Dimitri and others are imprisoned within Fhirdiad. The group rides into the capital to save them.

Dimitri volume_up
I had so much left to do... The only thing waiting to greet me in death is shame...
Dimitri volume_up
I had so much left to do... The only thing waiting to greet me in death is shame...
Dedue volume_up
I must...protect...His Majesty...
Rodrigue volume_up
Forgive me, Lambert... I failed to keep my promise...
Gustave volume_up
So this is the end... Please, everyone. Save yourselves...
link Felix volume_up
Come on. It's time to rescue our fool king, and whoever else we find along the way.
Shez volume_up
The streets are flooded with enemy soldiers... but one wrong step and we'll end up hurting the civilians instead. Be careful, everyone.
Shez volume_up
The streets are flooded with enemy soldiers... but one wrong step and we'll end up hurting the civilians instead. Be careful, everyone.
link Felix volume_up
We'll start by carving a path to the castle town. On me!
link Ingrid volume_up
We have no time to waste. Quickly, we must keep pressing on!
link Ashe volume_up
We're almost there! Keep going!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
They've broken through our front lines! Move to counterattack!
link Felix volume_up
Not the smartest move, opening the gate for us. Let's crush them here and push on into town!
link Ashe volume_up
Those must be the weapons we heard about. They look like some kind of fire orb.
Shez volume_up
So those are the weapons we heard about. Fire orbs, from the look of 'em.
Shez volume_up
So those are the weapons we heard about. Fire orbs, from the look of 'em.
Dimitri volume_up
I must return to the castle!
link Ashe volume_up
Dedue's surrounded! We have to help him!
Shez volume_up
Dedue's in a tough spot there. We've gotta help him!
Shez volume_up
Dedue's in a tough spot there. We've gotta help him!
link Felix volume_up
And we'd better be quick about it, by the look of things.
Dimitri volume_up
Backup? Thank you.
Dedue volume_up
I must...protect...His Majesty...
Dimitri volume_up
You needn't worry about me. We must rescue His Majesty at once.
link Mercedes volume_up
But we are worried! You're our friend too, just like Dimitri.
Dimitri volume_up
Lord Rodrigue is surely still out here, fighting in the streets.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Hmph! Who do you think you face?!
link Ingrid volume_up
Rodrigue is struggling! We have to help!
link Felix volume_up
Not sure we can afford the delay...but we should help him all the same.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Felix? Why have you come for me?
link Rodrigue volume_up
I'm humbled you went out of your way to help me...and ashamed to admit my own weakness.
Rodrigue volume_up
Forgive me, Lambert... I failed to keep my promise...
link Rodrigue volume_up
You should've hurried straight to His Majesty, Felix...yet here you are. Thank you.
link Felix volume_up
Hmph, you were getting overwhelmed. We weren't about to just watch you die.
link Rodrigue volume_up
I've heard Dedue is somewhere in the city as well. I suggest we find him at once.
link Gustave volume_up
Ngh... If I can only hold out a little longer!
link Annette volume_up
Father! Stay strong, we're coming!
link Felix volume_up
Gustave is here too? You know what to do.
link Annette volume_up
I'm glad you're safe! Now come on, let's kick some enemy behind, you and me!
link Gustave volume_up
How did you... You saved my life.
Gustave volume_up
So this is the end... Please, everyone. Save yourselves...
link Gustave volume_up
I am grateful, but there is no time to dawdle. We must make to rescue the king at once.
link Annette volume_up
Don't worry. I'm sure we'll make it in time!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I was wondering when your merry little band might show up. Lucky for you, I've got a nice mass grave ready and waiting.
Dimitri volume_up
His Majesty is in the castle. We must press on.
Shez volume_up
Not much further!
Shez volume_up
Not much further!
Dimitri volume_up
Please be safe, Your Majesty!
link Dimitri volume_up
On me. Any who stand in our way will taste the pointed end of my lance.
Dimitri volume_up
Areadbhar belongs in His Majesty's hands. We must reclaim it.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Guard that lance with your lives! Don't let them have it!
link Felix volume_up
Makes me sick seeing that thing with the enemy. We'll wrest it out of their cold, lifeless fingers.
Dimitri volume_up
Out of my way!
Shez volume_up
You didn't have a chance!
Shez volume_up
You didn't have a chance!
link Felix volume_up
Hmph, is that all?
link Felix volume_up
This lance is a symbol of the Kingdom...and it's all the boar has left of his father. Let's bring it back where it belongs.
Dimitri volume_up
Indeed. To His Majesty.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Sneaking out of our room, are we? You know what this means.
link Dimitri volume_up
We cannot allow even a single civilian casualty. Please, lend me your blade.
Shez volume_up
Like I'd do anything else!
Shez volume_up
Like I'd do anything else!
link Dimitri volume_up
That drawbridge would serve to be our quickest route forward...but the controls have been tampered with.
link Felix volume_up
Hmph, no surprise there. I'd be more shocked if they'd left them intact.
link Felix volume_up
Engineers! Repair the controls and lower the drawbridge, then do what you must to keep it safe. I'm counting on you.
link Dimitri volume_up
I see you came prepared, Felix.
??? volume_up
No! Please, spare me!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
What a pity. None of this would be happening if your dear king had just been a good little boy and done as he was told.
