1. Such is the cost of war.
  2. One cannot win by showing mercy to enemies.
  3. I will overcome this sacrifice and move on.
  4. With each foe felled, my resolve strengthens.
  5. I survived... Very well, then! Onward!
  6. A boon for our future.
  7. Here I raise the banner of the Empire!
  8. Let us use this for the glory of our army!
  9. I have ensured victory today.
  10. Though this battle was fought upon the knife's [cdb]edge, I will also claim victory the next time we [cdb]meet, Edelgard.
  11. That brusque strategy lacked your usual [cdb]dynamism, Hubert—though I cannot say I [cdb]am unhappy about this turn of events.
  12. Forgive me, Dorothea, but such is my duty as [cdb]a nobleman.
  13. The hour is not too late. Return to your [cdb]homeland, Petra! I beg you!
  14. You proved worthy of the noble's mantle.
  15. To think I would strike such a fine woman [cdb]down... Pray forgive me, Manuela.
  16. If only you had taken your ferocity to Enbarr's [cdb]high society...
  17. You lost your way, Father. I merely rectified [cdb]the situation.
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. You serve a magnanimous Empire, so please [cdb]think carefully about the path you walk.
  20. Well? Do you see now the true meaning [cdb]of nobility?
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Even though I face you, I will not yield.
  25. Edelgard would be cross with me indeed if I [cdb]lost to such a familiar face.
  26. I will not stop until the battle is won. This is [cdb]my duty and my burden!
  27. Mark my name well, comrades! I am Ferdinand von Aegir!
  28. This bodes ill—I did not think I was careless.
  29. I might be at my limit... No! I can still fight!
  30. My thanks!
  31. The fight goes on!
  32. I thank you!
  33. Thus does the fight continue!
  34. Most impressive! I will follow your lead!
  35. You are a boon to our spirits!
  36. Impressive! I will follow your lead wherever it [cdb]may take me.
  37. Splendid! Your actions should prove a fine [cdb]balm for our weary spirits.
  38. You demonstrate your strength anew!
  39. You have taken another step forward.
  40. Not bad, Hubert. Not bad at all.
  41. You possess beauty and courage in equal [cdb]measure, Dorothea. You truly are a wonder.
  42. The skill of Brigid's warriors is a marvel [cdb]to behold!
  43. You fight like the truest of nobility, Lorenz!
  44. Splendid, my princess!
  45. You have performed admirably, and my faith [cdb]in you has grown in kind.
  46. Your strength is true, Constance—there is no [cdb]need for continued self-abasement.
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. This is what comes from one who shares my [cdb]belief in giving your all!
  49. I enjoy seeing you at the fore, Edelgard.
  50. None can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with me [cdb]save you, Hubert!
  51. You have done well, Dorothea! And you are [cdb]unhurt, I trust?
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. Such an achievement! Surely your name will [cdb]go down in the annals of history!
  54. A performance unrivaled in the works of man! Your name shall echo forever across all corners [cdb]of Fódlan!
  55. I am truly awed to see you reach such heights [cdb]of achievement.
  56. You have delivered phenomenal results, Edelgard, but please be cautious—it is ever [cdb]a risk to have one's leader on the front lines.
  57. Though your martial prowess is stunning, [cdb]your general way of doing things still sits [cdb]poorly with me.
  58. Your tireless attitude has stoked a fire in [cdb]my heart.
  59. Such a vivid performance calls to mind a [cdb]blade dance I once saw performed.
  60. So that is you giving your all! You have indeed [cdb]achieved most spectacular results.
  61. It feels quite good to follow you, Edelgard. Now more than ever, you are my emperor.
  62. So this is the full measure of the man you are, Hubert. I can scarce believe it.
  63. You dazzle as a songstress, even on the [cdb]battlefield. How splendid!
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. Well, this could have gone better.
