1. My sincere apologies for asking this of you.
  2. I know you're heading for Remire Village in order [cdb]to find Jeralt's Mercenaries, but...
  3. Well, perhaps you might consider changing [cdb]your mind and accompanying us to Garreg Mach Monastery instead?
  4. And why would I do that, exactly?
  5. And why would I do that, exactly?
  6. Because you've done us a great service and we don't [cdb]have the means in camp to properly reward you!
  7. At the monastery, however, we can repay your [cdb]kindness in full.
  8. Also, between you and me, this evening's turn of [cdb]events was quite the embarrassment for the church.
  9. We allowed students of the Officers Academy out [cdb]of our sight—and house leaders of great political [cdb]consequence, at that.
  10. And then they crossed swords with bandits! If word got out... Well, let's just say it would sit [cdb]poorly with everyone.
  11. So you see why we must ensure you are [cdb]well-compensated. Also, there may be some [cdb]papers for you to sign...perhaps in blood.
  12. This sounds more like hush money than a reward.
  13. This sounds more like hush money than a reward.
  14. Yes, that's exactly what I told the fool knight who [cdb]suggested it! Me, I'd just as soon send you on your [cdb]way, but I fear I'm obligated to escort you back.
  15. Anyway, the whole thing will be much easier if you [cdb]simply agree to come along. Just as a formality, [cdb]of course.
  16. I think that was a threat! And here I thought he was [cdb]a big softy.
  17. Well, what do you think? Garreg Mach is in the [cdb]opposite direction of where we need to be, but this [cdb]man seems rather set on having us accompany them.
  18. Accept that you have no choice.
  19. Agree to go of your own volition.
  20. You make a poor case, Alois, but I can see where this [cdb]is heading.
  21. You make a poor case, Alois, but I can see where this [cdb]is heading.
  22. I guess I'm not opposed to helping out a little more.
  23. I guess I'm not opposed to helping out a little more.
  24. I'll come with you to the monastery—but I'm not [cdb]staying a single minute longer than I have to.
  25. I'll come with you to the monastery—but I'm not [cdb]staying a single minute longer than I have to.
  26. Bless you, my friend! What a noble soul you are!
  27. I'd say you saved my bacon, but that would be [cdb]utterly hammy!
  28. ...
  29. ...
  30. Alois, has anyone ever told you that your—
  31. Alois, has anyone ever told you that your—
  32. Don't. Some truths are simply too painful to bear.
  33. While I'm no expert, I fear the poor man's heart [cdb]couldn't handle the shock.
  34. Hmm? Told me what?
  35. Told you...how dashing you are in that armor! Not just any man could pull off that look.
  36. Told you...how dashing you are in that armor! Not just any man can pull off that look.
  37. Ah, you like it? Wonderful! I admit, I've received [cdb]no small share of positive comments on it.
  38. There's a grand story behind every last ding and [cdb]dent—enough to keep me talking for a week! Why, take this one here...
  39. We heard you'll be joining us at Garreg Mach— [cdb]perhaps somewhat unwillingly, I might add?
  40. I know this wasn't in your plans, but if it lets us [cdb]get to know each other better, perhaps it will [cdb]prove worth it in the end.
  41. Unwilling or not, we've got a long road ahead, [cdb]so let's try to keep the mood light.
  42. I hesitate to ask this considering you're only here [cdb]because of us, but...
  43. Well, are you sure about this decision? The last thing we want is to delay you from [cdb]your own business.
  44. The knights may seem unwilling to bend, [cdb]but it's not as if you have no say in the matter.
  45. Stand by your decision.
  46. Lament your lack of choice.
  47. Actually, I see this as just another chance to [cdb]better myself.
  48. Actually, I see this as just another chance to [cdb]better myself.
  49. You are more gracious than I. But as I see you've [cdb]made peace with it, I will leave the matter be.
  50. No one gets a say when they're up against [cdb]a squadron of knights.
  51. No one gets a say when they're up against [cdb]a squadron of knights.
  52. No, I suppose not. Apologies again for dragging you [cdb]into this mess.
  53. Yes, yes, that's quite enough chatter. Let's save our [cdb]energy for the road. To the monastery!
  54. Listen, I know this one's on me—I'm the one who [cdb]roped you into coming back to camp, after all.
  55. But I'll find a way to make it up to you. I promise.
  56. Thank him.
  57. Keep your hopes grounded.
  58. Thanks, Claude. I know you will.
  59. Thanks, Claude. I know you will.
  60. Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it.
  61. Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it.
  62. A skeptic, eh? You know, I may look like a scoundrel, [cdb]but I happen to be a man of my—
  63. Hey! Hurry up back there or we'll leave you behind!
  64. You know you've had a busy day when you rub [cdb]shoulders with the heirs to the Empire, the Kingdom, [cdb]and the Alliance.
  65. I think they're a fascinating group of people myself, [cdb]but what do you make of them?
  66. Reflect on Edelgard.
  67. Reflect on Dimitri.
  68. Reflect on Claude.
  69. Seems like Edelgard thinks high enough of me. She's got this elegant air about her, but somehow [cdb]doesn't hold any disdain for mercenaries.
  70. Seems like Edelgard thinks high enough of me. She's got this elegant air about her, but somehow [cdb]doesn't hold any disdain for mercenaries.
  71. It feels like Dimitri's always checking in on me every [cdb]chance he gets. He'll definitely make a good king— [cdb]the kind who looks after his people.
  72. It feels like Dimitri's always checking in on me every [cdb]chance he gets. He'll definitely make a good king— [cdb]the kind who looks after his people.
  73. Claude's a laid-back kinda guy who doesn't really [cdb]strike me as noble—and I mean that in a good way. Something tells me he's gonna be easy to work with.
  74. Claude's a laid-back kinda guy who doesn't really [cdb]strike me as noble—and I mean that in a good way. Something tells me he's gonna be easy to work with.
  75. Of course you only pick up on their rosy qualities. You really are a delight—have I told you that lately?
  76. Still, you'd better pick up the pace before you [cdb]vex these people any further.