??? volume_up
Someone... Anyone, help!
link Ashe volume_up
Oh no! We have to save them!
link Annette volume_up
There are more out there who need our help. Come on, let's go!
Supply Master volume_up
I pray we've not arrived too late. Come, let us show them the might of House Gautier!
link Dimitri volume_up
That banner... It must be the margrave! Finally some welcome news amidst this chaos.
link Dimitri volume_up
You have my thanks. I could never have hoped to accomplish that alone.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Oh, I've been waiting for this. Let's have a little fun, shall we?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
It's always such a shame to see such promising young flames rush to be snuffed out before their time.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I must admit, I went too easy on you. Perhaps I should've torn your eyes out and bound you in chains instead.
link Dimitri volume_up
We all have our regrets in life, Cornelia. And soon you'll regret ever being born.
Dimitri volume_up
All who stand against His Majesty will be cut down!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Hmph, how troublesome. When did you break free, hm?
link Hapi volume_up
It's really you. I don't have much to say, so... let's get this over with.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Well, if it isn't my poor little stray. Come now, you're going back to your cage!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Is this all you're capable of? Frankly, I'm getting a little bored here.
link Felix volume_up
Talk all you want, witch. It won't spare you your fate.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Such frail bodies... How do you stand it?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Clever little insects. Try as you might to stamp them out, they'll always come crawling back.
Dimitri volume_up
She's on the verge of exhaustion. Let's finish this.
link Dimitri volume_up
Stop struggling and accept your fate, witch.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
My, how simply terrifying!
link Felix volume_up
We need to do something about that weapon, but I doubt attacking it head-on will do us any good.
link Ingrid volume_up
There must be controls we could use to shut it down. I could swear I've seen such a thing somewhere around here...
Shez volume_up
I remember seeing some kinda device around here somewhere. Maybe that's what controls 'em.
Shez volume_up
I remember seeing some kinda device around here somewhere. Maybe that's what controls it.
link Felix volume_up
Not sure how to work this thing, but here goes nothing.
link Ashe volume_up
The attacks have come to a stop. They should be safe now.
Shez volume_up
Looks like the attacks have stopped. That part of town should be in the clear now.
Shez volume_up
Looks like the attacks have stopped. That part of town should be in the clear now.
link Sylvain volume_up
Might as well deal with the other one, too. I wonder if those are the controls...
link Felix volume_up
We should shut the other weapon down too. And that device seems to be just what we'll need to do it.
link Sylvain volume_up
All right, just gotta do, uh...something. Come on, please work!
link Ingrid volume_up
Their assault has ceased. That should give us an easier time moving around now.
link Felix volume_up
We need to do something about that weapon, but I doubt attacking it head-on will do us any good.
link Ingrid volume_up
There must be controls we could use to shut it down. I could swear I've seen such a thing somewhere around here...
Shez volume_up
I remember seeing some kinda device around here somewhere. Maybe that's what controls 'em.
Shez volume_up
I remember seeing some kinda device around here somewhere. Maybe that's what controls it.
link Felix volume_up
Not sure how to work this thing, but here goes nothing.
link Ashe volume_up
The attacks have come to a stop. They should be safe now.
Shez volume_up
Looks like the attacks have stopped. That part of town should be in the clear now.
Shez volume_up
Looks like the attacks have stopped. That part of town should be in the clear now.
link Sylvain volume_up
Might as well deal with the other one, too. I wonder if those are the controls...
link Felix volume_up
We should shut the other weapon down too. And that device seems to be just what we'll need to do it.
link Sylvain volume_up
All right, just gotta do, uh...something. Come on, please work!
link Ingrid volume_up
Their assault has ceased. That should give us an easier time moving around now.
link Sylvain volume_up
All these ranged attacks are really cramping my style. We should find the controls and put an end to them once and for all.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Those weapons are quite the problem indeed. Perhaps we should seek out the controls and shut them down.
link Sylvain volume_up
Huh... Think that did it.
link Mercedes volume_up
We did it! Not much further now.
link Felix volume_up
That should be all of them. Nice work.
??? volume_up
No... I don't want to die!
??? volume_up
Ngh! Where are the knights when you need them...
??? volume_up
Stop, please! Just let me go!
??? volume_up
Someone help me, please! I'm begging you!
??? volume_up
This is...the end for me. Why is this happening...
link Mercedes volume_up
We can't let them die. Hurry, everyone!
??? volume_up
Please, just...let my daughter live...
link Annette volume_up
We've got to help them, fast!
??? volume_up
I'm not ready to die! Not here. Not like this...
Dimitri volume_up
We cannot allow even one civilian to fall.
??? volume_up
Oh, Goddess, hear my prayer...
link Sylvain volume_up
They're barely hanging in there. We've got to move!
??? volume_up
I'm not ready to die...
link Dimitri volume_up
My plan failed. Had I only chosen another option...
??? volume_up
link Dimitri volume_up
My plan failed. Had I only chosen another option...
??? volume_up
I can't...keep going...
link Dimitri volume_up
My plan failed. Had I only chosen another option...
??? volume_up
Oh, Goddess... I'm coming...
link Dimitri volume_up
My plan failed. Had I only chosen another option...