1. Professor Jeritza told me the good news! Welcome to the Blue Lion House.
  2. I'm excited for us to learn and grow together, [cdb]but for now, please, make yourself at home.
  3. Our whole house has been buzzing since we heard [cdb]you were getting assigned here.
  4. So, we're going to treat you to a welcome feast [cdb]tonight! Assuming you're OK with the fancy [cdb]offerings at the dining hall, that is.
  5. You saved His Highness's life. That means the whole Kingdom owes you one.
  6. On behalf of the Blue Lions, can I just say we are [cdb]honored to have such a lovely young woman join [cdb]our ranks? I mean that.
  7. And I can't think of better way to get to know each [cdb]other than gathering around the table for a meal.
  8. Enough chatter. You're a mercenary, right? How's your swordsmanship?
  9. You must have some skill if the boar here gave you [cdb]passing marks.
  10. But I won't know for sure until we cross blades at the [cdb]training grounds. I'll see you there, before dinner.
  11. That's no way to talk, Felix. You are being rude.
  12. Still, I must admit I'm curious as well. Rumor has it [cdb]you're quite the exceptional fighter.
  13. I'm happy to spar with any of you. Frankly, [cdb]this brings me right back to my old merc buddies.
  14. I'm happy to spar with any of you. Frankly, this brings [cdb]me right back to my old merc buddies.
  15. Trade blows if you must, but please try not to [cdb]injure each other.
  16. The training grounds can be a little tough to find. Ooh! Why don't I show you the way later?
  17. Trust me—I'm speaking from experience. One wrong [cdb]turn and you're up in the library staring down the [cdb]tallest stack of books you've ever seen.
  18. Yes, this is the largest monastery in Fódlan, so it's easy [cdb]to get lost if you let your mind wander.
  19. If you struggle to settle in, say so.
  20. You helped His Highness. We are in your debt.
  21. Remember your mission?
  22. We are to stamp out what's left of the Iron King's Thieves. If I may, Professor, it seems a bit... challenging for a first mission.
  23. But their leader Kostas has already been dealt with. If the professor thinks us capable of mopping up the [cdb]rest, I trust his judgment.
  24. Good. Prepare yourself.
  25. Of course, Profe—Oh. He's gone.
  26. Of course, Profe—Oh. He's gone.
  27. Professor Jeritza isn't much of a talker—or easy to [cdb]talk to, for that matter.
  28. I'm certain you'll get used to him. He may be a touch [cdb]curt, but he's not a bad person at heart.
  29. Still, bandit hunting right out of the gate? This is quite the mission.
  30. After the events in the mountains, I hesitate [cdb]to put His Highness in further danger.
  31. You worry too much, Dedue. Besides, we have a [cdb]trustworthy new ally coming with us.
  32. Take the praise and run with it.
  33. Advise greater caution.
  34. I've given bandits a dirt nap before, [cdb]and I'll do it again.
  35. I've given bandits a dirt nap before, and I'll do [cdb]it again.
  36. Huh. Well, I'm convinced!
  37. We should proceed with caution—though if we keep [cdb]our heads on straight, there's nothing to be afraid of.
  38. We should proceed with caution—though if we keep [cdb]our heads on straight, there's nothing to be afraid of.
  39. Well said. Your Highness, stay close.
  40. Don't bother, Dedue. You could grab this [cdb]soup-for-brains by the scruff and he'd still squirm [cdb]loose and charge headlong into battle.
  41. Whatever the case, we should be doubly prepared.
  42. And we'll be counting on our mercenary friend here [cdb]to assist us.
  43. Express quiet confidence.
  44. Fire off a quip.
  45. I won't let you down.
  46. I won't let you down.
  47. Sure thing, Dimitri. You just keep counting while I'm off racking up all the glory.
  48. Sure thing, Dimitri. You just keep counting while I'm off racking up all the glory.