The Blue Lions have learned that Regent Rufus has laid claim to the Kingdom capital. Choosing to aid Dimitri, you resolve to take back Fhirdiad by any means necessary.

Rufus volume_up
Ah, fate. You truly are whimsical! Will today mark my death, or his? Either way, this farce will finally come to a close.
Cornelia volume_up
My, this is your lucky day! I've decided that you deserve my personal attention.
Dimitri volume_up
All my plans...are for naught...
Dimitri volume_up
All my plans...are for naught...
link Ingrid volume_up
As we feared, the soldiers are using the townsfolk as shields. What cowards!
link Dedue volume_up
Your Highness, it's as we thought. The soldiers are using the townsfolk as shields.
link Dimitri volume_up
Then our first priority is to secure the people's safety. My uncle...can wait.
link Dimitri volume_up
We'll start by eliminating guards on the capital perimeter. Commence the attack!
link Sylvain volume_up
This will go faster if we split into two groups.
link Felix volume_up
Let's split into two groups, boar. We'll tear right through their defenses that way.
??? volume_up
They're coming! Shore up the defenses!
link Felix volume_up
I almost broke a sweat there. Next!
link Dimitri volume_up
The perimeter is secure. Things should be easier now that we know our backs are safe.
link Dimitri volume_up
Open the gates and seize the town, but ensure no harm comes to the people!
link Dedue volume_up
Fhirdiad is large. We should divide and conquer.
link Rufus volume_up
Well, he's a valiant one. Clearly that apple did not fall far from the tree.
link Mercedes volume_up
To think they would involve innocent people! We must end this battle as soon as we can.
link Felix volume_up
Is this really the best the officers of Itha can offer? Disappointing!
link Dedue volume_up
I do this for His Highness.
??? volume_up
Forgive lord...
link Dimitri volume_up
link Cornelia volume_up
I see our enemy is somewhat competent... Deal with this, Viscount Kleiman!
??? volume_up
Worry not, Cornelia. We will save Prince Dimitri from that vile puppeteer who controls him!
link Felix volume_up
We need to take care of those soldiers before we're boxed in!
Byleth volume_up
I suggest we again divide our soldiers to deal with the multiple threats, Your Highness.
link Felix volume_up
This is just sad. Can we please hurry and get this battle over with?
link Mercedes volume_up
Thank the goddess we were able to keep the people out of harm's way.
??? volume_up
Please, Your Highness, you must see reason! We are only doing our duty!
link Dimitri volume_up
Take him into custody. I have a lot of questions for him.
??? volume_up
At once, Your Highness!
link Ashe volume_up
The town should be safe for the time being. Let's press on to the castle.
link Felix volume_up
We've cleaned up most of the mess out here. That just leaves the castle.
link Dedue volume_up
How do we breach the castle with the drawbridges up?
link Rufus volume_up
These people are hopelessly outnumbered! Unleash our units from the strongholds and crush them all!
link Dimitri volume_up
This could be our chance. There are controls by the castle gates that lower the drawbridges. We can do so from within the strongholds.
link Dimitri volume_up
And of course, the main entrance is blocked. We need to find another way in.
link Ingrid volume_up
Well done! Now to lower the drawbridge...
link Sylvain volume_up
Let's get that bridge down. Where are the controls?
link Dimitri volume_up
Good! Now if we lower the other drawbridge, we'll be able to attack the enemy from both sides.
link Cornelia volume_up
I clearly underestimated the royal whelp... Time for someone to put him in his place!
link Dimitri volume_up
Now that we have access to both the east and west bridges, it's time to breach the capital, corner the traitors, and strike them down!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Aw, why the long faces? Does our hospitality displease you so?
link Cornelia volume_up
Oh my! What a fascinating power you possess!
Shez volume_up
Sure is—but if you think I need it to beat you, think again!
Shez volume_up
Sure is—but if you think I need it to beat you, think again!
link Cornelia volume_up
Every moment I stare at you vexes me more. You should've died that day!
link Dimitri volume_up
It turns out we finally agree on something— but seeing as I yet live, I have a duty to fulfill.
link Cornelia volume_up
Every moment I stare at you vexes me more. You should've died that day!
link Dedue volume_up
And yet today, death comes for you, Cornelia.
link Cornelia volume_up
Oh, you poor dears... I've never seen so many deluded fools in one place!
link Cornelia volume_up
Now that's more like it! It wouldn't feel like a real fight if I simply tore you limb from limb right out of the gate!
link Dedue volume_up
Don't let up! We can break her!
link Cornelia volume_up
You little beasts! None of this would be happening if not for that old man Thales!
link Cornelia volume_up
Look at me getting wrapped up in my fun again. But sadly, I must bid you farewell.
link Dedue volume_up
She's slippery, that one.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
So, it's come to this at last. Well, Dimitri? If you want my head, then come claim it!
link Dimitri volume_up
I intend to, Uncle.
??? volume_up
On our pride as knights, we will defend our liege to the last!
link Dimitri volume_up
I had long hoped for a day we might finally see eye to eye.
link Rufus volume_up
Foolish child! A man and a monster can never come to common purpose!
link Felix volume_up
House Fraldarius has endured the most ludicrous of accusations because of you.
link Rufus volume_up
And yet they're all true! Just see how you use that monster in an attempt to seize the throne!
link Dimitri volume_up
My uncle seems determined to not surrender, which means he gives me no other choice.
link Rufus volume_up
What right do you have to rule over men when you're barely human yourself? You're an aberration—nothing more.
link Rufus volume_up
I should have killed you at Duscur when I had the chance.
link Rufus volume_up
Heh... What are you waiting for, monster? Kill me. Avenge your father.
link Dimitri volume_up
Bind that man and take him away.
Shez volume_up
Hey, aren't the front gates still closed off? We should probably open 'em up so we can get reinforcements in here, yeah?
Shez volume_up
Hey, aren't the front gates still closed off? We should probably open 'em up so we can get reinforcements in here, yeah?
link Sylvain volume_up
A fine idea. And if things go awry, we might need another way out.
link Felix volume_up
Good point. Plus, it never hurts to have another escape route just in case.
link Sylvain volume_up
In that case, fling open the gates! Sorry, Your Highness. Stole your thunder there.
link Dimitri volume_up
That takes care of the obstruction. Open the front gates!
??? volume_up
Your Highness, you're all right! Some knights we were. We should've never let it come to this.
link Dimitri volume_up
Do not blame yourselves. However, if you seek to make amends, lend me your strength and help me reclaim the capital.
??? volume_up
Your Highness! The troops that escaped the castle have taken up position in the surrounding strongholds!
link Dimitri volume_up
That won't do. We must retake them at once and ensure the town is safe for good.
??? volume_up
If you're here to rescue us, give us the honor of joining you in battle!
link Dimitri volume_up
This area is secure—and not a moment too soon, it seems.
??? volume_up
If you're here to rescue us, give us the honor of joining you in battle!
link Dedue volume_up
That's one more down.
link Ashe volume_up
I'm glad the soldiers are safe—we need all the help we can get here!
link Dimitri volume_up
That's the last of the strongholds. Things should be much quieter around here from now on.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Your Highness, we are moving Rufus to a cell and preparing him for questioning.
link Dimitri volume_up
Good, thank you. I will join you shortly.
link Dimitri volume_up
Raise your voices with me, friends! You fought hard this day, and now victory is ours!