1. We've received a message from Margrave Gautier. It seems there's an emergency at the capital.
  2. No... I hope His Majesty is safe.
  3. Cornelia has arrived at the gates of Fhirdiad, [cdb]leading the combined forces of the western lords.
  4. And here I thought we were keeping an eye on those [cdb]guys. It seems they outsmarted us, though.
  5. If this message is anything to go by, they must've been [cdb]hiding their tracks from us somehow.
  6. Sounds like they're outfitted with strange new [cdb]weapons as well, which they used to threaten the [cdb]citizens of the capital.
  7. And so, our fearless leader surrendered to the enemy [cdb]to protect the people of Fhirdiad from harm. I'm not [cdb]sure what's become of Dedue or my father.
  8. And what about my father? He was guarding the city [cdb]with Duke Ifan.
  9. I haven't heard of any harm to Gustave, but we can't [cdb]assume the same for the duke.
  10. Fear for your friends.
  11. Fear for the people of Fhirdiad.
  12. I'm worried about Dedue and the others. I can only [cdb]hope they're unharmed.
  13. I'm worried about Dedue and the others. I can only [cdb]hope they're unharmed.
  14. I agree, but they're not the sort who would abandon [cdb]their duties to save their own skin.
  15. Strange new weapons? Are the citizens safe?
  16. Strange new weapons? Are the citizens safe?
  17. I believe so, for the time being. Though that's mere [cdb]speculation, or maybe just a feeling.
  18. In any case, if these lowlifes so much as thought about [cdb]harming our people, the boar would break loose and [cdb]make them pay.
  19. We need to head north, Felix. There's no time to lose.
  20. We need to head north, Felix. There's no time to lose.
  21. Right you are. We make for the capital!
  22. Such a selfless leader, sacrificing his own well-being [cdb]for that of his people.
  23. It seems somewhere along the way he's actually [cdb]become the kind-hearted king you took him for.
  24. Maybe. But if he does die, the people will be next.
  25. Maybe. But if he does die, the people will be next.
  26. As if there's any avoiding that. Let's say he'd turned [cdb]his back on his citizens and sought to prolong his own [cdb]life instead...
  27. He would be reviled as a warmonger. One who [cdb]sought conflict to protect his people, only to abandon [cdb]them to the wolves when it mattered most.
  28. Commoners and lords alike would cast off their [cdb]allegiance to him, and the Kingdom would plunge [cdb]into chaos.
  29. Either way, there's no point speculating. If Dimitri [cdb]dies now, it's all over.
  30. Either way, there's no point speculating. If Dimitri [cdb]dies now, it's all over.
  31. Ah, the struggles of being a leader. Your choices [cdb]certainly carry more weight than those of a simple [cdb]mercenary.
  32. Merc life's a walk in the park in comparison. All you [cdb]have to care about is you and your company.
  33. Merc life's a walk in the park in comparison. All you [cdb]have to care about is you and your company.
  34. And if worst comes to worst, you can just drop [cdb]everything and run for your life.
  35. And if worst comes to worst, you can just drop [cdb]everything and run for your life.
  36. Not to say the profession doesn't have its own share [cdb]of challenges. One's not necessarily harder than the [cdb]other.
  37. But one thing is clear to me, at least. You'll never be [cdb]cut out for the nobility.
  38. I could do without the insults, thanks.
  39. I could do without the insults, thanks.