1. You found some spoils of war left behind by the [cdb]enemy.
  2. <<<EMPTY>>>
  3. You saved a lost merchant who would like to thank you [cdb]with some goods.
  4. <<<EMPTY>>>
  5. <<<EMPTY>>>
  6. <<<EMPTY>>>
  7. This house belongs to civilians who are trying to [cdb]evacuate. They've agreed to a deal.
  8. <<<EMPTY>>>
  9. <<<EMPTY>>>
  10. <<<EMPTY>>>
  11. <<<EMPTY>>>
  12. <<<EMPTY>>>
  13. You found what looks like the enemy army's hidden [cdb]stockpile.
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. You saved a lost merchant who would like to thank you [cdb]with some goods.
  16. The merchant you rescued from a bandit attack [cdb]would like to thank you with some goods.
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. A battalion renowned in the members' home country [cdb]has offered to ally with you.
  19. It seems the residents fled somewhere. They left some [cdb]useful items behind.
  20. A civilian who was unharmed wants to thank you [cdb]somehow.
  21. A stronghold that was captured in a previous battle. You found some hidden treasure within a crumbled [cdb]wall.
  22. You visited a home in the area. The man who lives [cdb]there needs help.
  23. You stopped by a watchtower and collected some [cdb]stockpiled supplies.
  24. You escorted refugees to a safe location and got some [cdb]materials in return.
  25. You rescued a scout who had completed their mission [cdb]and gained information from them.
  26. The enemy has already retreated from here. Some [cdb]useful items have been left behind.
  27. A dilapidated house stands in an isolated area. An old [cdb]retired warrior lived there.
  28. You met some craftspeople in a mining town. They [cdb]are discussing something.
  29. You stopped by an inn at the side of the road. The [cdb]owner trades some goods with you.
  30. A caravan of merchants has gathered. One asks for [cdb]your aid.
  31. You visit an allied army garrison and decide to hire a [cdb]battalion.
  32. Civilians have barricaded themselves in after a bandit [cdb]raid. They seem to be looking for a chance to take [cdb]revenge.
  33. You punished a noble who was charging an [cdb]exorbitant toll.
  34. You freed a farming village from bandit control. The [cdb]villagers give you a gift in return.
  35. You restored law and order to the surrounding area. The civilians give you a gift in return.
  36. There is a spring that has a mysterious legend about [cdb]it. Apparently there is some sort of benefit to bathing [cdb]in it.
  37. You met up with a supply unit laden with fresh [cdb]supplies.
  38. A strange woman lives here.
  39. You dropped by the local tavern in order to gather [cdb]intel and decided to speak with the owner first.
  40. Upon investigating the tower, you learn that some [cdb]enemy soldiers are still inside.
  41. You visited a nearby blacksmith, who has offered to [cdb]give you a prototype of a weapon.
  42. You met a merchant who claims to sell rare items.
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. You met up with an allied army and refilled supplies.
  46. You visited a residence on the edge of town. The [cdb]scholar living there welcomed you in.
  47. A well-connected merchant says he would love to [cdb]back your army's cause.
  48. Your contact from the battalion guild is there.
  49. There is a dance being held in a nearby town.
  50. Your army is retreating. You help them and recover [cdb]some supplies that were left behind.
  51. A camp where hunters have gathered. They say the [cdb]war is making it difficult for them to work.
  52. You met a scholar who is conducting research in a [cdb]remote location. They opt to share some of the crops [cdb]they're researching.
  53. There is a suspicious person here. They try to make a [cdb]covert deal with you.
  54. A band of thieves is targeting stragglers from a [cdb]defeated army. You take them out and capture the [cdb]leader.
  55. You took out some wild animals that were tearing up [cdb]the village crops. The village leader wants to thank [cdb]you.
  56. A famous band of mercenaries is holding a [cdb]tournament.
  57. You came across a wounded traveling blacksmith, [cdb]treated his injuries, and escorted him to your camp.
  58. You escorted some Rowe soldiers to a safe location [cdb]and received information in return.
  59. Your army is steadily taking control of the area. You [cdb]liberated some spoils of war.
  60. A brawler who is mid-training has sat down to focus [cdb]his mind.
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. You entered into business negotiations with a local [cdb]weapons merchant. The negotiations went well.
