1. I'll see you in hell, I guess.
  2. They knew what they were getting into.
  3. I have things I'm fighting for too, you know.
  4. The stronger person won.
  5. Did you think I'd go quietly?
  6. This one's ours. Where to next?
  7. Way too easy.
  8. Capturing stuff is what war's all about, right?
  9. Boy, fighting you is a lot of work. Here's hoping I never have to do it again.
  10. Yeah, let's never do this again. You're really [cdb]tough!
  11. Looks like I won. Wait, I did? Against His Majesty?
  12. Didn't think I'd put up a fight, did you? I'm pretty good when I want to be!
  13. Ugh, you barely have a single weakness!
  14. I can tell you've gotten a lot stronger, but I [cdb]wasn't about to let you have this one.
  15. Oof... That was tougher than I expected.
  16. You're one tough nut to crack, Rodrigue. I won this time, but only barely.
  17. Phew, that was close! I really thought you [cdb]were gonna kill me for a second there!
  18. Sorry Miklan, but I've got plenty to prove too.
  19. Sorry about this. I don't want to hurt you if I [cdb]can avoid it.
  20. I knew we'd never see eye to eye.
  21. Thanks for the sparring session. Let's do this [cdb]again sometime!
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Didn't have much of a choice. This is just how [cdb]it goes.
  25. If there was a way to avoid fighting you, I'd have done that to begin with.
  26. Just living up to the Gautier name, that's all.
  27. I'm just keeping Faerghus safe. Don't hold it [cdb]against me.
  28. I should've taken this more seriously...
  29. I'd rather not die here, but I may not have [cdb]a choice anymore...
  30. My very own guardian angel! Thanks.
  31. Sorry for all the trouble.
  32. Hey, I owe you one. I thought I was a goner.
  33. Thanks. You know, I think we might actually [cdb]do this.
  34. Wow, nice going!
  35. You're doing great out there!
  36. Impressive stuff.
  37. You're even stronger than I thought!
  38. Not bad. It's a shame you're not working for House Gautier directly.
  39. You're like a beautiful flower blooming on the [cdb]battlefield.
  40. That's our king! Wherever you go, we'll be [cdb]right there with you.
  41. Nice going, Dedue! You're making His Majesty proud.
  42. Incredible as ever, Felix. How about you take [cdb]over my part too? Kidding!
  43. You're really fired up there, Ingrid. Guess that [cdb]means I can take it easy.
  44. You're really something, Ashe. There's a lot I could learn from a guy like you.
  45. No surprises there, Father.
  46. Oops, sorry. I just couldn't peel my eyes off [cdb]you for a minute there!
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. You're just full of surprises, huh?
  49. You're like a beautiful flower... No, you're like [cdb]the goddess herself descended to help us!
  50. I remember when you were just a little kid, [cdb]and now look at you.
  51. Nice work, Ashe. I can tell His Majesty's in [cdb]good hands.
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. That sort of strength can turn the tide of [cdb]battle single-handedly! Glad it's in our favor.
  54. That was really something. Thanks for [cdb]the show.
  55. You took down that many all by yourself? Color me impressed.
  56. Beautiful and deadly, just like a rose and its [cdb]thorns. I think I'm in love!
  57. Doubt the other side fears anyone as much as [cdb]they fear you.
  58. That was wonderful, Annette! I just can't peel [cdb]my eyes away when you fight like that.
  59. You've done Faerghus proud.
  60. Nobody can beat us with you on our side. No, really!
  61. We're practically unstoppable with you on our [cdb]side. I'm serious!
  62. Nice work, Felix. I always knew you had it [cdb]in you.
  63. Hey, don't forget to watch your...back. You're [cdb]not listening to me are you? Guess I'll just [cdb]have to watch it for you.
