got tons of questions for you...but they're gonna have to wait till after I win!
Shez volume_up
So you're with those who slither in the dark? I've got tons of questions for you...but they're gonna have to wait till after I win!
??? volume_up
Oh? Might you be...
link Hubert volume_up
You should have stayed in the dark instead of crawling out here to die.
??? volume_up
I'll not be slain by the likes of you!
??? volume_up
You are all descendants of the most inconsequential of beasts, and your deaths will fuel our grand ambition.
??? volume_up
You're much stronger than I thought...
??? volume_up
Enough! I am above such games!
link Edelgard volume_up
Where did he go? We need to dispel those barriers at once!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If he retreated to the upper floors, I do not see how we can reach him. But there must be some way around the barriers.
??? volume_up
We've received multiple reports of enemy troops appearing out of thin air. Perhaps they have some sort of warping device?
??? volume_up
The enemy keeps popping up out of nowhere! They've gotta have some kind of warping device.
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, that certainly sounds likely. We should check every hiding place we can think of.
link Monica volume_up
We've found the device, but it doesn't seem to operate by itself.
link Hubert volume_up
I have seen such warping devices beneath the monastery. They are controlled by a separate mechanism located elsewhere.
link Monica volume_up
Then we need to find that, too? Ugh!
link Edelgard volume_up
We're already in two groups. Let's continue the search.
Anaximandros volume_up
These infernal black walls are preventing me from reaching Lady Rhea!
Anaximandros volume_up
And now the Imperial reinforcements are closing in... Well, I'll just have to go intercept them myself!
link Hubert volume_up
That must be the control device. Try to activate it.
link Edelgard volume_up
Does this mean we can warp now?
Anaximandros volume_up
The last time I saw you, you saved my life— but I never thought you'd force me to repay the debt quite like this.
link Shamir volume_up
You don't owe me anything, Catherine. If you need to hate me, then hate me.
Anaximandros volume_up
I don't have any interest in exchanging words with you. You attacked us, and that's all I need to know.
Anaximandros volume_up
The last time I saw you, you saved my life— but I never thought you'd force me to repay the debt quite like this.
link Shamir volume_up
You don't owe me anything, Catherine. If you need to hate me, then hate me.
Anaximandros volume_up
I'll not break while Lady Rhea still needs me!
Catherine volume_up
Lady Rhea... It was my greatest pride...to be your sword...
link Monica volume_up
Let's use the device to go after that dark mage!
link Edelgard volume_up
Good. The device works.
link Edelgard volume_up
Good. The device works.
link Edelgard volume_up
Good. The device works.
link Edelgard volume_up
Good. The device works.
link Edelgard volume_up
Good. The device works.
??? volume_up
I will dispose of you vermin myself!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Come, Hubert! Let us show these knaves the power of the Twin Jewels!
link Hubert volume_up
The twin what? Now see here, if you desire my assistance, you can start by doing away with the strange epithets.
??? volume_up
I will not be held up by such foul vermin.
??? volume_up
So this is where I expire... I pray you might finish what must be done, Thales.
link Monica volume_up
The dark barriers have vanished. Now we can rejoin our forces!
link Edelgard volume_up
The Twin Jewels, is it? Well, I admit the two of you do shine together.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I knew you would understand. Now please remind Hubert of that at every opportunity.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
That dark magic has dissipated! Now I can finally escape... I mean, strategically retreat!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'll fight until my dying breath to protect Lady Rhea!
Viscount Belinus volume_up
But Cyril, the wounds you carry... Please be safe.
Citizen volume_up
As the goddess is my witness, this is as far as you go!
??? volume_up
Annihilate them and reclaim all that is ours!
link Edelgard volume_up
Don't stop now! Not when the future we seek is within our grasp!
link Shamir volume_up
What have I told you, Cyril? You know better than to fight when you're hurt like that!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
How could you turn on us like this, Shamir?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'll give you ten times the pain you inflicted on Lady Rhea!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You'll never reach Lady Rhea! I won't let you!