  63. Some off duty soldiers are having a feast. You decide [cdb]to take a break and join them.
  64. At this shop run by an ore merchant, certain types of [cdb]ore sell for high prices.
  65. A large number of enemy troops are stationed here [cdb]and security is tight. A frontal attack would be [cdb]unwise.
  66. Wary of an enemy ambush, you send out two of your [cdb]allies to scout.
  67. <<<EMPTY>>>
  68. Some supportive civilians have offered to furnish you [cdb]with supplies.
  69. Your army is securing the surrounding roads [cdb]and amassing resources.
  70. You discovered an enemy unit that had not yet [cdb]escaped. They surrender.
  71. <<<EMPTY>>>
  72. <<<EMPTY>>>
  73. You wiped out some bandits that were threatening a [cdb]nearby village.
  74. You succeeded in securing aid from a wealthy local [cdb]merchant.
  75. You escorted refugees to a safe location. They give [cdb]you a gift as thanks.
  76. Some bandits had turned a vacated estate into a [cdb]base. You took some soldiers and captured them.
  77. You visited a famous artisan's house.
  78. Stragglers from the enemy army are holed up here. You overwhelm and capture them.
  79. <<<EMPTY>>>
  80. A fleeing refugee gave you their surplus goods.
  81. You found a chest with an old coin in it. You [cdb]exchanged it for gold to add to the war chest.
  82. An enemy officer who grabbed his army's funds and [cdb]ran was hiding in the cave.
  83. <<<EMPTY>>>
  84. You found a campsite that has been vacated. Upon [cdb]closer inspection, some items have been left behind.
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. The civilians you rescued from bandits are now [cdb]evacuating. They want to thank you for your help.
  87. A caravan of gloomy-looking merchants has gathered. Apparently business isn't going well due to the war.
  88. You took care of the bandits attacking the mining [cdb]town. The craftspeople gave you a gift as thanks.
  89. It's a swamp that locals tend to avoid. You decide to [cdb]ask one of your allies to investigate it.
  90. You found some useful items in this old, [cdb]long-abandoned castle.
  91. After looting goods, bandits held a feast. You [cdb]barged in and captured every last one of them.
  92. You rescued some Imperial armored infantry. It is [cdb]now possible to use the Impregnable Wall strategy.
  93. You backed up a certain battalion and conquered the [cdb]enemy army.
  94. You recovered the supplies stolen from your [cdb]storehouse and replenished daily necessities.
  95. You captured the enemy stronghold and liberated the [cdb]materials needed to build a bridge.
  96. You meet with the auxiliary unit to exchange [cdb]much-needed supplies.
  97. You bumped into a merchant who happens to [cdb]frequent your camp.
  98. You've come across the Bergliez Squadron, cut off [cdb]from the main army. They need to restock their [cdb]supplies.
  99. You arrived at the designated rendezvous point and [cdb]your army's support unit joined the troops.
  100. You stopped by a store in town that has all kinds of [cdb]items for sale.
  101. You visited the house of a famous former knight.
  102. Two weapons were left behind by enemy soldiers. You [cdb]decide to send one to the auxiliary unit and keep the [cdb]other for yourself.
  103. There is a nun who was once very famous. You asked [cdb]her to join your army, but she refused.
  104. A retired mercenary lives here. He's willing to train [cdb]with you.
  105. You met a hunter in the forest, who taught you the [cdb]basics of hunting.
  106. You rescued a group of mercenaries that were under [cdb]enemy attack and assimilated them into your army.
  107. There's a shop on the outskirts of town. It hardly has [cdb]anything left to sell.
  108. A house on the outskirts of the village. The man who [cdb]lives there is sick in bed.
  109. There's a wandering mercenary who's offered to [cdb]teach you some techniques.
  110. You met with this region's most influential people.
  111. Some mercenaries have gathered upon hearing of [cdb]your army's renown. You decide to hire them as [cdb]raiders.
  112. These civilians do not fear the ravages of war. They [cdb]seem to be stockpiling something.
  113. You order two people to inspect the shipment of [cdb]goods.
  114. Civilians are cleaning the storehouse. Some of your [cdb]soldiers are free, so you make them go help.
  115. A strange artifact was excavated from the mine. You [cdb]refined it and obtained a precious metal.
  116. A group of mages has gathered. They seem to be [cdb]having a contest of magical skill.
  117. There's an antique shop in town. Upon closer [cdb]inspection, you find that they're selling some valuable [cdb]books.
