The Imperial army marches north into Riegan territory to attack Derdriu, the Aquatic Capital. It falls to you to stop them at all costs.

link Claude volume_up
Hang in there, everyone. We'll turn this around, just you wait!
link Claude volume_up
The port can't remain in enemy hands. Use everything in your power to take it back!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Ah, our fearless leader finally makes his entrance! We've been holding out all by our lonesome.
link Claude volume_up
My apologies, Judith. I had my hands full elsewhere.
link Claude volume_up
We'll need you to maintain our defense. Everyone else, make sure she stays alive!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Nice work. Keep it up!
link Raphael volume_up
One more left! C'mon!
link Claude volume_up
OK, we need to go stabilize the front lines. Just make sure they don't steal any of our strongholds back.
Thales volume_up
What? They have recaptured the port? This does not bode well. Launch our surprise attack!
link Claude volume_up
They set up an ambush inside the city?! Can't say I expected that. Lower the drawbridge and intercept them!
link Lorenz volume_up
We cannot allow them to break through our defense. Let us all band together!
link Leonie volume_up
We'll protect Derdriu and the Alliance!
Thales volume_up
We are not finished yet. Keep up the assault! Show them what the Empire is made of!
link Claude volume_up
It's no use. We're putting up a good fight, but we're one step behind. There's gotta be a way to turn the tables... Wait, that's...
Holst volume_up
Fear not! Holst Sigiswald Goneril has arrived! I shall deliver Derdriu from the hands of the enemy!
link Hilda volume_up
Holst?! What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining, though!
link Holst volume_up
I will crush the Empire forces. Everyone, follow me!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Leicester's mightiest hero has come to our aid! We can't be defeated now!
Balthus volume_up
All right, it's my turn! All hands, attack!
link Hilda volume_up
Wait, isn't that Baltie? What's he doing fighting for the Empire?
link Hilda volume_up
Wait, isn't that Baltie? What's he doing fighting for the Empire?
link Lysithea volume_up
That man appears to be a mercenary. If we can win him over to our side, we can limit the number of needless casualties.
Charon General volume_up
Whoa, is that Holst?! Guess I better prepare for the worst!
link Holst volume_up
Oho, it's been a while since we've had a serious fight. Come at me, Balthus!
Charon General volume_up
Gah! Hilda?! Keep this a secret from Holst, would ya? Oh, never mind, you're clearly gonna tell him.
link Hilda volume_up
You should be more careful about what jobs you take on, Baltie.
Charon General volume_up
Hey, you're Count Ordelia's daughter! Look, I don't wanna kill you. Mind backing off?
link Lysithea volume_up
Why would I comply with an enemy's request? Besides, you are clearly outmatched.
Charon General volume_up
Haven't you heard of the Jaw-dropping King of Grappling? Guess not.
Charon General volume_up
I can't fall back now! My reputation as the Illustrious King of Grappling would take a hit!
link Hilda volume_up
Baltie, just give up already. Why don't you join us instead?
Charon General volume_up
I've got no right to choose now that I'm beat. Do whatever you want with me.
link Lysithea volume_up
You've lost. Stop resisting and surrender already.
Charon General volume_up
Well, if the little lady of House Ordelia says so... Guess I'll use this as an opportunity to pay you back.
Thales volume_up
I did not think I had underestimated you. This is terribly unfortunate. All units, attack! Follow me!
link Lorenz volume_up
It has been some time, Ferdinand. Though I had hoped our next meeting would be for tea instead of battle.
Thales volume_up
Indeed. I would have much preferred trading barbs, not blows.
Thales volume_up
Linhardt, this is most unfortunate. You know the future you desire lies with the Empire.
link Linhardt volume_up
I'm just trying to stay alive. There are a lot of things I can't give up for you.
Ferdinand volume_up
I must not fail here! This is for the future of the Empire!
Thales volume_up
I shall not lose! No matter who comes for me!
Thales volume_up
I cannot retreat now!
Citizen volume_up
Heh, plenty of treasure here ripe for the taking—and take it we did! Time for a quick exit.
link Hilda volume_up
Looting at a time like this?! The nerve!
link Hilda volume_up
Phew... I'm glad we got all that stuff back.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
My lord! The fire orbs are ready!
Thales volume_up
Excellent. Prepare to fire. We shall blast a hole through their defense line!
link Marianne volume_up
Oh no... Our defensive line is in jeopardy. Isn't there any way to stop them?
link Hilda volume_up
We'll be in a tough spot if we don't stop those things. Claude, do something!
link Marianne volume_up
We managed to take out one of those weapons!
link Lorenz volume_up
Very good. Only one fire orb remains!
link Marianne volume_up
We managed to take out one of those weapons!
link Lorenz volume_up
Very good. Only one fire orb remains!
link Marianne volume_up
Thank goodness. Now they can't bombard us anymore.
link Lorenz volume_up
We have stopped their bombardment. How will the Empire react now, I wonder?
link Lorenz volume_up
It is a noble's duty to protect the people. We must recapture Derdriu!
link Claude volume_up
All that's left is to take down the enemy general!
link Hilda volume_up
Hey, maybe we should call in the archers?
link Hilda volume_up
Archers, protect our line of defense!
Citizen volume_up
Claude! We're able to move the ships now!
link Claude volume_up
Nice work. If we bring them this way, we can use them as a bridge.
link Claude volume_up
Get those ships over here!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'm not done yet! A few scratches won't scare me into abandoning my post!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
No! If I fall here, Derdriu will be lost...
link Ignatz volume_up
Judith is in trouble! We have to help her!
link Lorenz volume_up
Judith is in danger. We must rescue her.
Judith volume_up
No! If I fall here, Derdriu will be lost...
??? volume_up
At this rate, they'll break through our defenses! We need reinforcements!
??? volume_up
We can't hold out any longer! Please, send help!
Thales volume_up
Ngh! I let my ambitions get the better of me. We must withdraw and regroup! Fall back!
link Claude volume_up
We won! I wanna hear those victory cheers, folks.
link Claude volume_up
They're probably planning a second assault after they regroup. But we'll see if that actually happens.
Judith volume_up
I'm sorry, Claude... I...
link Claude volume_up
Judith! No, you can't die on me now...
??? volume_up
I'm sorry... They were...relentless... I only wish I could've done more...
link Claude volume_up
No! Imperial troops are pouring into the city!