  66. I will close the gap!
  67. Leave this enemy to me.
  68. This is no time to be sparing a thought for [cdb]my enemy.
  69. I cannot withdraw—not even when faced with [cdb]a disadvantage such as this.
  70. I will capture this stronghold!
  71. A noble does not know the meaning of the [cdb]word "surrender!"
  72. We cannot turn a blind eye to this. Help must [cdb]be dispatched!
  73. The position has fallen. This battle is lost.
  74. I am Ferdinand von Aegir! Have at you!
  75. Upon my honor, I will stop you!
  76. Forgive me, friend, but I must end this now.
  77. This is the way of things on the battlefield. I beg you to forgive me.
  78. If you are to be my opponent, I must keep my [cdb]focus keen and my wits sharp.
  79. Today we clash, Edelgard!
  80. I cannot say what you are plotting, but if you [cdb]intend to bare your fangs, I will meet your [cdb]challenge head-on.
  81. You seem to dislike me... I only wish I knew [cdb]the reason.
  82. Petra... If only you had returned to your [cdb]homeland, such things would not be necessary.
  83. So, you are the reputed son of House Gloucester, eh? Then let us put your mettle [cdb]to the measure!
  84. I am sorry, dear Manuela, but I cannot stay [cdb]my hand this day!
  85. Though it saddens me to see you with the [cdb]enemy, I will strike you down regardless.
  86. A shame I must turn my blade upon one born [cdb]and raised in the Empire.
  87. I will show you the proper path of a noble!
  88. The duty is done.
  89. I cannot die here!
  90. Forgive me, everyone... You must do what I [cdb]could not.
  91. Though I withdraw for now, it would be a [cdb]stain upon my noble name to surrender fully!
  92. Please handle things here for a short while.
  93. This situation calls for Ferdinand von Aegir!
  94. Ferdinand is your foe now, craven!
  95. I will not let this end with my suffering [cdb]such disrespect!
  96. My time has come again!
  97. I still have...things I must do...but fear I must [cdb]withdraw for now...
  98. Sharpen your minds and hone your blades— [cdb]we ride for victory!
  99. So long as I stand upon the battlefield, I am [cdb]at the ready.
  100. One must be hungry to survive in battle. Do you not agree?
  101. There is little point in dying on a rescue [cdb]mission, so I had best exercise caution.
  102. This moment calls for defense, and I will fight [cdb]with my all to see it through!
  103. Though it vexes me, we have no choice but to [cdb]withdraw. All troops, full retreat!
  104. We must claim victory this day! For our [cdb]destiny, and for the future of Adrestia!
  105. Best keep your wits about you.
  106. Together, we will turn this disadvantage back [cdb]in our favor!
  107. Utter whatever words you wish—we will be [cdb]the ones to emerge victorious!
  108. We are enemies now, so I hope you do not [cdb]expect me to stay my hand.
  109. This victory moves us closer to great things.
  110. The war may rage on, but let us delight in our [cdb]victory this day!
  111. It appears luck was on my side.
  112. This victory will enable us to safeguard [cdb]the future.
  113. So long as we have our lives, there is always [cdb]another chance. I must press on.
  114. History will remember this great battle, just as [cdb]it will remember the Empire's final victory!
  115. A crushing defeat... My strength was lacking.
  116. How vexing to see...the future slipping [cdb]through my fingers...
  117. I must make use of this momentum.
  118. We are at a disadvantage here—I must fight [cdb]with caution.
  119. We can advance now. Forward!
  120. The path is shut!
  121. Forward, march!
  122. My will is theirs!
  123. Let us face our foes as one!
  124. March on from here.
  125. It appears support is called for.
  126. Go provide aid!
  127. This place must be safeguarded.
  128. Worry not for me—I have brought this [cdb]situation on myself!
  129. Might I ask your assistance?
  130. I require aid!
  131. Your cooperation would be most welcome.
  132. You there! I beg of you, help me!
  133. I will fight for the Empire, even if my own life [cdb]must be wagered in the attempt!
  134. This is a blow indeed to our morale.
  135. There is not a question of "can"—only a [cdb]matter of "will!"
  136. Leave this to me!
  137. You may continue to rely on me!
  138. Did you all see how marvelous I was?
  139. I can provide no excuse for this failure.
  140. To think I, of all people, would blunder so.
  141. This should clip our enemy's wings!
  142. This is hopeless...
  143. Let us begin!
  144. A rousing success!
  145. We have failed...
  146. I failed to anticipate this situation!