  118. You began setting up camp and chose two people to [cdb]direct things.
  119. You rescued a village from bandits. The village [cdb]militia wants to join your forces.
  120. You met an enthusiastic scholar. It seems he was [cdb]trying to avoid the war, but became too wrapped up [cdb]in his research.
  121. A master of dance lives here. You decide to take [cdb]lessons.
  122. You visited a historian's house. They're willing to [cdb]trade you a book in exchange for something they want.
  123. You checked out what spoils the troops stationed here [cdb]have. There are some useful items.
  124. You visited a watchtower manned by your army. The [cdb]guards there have a report to make.
  125. A merchant strikes up a conversation in the hopes [cdb]that you'll try out some new wares.
  126. You decide to help the town rebuild. A lot of other [cdb]people are gathering here as well.
  127. A nearby farmer has set up a stall to sell produce.
  128. You successfully took out the enemy scouts, allowing [cdb]your engineers to proceed with their work.
  129. Your survey unit has discovered an unfamiliar metal.
  130. You visited the auxiliary unit at their post and briefed [cdb]them on your strategy.
  131. A noble thief once used this as a base. The thief has [cdb]offered to aid your army.
  132. Some unremarkable ruins lie here. After some [cdb]searching, you uncovered a hidden chest.
  133. Your engineers discovered a vein of ore. They worked [cdb]at top speed to collect the minerals.
  134. You discovered a small workshop in a nearby forest. You spoke with the craftsperson there.
  135. Some retired mercenaries live here. A representative [cdb]of the group has come to speak with you.
  136. A minor noble supportive of your cause invites you [cdb]over for a meal.
  137. You met with an Alliance army messenger and spoke [cdb]with them about your upcoming plans.
  138. This tunnel leads to some strange ruins. You [cdb]excavated some unfamiliar ore.
  139. Two tunnels have already been established. You decide to mine ore from one of them.
  140. You recovered a goods depot belonging to your army [cdb]that bandits had taken over. The necessities stored [cdb]there have been secured.
  141. Villagers are trapped inside their village after it was [cdb]seized. They need help.
  142. <<<EMPTY>>>
  143. You met a merchant who is running a stall.
  144. This hermit mage told you about the geography in [cdb]this area.
  145. You stop by a town in the process of rebuilding and [cdb]the auxiliary unit comes to rendezvous with you.
  146. Horses are tied up in the stables. They don't look to [cdb]be doing very well.
  147. You gather your officers and discuss what strategy [cdb]you'll employ.
  148. A civilian has lost the key to their storehouse. They [cdb]say they're willing to share some of their goods with [cdb]you if you can open it.
  149. You find a remote, deserted lake. You could go for a [cdb]secret solo swim here.
  150. There's a village in the forest. The villagers will give [cdb]you a reward if you rid them of bandits.
  151. You successfully met up with ally reinforcements. The commander comes to greet you.
  152. Your squad has finished training. They're lined up [cdb]and awaiting orders.
  153. You're currently devising a plan to take back a stolen [cdb]stronghold.
  154. A departure ceremony is being held for the first wave [cdb]of soldiers marching into battle. You've been chosen [cdb]to give a speech.
