Flames of unrest have engulfed Ordelia territory. To prevent the violence from spreading any further, you head for the town said to be the root of the chaos.

Dorothea volume_up
No... I haven't...achieved my dream yet...
Hanneman volume_up
I must find a way to endure...
Manuela volume_up
I'll never be done in by such spineless scum!
Dorothea volume_up
It hurts. This might be curtains...for me...
link Claude volume_up
Rescuing the townspeople is our top priority! And we need to help the volunteer soldiers too!
link Claude volume_up
Also, if you see any suspicious types lurking among the bandits, they might be those who slither in the dark. Be careful!
link Hanneman volume_up
How many of these ruffians are there? I can't protect everyone forever!
link Hilda volume_up
Is that Professor Hanneman? We have to save him!
link Lorenz volume_up
The evacuees are gathering here. On my honor as a noble, I will protect them.
Hanneman volume_up
Ah, so you've come to my rescue! Thank you. Things were getting a bit out of hand.
link Hanneman volume_up
I must find a way to endure...
link Hanneman volume_up
Well, that was certainly close. I am much obliged for your assistance.
link Hanneman volume_up
Have you seen Manuela? She dashed off in pursuit of the bandit leader.
link Lysithea volume_up
Professor Hanneman! No... His value to Fódlan was immeasurable...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Who are you? Why are you chasing me?!
Manuela volume_up
I'm not going to let you steal from such vulnerable people! Stop, thief!
link Raphael volume_up
Professor Manuela's going after their leader! We've gotta help her!
link Lorenz volume_up
Is that Professor Manuela in pursuit of their leader? We must aid her at once!
Dorothea volume_up
Please, lend us a hand! The opera troupe can't hold out much longer.
link Lorenz volume_up
Dorothea! Wait right there. I will not allow those vile criminals to lay a hand on you!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
What? No, I'm not him! You've got the wrong... Fine, have it your way!
link Manuela volume_up
Wow, am I glad to see you! Now take care of these cowardly villains!
link Manuela volume_up
Tear their leader limb from limb! Oh my, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me there.
Jeritza volume_up
Professor Manuela! No, this... This can't be happening!
Pallardó volume_up
That double I planted turned out to be a stroke of genius! Now to take my leave while the taking is still good.
link Raphael volume_up
Is he the real one? Don't let him get away!
link Lorenz volume_up
That is the real one! We must not let him slip through our grasp!
link Manuela volume_up
I think you've got a handle on everything here. I'll go tend to the injured.
link Pallardó volume_up
Open up! Open up, I say! This is not what we agreed to, so open up right now!
link Holst volume_up
Did his comrades abandon him? Then he got what he deserved. Finish him off!
link Pallardó volume_up
Wait! I'm just a passing merchant! I'm not... Eek! Well, it was worth a try.
link Hilda volume_up
Hey, I think I remember him. He's a merchant who used to visit Garreg Mach.
??? volume_up
Please, someone help me!
Metodey volume_up
Hehehe! Kill that man and strip his bones of whatever you can find.
link Lysithea volume_up
The south side of town is damaged as well! Let's get over there at once!
link Claude volume_up
Looks like the south side of town's taking a beating as well. We need to get over there!
link Metodey volume_up
You do realize you're dead now, yes?
link Dorothea volume_up
Why would anyone do something so horrible? You're about to get exactly what you deserve!
link Metodey volume_up
Save your breath—you'll need it to scream as I tear your limbs from your body!
link Claude volume_up
There's no way this guy's their ringleader. Now where could those pesky slitherers be?
link Dorothea volume_up
Ugh... I don't feel so good. Was the enemy's weapon poisoned?
link Claude volume_up
Dorothea's been poisoned? That isn't good. We need to get her to the evacuee shelter on the double!
link Lysithea volume_up
There's a drawbridge on the eastern side. Let's use that to help Dorothea escape.
link Dorothea volume_up
Thank you. I'm sorry for causing so much trouble.
link Dorothea volume_up
I survived? Thank you. I won't forget the debt I owe you all.
link Claude volume_up
If you wanna repay us, you'll need to heal up first. We'll talk more once we've taken care of the bandits.
link Manuela volume_up
This is a rather rare poison. But don't worry, Dorothea. You're in good hands.
link Manuela volume_up
How could I let this happen? I swear I'll avenge you, Dorothea!
link Lorenz volume_up
How could we fail to protect the most treasured songstress in all of Fódlan?!
link Dorothea volume_up
I can't just retreat while people are still in danger.
link Manuela volume_up
How could I let this happen? I swear I'll avenge you, Dorothea!
link Lorenz volume_up
How could we fail to protect the most treasured songstress in all of Fódlan?!
link Manuela volume_up
How could I let this happen? I swear I'll avenge you, Dorothea!
link Lorenz volume_up
How could we fail to protect the most treasured songstress in all of Fódlan?!