  64. I wish you were a knight for House Gautier [cdb]instead, Ashe.
  65. That's tough to take...
  66. We have to do something, fast.
  67. This is going to be a tough one.
  68. I always knew it'd be a nightmare to face you as [cdb]an enemy.
  69. Ugh, this doesn't look so good.
  70. Let's take the stronghold!
  71. Come on, we have to defend it.
  72. We'll be done for if we lose that stronghold!
  73. Guess that's checkmate. There's nothing more [cdb]we can do.
  74. You ready for this?
  75. Even a guy like me has a few things worth [cdb]fighting for.
  76. You don't want to die here, do you? Then step aside.
  77. Sorry, but I'm not about to back down.
  78. What, I'm not the enemy you were [cdb]hoping to fight?
  79. Hey, let's be reasonable here. You and I both [cdb]know I don't stand a chance against you.
  80. I'd ask you to go easy on me, but that look in [cdb]your eye says it's not gonna happen.
  81. Are you sure you want this, Ignatz?
  82. Mercy's not in the cards today. I hope you're [cdb]ready for what's coming.
  83. I never thought I'd have to hurt you. Do I blame fate? Or just my own choices?
  84. Go easy on me, OK? Please?
  85. What do you say we just call this a nice [cdb]friendly competition?
  86. My heart's not really in this...but I have to [cdb]fight.
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Not bad, if I do say so myself. I can stop now, [cdb]right?
  89. No point dying here for nothing. I better [cdb]fall back.
  90. Yeah, that's...all I can do.
  91. I really took a beating... Sorry, but I've gotta [cdb]pull back for now.
  92. Don't worry, I'll be right back.
  93. Looks like you could use a little help.
  94. I take no pleasure in this fight...and neither [cdb]will you.
  95. You won't get rid of me that easy. If I can still [cdb]stand, I can still fight.
  96. What, did you think I was done?
  97. Ugh... In the end...I couldn't [cdb]protect anything...
  98. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to sweep you clean [cdb]off the battlefield.
  99. Well then, shall we?
  100. Ready, everyone? Let's move!
  101. I can't just leave you to die.
  102. I'm pretty good at defending, actually. The other kids always tried to beat me up [cdb]when I was little, so.
  103. If I'm going to get chased, I'd rather it be by [cdb]the ladies...
  104. The rest of the war hinges on this battle. Let's show them what we've got!
  105. We're with you all the way. Stand tall!
  106. We've still got options on the table. Don't worry, we'll make it through this.
  107. We've got things we're fighting for too. So sorry, but we can't lose this.
  108. Terribly sorry, but we can't just let you walk [cdb]all over us.
  109. Nice going, everyone. That's one in the win [cdb]column.
  110. Let's take a moment and savor this victory.
  111. Glad we managed to save them. I hate these [cdb]kind of fights.
  112. I bet my father would've done even better.
  113. Did we make it? I could've sworn we were [cdb]goners.
  114. We...won. We actually did it. Glad I lived to [cdb]tell the tale.
  115. Our plan failed. We just have to accept it and [cdb]move on.
  116. I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I just wasn't strong [cdb]enough...
  117. Let's pile on the pressure!
  118. Not good. They've got us on the back foot.
  119. Nice, the path is clear!
  120. Ugh. No getting through here.
  121. Come on, let's get marching!
  122. Leave the backup to me.
  123. I might just be able to help.
  124. Move out.
  125. Go and help them!
  126. You need to save them.
  127. Defend that spot with your lives.
  128. Just have to stay calm and wait for help.
  129. Perfect timing! Now if you don't mind giving [cdb]me a hand here...
  130. Hey, I'm in a rough spot here. Think you [cdb]could lend me a hand?
  131. Could I get some help? I'm pretty [cdb]overmatched here.
  132. Think you could help me out? I'm really not [cdb]in a good spot.
  133. I would make any sacrifice to protect my [cdb]friends.
  134. Ugh, now what do I do?
  135. Hear you loud and clear.
  136. I'll make short work of this.
  137. Pretty good, huh?
  138. What's next? I'm waiting!
  139. This just isn't my day...
  140. Looks like I failed. I really should've thought [cdb]this through better...
  141. Phew, all done! That should make our lives a [cdb]little easier from here on.
  142. The plan failed... Come on, let's regroup.
  143. All right, let's do this thing.
  144. Ahhh, the sweet taste of success!
  145. Well, that didn't work. We need to change up [cdb]our approach.
  146. We should get that under control, and fast.