1. I apologize for bringing this to you on such short [cdb]notice, Archbishop.
  2. Not at all, Edelgard.
  3. But might I ask what prompted this sudden desire to [cdb]return to Enbarr?
  4. We believe one of Tomas's collaborators may have [cdb]infiltrated the capital.
  5. My word!
  6. Tomas tended the library at Garreg Mach for decades [cdb]with nary a blemish on his record.
  7. And then, without warning, he drops his disguise [cdb]and reveals himself to be a vile sorcerer of terrible [cdb]ability.
  8. Someone at the capital also fits that pattern—a man [cdb]we know all too well.
  9. And who might that be?
  10. My uncle and regent of the Empire, Volkhard von Arundel.
  11. His Lordship briefly defected from the Empire before [cdb]reappearing several years later.
  12. But he returned a changed man and began seizing [cdb]power almost immediately.
  13. Witnesses claim he wields dark magic in secret, [cdb]and is able to change his appearance at will.
  14. That does sound suspicious...if these witnesses can be [cdb]believed.
  15. I would ask that you do believe them, as the [cdb]information comes from my own House Vestra.
  16. I see. And when you return to the capital, how do you [cdb]propose to deal with this uncle of yours?
  17. Lord Arundel has the support of a number of [cdb]influential nobles, including the prime minister, Duke Aegir.
  18. And while we have allies of our own, it's likely they'll [cdb]require some convincing.
  19. To that end, we wish to bring our friends here at the [cdb]academy—their daughters and sons—with us under [cdb]the supervision of Professor Jeritza.
  20. We hoped you would consider deploying the Knights [cdb]of Seiros so the Imperial army doesn't get any strange [cdb]ideas.
  21. You wish to march on the Empire with the church's [cdb]knights at your back?
  22. Your support would give credence to our claims.
  23. Additionally, the knights would keep the populace in [cdb]check upon our arrival, thereby preventing the city [cdb]from descending into utter chaos.
  24. The more I hear of this, the more credible the [cdb]threat sounds.
  25. It's clear you have thought carefully and [cdb]planned well.
  26. We intend to seize the palace with our own forces, [cdb]and will do our utmost to contain the conflict there.
  27. But we still need your help. Please.
  28. I have two conditions.
  29. The first: When you capture Lord Arundel, he is to [cdb]be turned over to the knights at once.
  30. The second: Our knights are not to engage in battle [cdb]directly.
  31. I would have it no other way.
  32. Step lightly, Edelgard. Should these claims about Lord Arundel prove false, we will take action [cdb]accordingly.
  33. Make no mistake as to who will be held accountable.
  34. Understood. But please know we have nothing to [cdb]gain from deceiving the church.
  35. Very well. I will summon the knights and let you [cdb]instruct them as to your plan.
  36. May the goddess watch over you all.