link Claude volume_up
Now we've got a Demonic Beast on our hands. The fun never stops, does it.
link Holst volume_up
The town cannot sustain any more damage. Take the beast down!
link Lorenz volume_up
My word... It seems Claude was right to be concerned.
link Raphael volume_up
It's got some pretty big muscles, but I've handled bigger!
link Lorenz volume_up
Our attacks look to be effective. Keep it up!
link Holst volume_up
We've managed to fell the beast. And it looks like the town scraped by as well.
link Manuela volume_up
How could I let this happen? I swear I'll avenge you, Dorothea!
link Lorenz volume_up
How could we fail to protect the most treasured songstress in all of Fódlan?!
link Claude volume_up
OK, we took care of that bizarre wall. Now all that's left is to put an end to Solon!
link Claude volume_up
OK, we took care of that bizarre wall. Now all that's left is to put an end to Solon!
link Solon volume_up
I should've known these thugs would serve as little more than bait.
Solon volume_up
My name is Solon, and I am the savior of this beast-infested world!
link Lysithea volume_up
There they are!
link Claude volume_up
Looks like they've finally slithered into the light. Those are the masterminds! Kill them all!
link Solon volume_up
I will brook no interference from beasts!
link Solon volume_up
I must know how you came by those powers!
link Arval volume_up
It seems our adversaries know something about us after all.
link Lysithea volume_up
Now you will pay for the horrors you visited on House Ordelia!
link Solon volume_up
Ignorant lab rat! Squander your short life if you must!
link Solon volume_up
It seems I cannot afford to tarry.
??? volume_up
Is anyone there? We need help!
link Lorenz volume_up
I heard a voice crying out for help! What good are nobles if they do not aid the commonfolk?
??? volume_up
Thank you! That was too close.
??? volume_up
Goddess help us!
link Lorenz volume_up
Splendid! We have saved everyone!
link Lorenz volume_up
We could not save a single soul. I do not deserve to call myself a noble!
link Lorenz volume_up
Ngh... Some of them perished. But at least we saved a few souls.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Carry the loot to safety, and be quick about it!
link Leonie volume_up
Stop right there! I'll never abide stealing from innocent people!
link Lorenz volume_up
We must stop the thieves from escaping with the stolen goods. They shall face punishment!
link Leonie volume_up
Woohoo! We got the stuff back. Serves you right!
link Lorenz volume_up
A noble's duty to protect the commonfolk extends to their property.
??? volume_up
We did it, boss! This plunder'll make us all rich as kings!
link Leonie volume_up
Rrrgh! The bandits got away!
link Lorenz volume_up
We failed to protect the commonfolk's property! How could I fail so miserably!
link Lorenz volume_up
We could send soldiers to block the bandits' retreat. That should hold them up for a while.
link Lorenz volume_up
I don't see any more bandits trying to escape. We should withdraw the soldiers stationed there.
link Claude volume_up
All right, go stop those bandits! Don't let them take off with the stolen loot!
link Lysithea volume_up
There are still some people who've been left behind. We have to rescue them!
link Claude volume_up
Some townspeople have been left behind. Move out and rescue them!
link Marianne volume_up
Yes! We must help before it is too late!
link Hilda volume_up
Yeah, we've got to save them before it's too late!
??? volume_up
I owe you my life. Thank you.
??? volume_up
I...I was going to be married next month...
link Marianne volume_up
Oh, I'm so glad they're all right.
link Hilda volume_up
Hurray! We saved everyone!
link Marianne volume_up
We're too late. May they find peace in the goddess's embrace.
link Hilda volume_up
We didn't save anyone. I'm so, so sorry...
link Marianne volume_up
We failed to save some of the people. May they find peace in the goddess's embrace.
link Hilda volume_up
I'm so sorry! We couldn't save everyone.
??? volume_up
Fresh enemy soldiers are attacking the shelter!
link Holst volume_up
Aha! So they've come. I swear on the pride of Leicester, I will defend this place!
link Claude volume_up
Phew... Did we manage to drive 'em off?
link Hilda volume_up
Hmm, it looks like we could build a bridge over there.
link Holst volume_up
We've gotten the enemy under control. There's no need to build a bridge anymore.
link Claude volume_up
I'm pretty sure I saw some lumber lying around that would work perfectly. If we lay it across, we've got an instant bridge.
link Lysithea volume_up
We could get across if we lowered the drawbridge.
??? volume_up
We're being overrun! Send help!
??? volume_up
We can't hold out much longer, Your Majesty!
link Solon volume_up
So be it. Another chance will present itself ere long...
link Lorenz volume_up
He escaped?! We almost had him...
link Claude volume_up
Hey, at least we got the situation in town under control. Great job, everyone!
link Claude volume_up
We failed to protect the shelter? The town's finished now!