  155. You visit an old castle nearby and discover that [cdb]traveling mages are congregating there.
  156. You visit a tourist town. You decide to take a break [cdb]there with your allies.
  157. There's a mine abandoned by the enemy forces. Some [cdb]useful items have been left behind.
  158. You visit a local blacksmith who is searching for a [cdb]certain smithing material.
  159. You aided in the rebuilding of a town that was badly [cdb]damaged in the war.
  160. Your engineers have arrived bearing construction materials.
  161. Some new squads are forming. Their commanders [cdb]have come to greet you.
  162. Two objects are glittering at the bottom of the spring. You can only recover one of them.
  163. The craftspeople are talking excitedly. Business seems [cdb]to be going well.
  164. The townspeople are gossiping. You decide to listen [cdb]in.
  165. You came across a camp that seems to have been [cdb]abandoned by a caravan of merchants. You found [cdb]some useful items.
  166. You met a retired veteran warrior. You invited them [cdb]to join your army, but they refused.
  167. You arrived at the rendezvous point arranged with [cdb]the allied army.
  168. A mysterious monk seen loitering around approaches [cdb]you for a conversation.
  169. A farmer with an assortment of rare produce has [cdb]come to strike a deal with you.
  170. You decided to camp in the forest. You entrusted two [cdb]of your allies with keeping watch during the night.
  171. You met a girl in the farming village who says her [cdb]mother is ill and cannot get out of bed.
  172. A group of merchants was under attack by bandits. You wiped out the bandits and rescued them.
  173. You stopped by an area where members of your army [cdb]are stationed and bolstered your forces.
  174. A flea market is being held in a nearby town.
  175. You decided to gather some food and charged two [cdb]people with the duty of catching fish.
  176. While investigating inside, you came across a strange [cdb]vial.
  177. A festival is being held in a nearby farming village. The villagers invite you to join and you decide to take [cdb]them up on their offer.
  178. A statue of the goddess was stolen from the village's [cdb]chapel. The villagers are disheartened.
  179. Your archers have finished training.
  180. You received some supplies from your engineers.
  181. A spy who was sent into enemy territory has returned [cdb]bearing intel on the state of Arianrhod.
  182. Some merchants are having a feast. They seem to be [cdb]betting on something.
  183. As you pass through the mountains, you come across [cdb]a foreign merchant.
  184. Your army is holding an archery contest.
  185. You successfully surrounded the enemy soldiers. You [cdb]select two allies to send as messengers to tell them to [cdb]surrender.
  186. Stragglers from the enemy army were looting villages [cdb]in the area. You eliminate them and capture their [cdb]leader.
  187. A deserted village, left abandoned after it was [cdb]damaged in the war. You found some useful items [cdb]among the ruins.
  188. The civilians are starting to evacuate. One of them [cdb]approaches you.
  189. A mysterious owl is flying around the swamp.
  190. Merchants are hiding within the cave. They have a [cdb]request to make of your army.
  191. You take lessons from some masters who are [cdb]renowned in their home territory.
  192. You visit the mansion of a famous playwright, who [cdb]has an important request to make of you.
  193. A farming village is having a festival, but they seem [cdb]to be lacking enough ingredients for the food.
  194. A mysterious woman is loitering around.
  195. You visited a secretly famous blacksmith, who agreed [cdb]to help you but wants something in exchange.
  196. As you're locked in battle with bandits, a mercenary [cdb]company comes to your rescue. Together you manage [cdb]to take out the bandits in mere moments.
  197. You decided to send some of your troops ahead to [cdb]wait for an ambush.
  198. You decided to stop for a meal while out on patrol. The townspeople joined in and turned it into a merry [cdb]feast.
  199. A blacksmith appears to be in dire straits.
  200. Your scouts have returned. The enemy forces are [cdb]fewer in number than you thought.
  201. You met a scholar who has been traveling from land [cdb]to land.
  202. You spread out a map of where the next battle is [cdb]going to be and hold a strategy meeting.
  203. A local mother and daughter waved at you. The mother approaches you with a request.
  204. You finished marching for the day and had a feast [cdb]with the troops. You enjoyed a moment of time where [cdb]rank has no meaning.
  205. A company of traveling entertainers is staying here. They performed for you in appreciation of your [cdb]services.
  206. You discovered an old castle along the marching [cdb]route. You sent two allies inside to investigate.
  207. All the engineers are assembled. Their leader comes [cdb]to report to you.
  208. Enemy deserters were hiding here. Their leader [cdb]comes to negotiate with you.
  209. There's a rogue rummaging through the garbage.
  210. Upon investigating the rock face, you discovered a [cdb]vein of gold. You sold the gold and added the funds [cdb]to your war chest.