Cyril volume_up
I hope that was enough...to save her...
link Edelgard volume_up
The way to the monastery is clear.
Shez volume_up
Come on! Victory's nearly ours!
Shez volume_up
Come on! Victory's nearly ours!
Thales volume_up
You ignorant fools dare stand against me?
link Edelgard volume_up
Your reckoning has come, Thales! Now you will pay for all that you did to my father and the Empire!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I no longer care who you are. For the sake of my people, you must die!
Shez volume_up
Well you should care...cause I'm the one who's gonna kill you!
Shez volume_up
Well you should care...cause I'm the one who's gonna kill you!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Foolish harridan! This land you seek dominion over is drenched in the blood of beasts!
link Edelgard volume_up
Fool I may be, but I have plenty of company— my allies and I stand ready to trample you into the dust!
link Hubert volume_up
I do not usually mix business with pleasure, but this is an exquisite opportunity to sate duty and vengeance both.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
It is my vengeance you will suffer, beast— and oh, how you have earned it.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
It strikes me now that our plans began to unravel the moment you slipped from Kronya's clutches.
link Monica volume_up
If you're saying it helped Her Majesty, then there's no better result I could hope for!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
This land will be ours!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
This flesh will never perish by your hand!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
link Edelgard volume_up
We dispelled the darkness. Now all that remains is Rhea.
link Edelgard volume_up
How fitting that I should settle things with Rhea here in the cathedral.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
No matter how many years pass, you people will always be little more than fools.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
Return the land you stole from us!
Shez volume_up
Sorry, but I think I'd rather fight you instead.
Shez volume_up
Sorry, but I think I'd rather fight you instead.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
I will correct the mistake I made when I took you in...by ending your life.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
You boast blood of the Hresvelgs and the heart of a traitor. Your sins run deeper than all others.
link Edelgard volume_up
I wear my sins proudly, for they are the reason I fight to free Fódlan from the goddess's so- called "judgment"!
link Shamir volume_up
I owe you a lot, but the debt's been paid. If you expected more, that's on you.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
Yes, your debts with me are settled, Shamir. Your actions now, however, are another story.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
Jeralt, no! How could you possibly side with the Empire?
link Jeralt volume_up
Life is full of twists. I just wish facing you in battle wasn't one of them.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
You look so much like... No, that can't be. Were it true, why would you fight me?
Byleth volume_up
You act as if we've met.
Byleth volume_up
You act as if we've met.
Viscount Belinus volume_up
I must not fall here!
Viscount Belinus volume_up
You have left me with no other choice... Watch over me, Mother.
Shez volume_up
Rhea can shapeshift too? But that form...
Shez volume_up
Rhea can shapeshift too? But that form...
link Edelgard volume_up
Then you are the Immaculate One? So be it! Today we destroy you and secure our future!
link Hubert volume_up
Stay vigilant. There would be no greater folly than to die here after all our struggles.
link Caspar volume_up
Just you wait, Father. I'm going to distinguish myself and return home a hero!
link Petra volume_up
I am Petra Macneary, queen of Brigid. I honor my pact by fighting with the Empire!
link Monica volume_up
We will prevail today, even if it costs me the life that Her Majesty so graciously saved!
link Dorothea volume_up
I pray this fight is the one that ends this wretched war for good!
link Linhardt volume_up
Well, I suppose I can allow myself one day of truly giving my all...
link Edelgard volume_up
We will never yield to you, no matter how large or powerful you might be!
link Bernadetta volume_up
I'm just going to keep attacking, but you can pretend I'm not here!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Onward, to victory and glory!
Viscount Belinus volume_up
I must...prevail... Grant me power!
link Edelgard volume_up
She's no longer able to maintain that form. If we act quickly, we can restrain her. Huh?!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Our vengeance is unending! We must reclaim what was stolen from us!