  211. Your archers have come to you proposing a strategy.
  212. You visit a fisherman's house. He is injured and [cdb]cannot go out to fish.
  213. There are small boats headed for a larger merchant [cdb]vessel that's out at sea.
  214. You decided to camp by the lake shore. Nearby [cdb]villagers donated food to you.
  215. It appears to be a mercenary camp. You're allowed to [cdb]join their feast.
  216. Notable archers have gathered to form an elite [cdb]battalion.
  217. You infiltrated a bandit hideout. If all goes well, you [cdb]should be able to escape with the bandits' treasure.
  218. You hold a war council meeting with your generals [cdb]and supply unit to discuss the upcoming battle.
  219. You rescued a blacksmith who was captured by the [cdb]enemy.
  220. You restored law and order to the area. A famous [cdb]chef offered to give you some cooking lessons.
  221. This was once the hideout of a noble thief. The thief [cdb]surrendered and offered to aid your army.
  222. A mysterious scent wafts from the spring water. Drinking it might be beneficial in some way.
  223. You came across an enemy army deserter, an officer [cdb]in hiding. You fought off the officer's pursuers and [cdb]rescued them.
  224. Something was glittering at the bottom of the spring. You discovered a secret stash that's been left behind.
  225. Transport units arrived one after another. It seems [cdb]you won't need to worry about getting supplies.
  226. A retired knight lives here. Apparently there's [cdb]something they absolutely must see for themselves.
  227. There's a cave that's rumored to hold legendary [cdb]weapons. There are many natural hazards, so [cdb]someone nimble will need to embark on this mission.
  228. You negotiated with sympathizers to your cause. Negotiations went well and you bolstered your forces.
  229. There's a camp where refugees have gathered. Your [cdb]army received a warm welcome.
  230. This region's most influential people are here for a [cdb]party. You'll need to give the organizer a gift if you [cdb]want to participate.
  231. Your transport unit and engineer unit are having a [cdb]meeting. Apparently there was some sort of supply [cdb]mix-up.
  232. Scouts disguised as travelers have met up with you. They have information regarding the local geography.
  233. This scholar is a war historian and wants to know [cdb]exactly what your army has accomplished.
  234. This city has begun rebuilding. A civilian approaches [cdb]you bearing weapons.
  235. An elite group of archers has proposed their own [cdb]strategy.
  236. Some eccentric mercenaries are holding a meeting. It [cdb]seems to be about maneuvering amidst the enemy [cdb]and causing diversions.
  237. The reinforcements you asked for have arrived.
  238. You do some charity work for a town that was badly [cdb]damaged in the war and is suffering.
  239. Mages under Edelgard's direct supervision have come [cdb]to greet you.
  240. Here lives a widow who lost her husband in the war. She has something she wants to give you.
  241. Everything is in chaos as the civilians prepare to [cdb]evacuate. You decide to send two allies to help guide [cdb]them.
  242. Two knights are enjoying some tea together. They [cdb]seem to want some sort of toy.
  243. A chest with an ominous aura is buried here. It will [cdb]take considerable strength to dig it out.
  244. Enemy army stragglers were resisting. You cleared [cdb]them out and gained some spoils of war.
  245. A feast will be held before the final battle. You've [cdb]been asked to...
  246. <<<EMPTY>>>
  247. <<<EMPTY>>>
  248. As you were holding your final war council for the [cdb]upcoming battle, reinforcements arrived.
  249. <<<EMPTY>>>
  250. <<<EMPTY>>>
  251. You visited a nearby village and a villager sought your [cdb]help.
  252. You heard a scream pierce the air.
  253. <<<EMPTY>>>
  254. <<<EMPTY>>>
  255. <<<EMPTY>>>
  256. <<<EMPTY>>>
  257. <<<EMPTY>>>
  258. <<<EMPTY>>>
  259. <<<EMPTY>>>
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