Viscount Belinus volume_up
I will destroy you by my own hand!
link Edelgard volume_up
We will surpass you both and move forward.
Shez volume_up
I don't know what the future holds, but we're not gonna stop until we claim it!
Shez volume_up
I dunno what the future holds, but we're not gonna stop until we claim it!
link Hubert volume_up
Stay vigilant. There would be no greater folly than to die here after all our struggles.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Onward, to victory and glory!
link Monica volume_up
We will prevail today, even if it costs me the life that Her Majesty so graciously saved!
link Bernadetta volume_up
I'm just going to keep attacking, but you can pretend I'm not here!
link Caspar volume_up
Just you wait, Father. I'm going to distinguish myself and return home a hero!
link Linhardt volume_up
Well, I suppose I can allow myself one day of truly giving my all...
link Dorothea volume_up
I pray this fight is the one that ends this wretched war for good!
link Petra volume_up
I am Petra Macneary, queen of Brigid. I honor my pact by fighting with the Empire!
link Edelgard volume_up
Together, everyone! Let's finish this!
Viscount Belinus volume_up
This struggle is nothing compared to what we faced in the Red Canyon!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You loathsome helminth!
Viscount Belinus volume_up
This is not over! I must carry on for the sake of my mother's fallen comrades!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You have forced my hand. Whatever the cost, I must see our objective achieved!
??? volume_up
The Southern Church's bishop is an enemy of the goddess and must be destroyed!
link Ferdinand volume_up
They employ magic to attack Count Varley from below. That cannot be good.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I hope that keeps Count Varley safe.
??? volume_up
Our goal is achieved! Fall back!
link Hubert volume_up
The count's assailants have eluded us.
??? volume_up
That man has the most absurd luck... We're done here! Fall back!
link Hubert volume_up
The count's assailants have eluded us.
??? volume_up
Use the catapults to crush the rebels below!
link Edelgard volume_up
They're attacking from above! We have to stop those catapults!
link Petra volume_up
This stronghold is ours. Now there will be no more hurling of the boulders.
link Petra volume_up
This stronghold is ours. Now there will be no more hurling of the boulders.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Stop hurling rocks at us, or I'm gonna... Oh. They stopped. Well, that's nice!
Mage volume_up
Myson is in danger! Help him!
link Monica volume_up
They're really pulling out all the stops here. We'd better intervene before we take any more casualties.
link Linhardt volume_up
We can't use these ourselves, hm? What a bother.
link Caspar volume_up
That's the last thing that was in our way! Well, except for the other things. Ugh. It never ends.
link Hubert volume_up
If we shore up our defenses, we can reduce the chances of losing our strongholds, even if only for a short while.
link Edelgard volume_up
Shore up the defenses! We must hold!
link Hubert volume_up
We no longer need to concern ourselves with the strongholds. Let us focus on offense.
link Hubert volume_up
The enemies that remain are undeserving of human mercy. On your command, we will purge them with fire.
link Edelgard volume_up
Scarlet flames, consume the old world and bring light to a new age!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You would brandish fire at us? We gave you those flames!
link Edelgard volume_up
Scarlet flames, consume the old world and bring light to a new age!
link Edelgard volume_up
Scarlet flames, consume the old world and bring light to a new age!
Viscount Belinus volume_up
How dare they set Garreg Mach ablaze!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You would brandish fire at us? We gave you those flames!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Come, Hubert! Let us show these knaves the power of the Twin Jewels!
link Hubert volume_up
The twin what? Now see here, if you desire my assistance, you can start by doing away with the strange epithets.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I see the fire blazing in your eyes, Hubert. At long last...
link Hubert volume_up
Kindly spare me the Twin Jewels speech and allow me to carry out my duty with solemnity.
link Edelgard volume_up
We will never retake Garreg Mach now... And just when we were so close!
link Edelgard volume_up
We will never retake Garreg Mach now... And just when we were so close!
??? volume_up
I tried, Your Majesty... Forgive me...