1. Solon may have escaped, but I am pleased that we [cdb]were able to rescue the songstresses from the opera [cdb]company.
  2. We didn't come out here just to save a few opera stars, Lorenz. We came to protect the town.
  3. Besides, those "stars" just ended up being Dorothea and Professor Manuela.
  4. "Just"? You could at least try to sound more excited, Your Majesty. That's hardly a way to greet someone [cdb]you haven't seen in years.
  5. Sorry, no offense. I've never seen you two light up the [cdb]stage, so to me, you're just kinda...you.
  6. Well then, we'll have to remedy that. As soon as this [cdb]war is over, we'll invite all of you to see us perform. If the opera company's still standing, that is.
  7. Not only has Solon slipped through our fingers, we [cdb]failed to save all those who fought bravely to defend [cdb]the town.
  8. A terrible loss. Especially since they were the reason [cdb]the town survived at all.
  9. But at least there's a silver lining. The illustrious Dorothea has agreed to join us.
  10. It's so good to see all of you again. I promise to fight [cdb]by your side, to repay you for saving me.
  11. All right, let's get down to business. I suspect the Kingdom's getting ready to move in response to [cdb]our retreat.
  12. I think it's time we head back to Derdriu and find out [cdb]as much as we can about what they're planning.
  13. Your Majesty! Pardon the intrusion, but I must [cdb]speak with you immediately.
  14. You're with the Imperial army, right? What's going [cdb]on?
  15. I was sent by the emperor of Adrestia herself, Your Majesty. She formally requests that the Federation dispatch reinforcements to her position.
  16. Edelgard wants us to back her up? I was under the [cdb]impression she had the western front under control.
  17. Wait... If she's asking us for help, then I bet she's [cdb]not in western Fódlan at all.
  18. Correct. The emperor is currently at Garreg Mach, [cdb]preparing for an imminent assault by the armies of [cdb]the Kingdom and the church.
  19. Huh, can't say I saw that one coming. All right, tell Edelgard we're on our way.
  20. Yes, Your Majesty.
  21. We just got back from Fhirdiad and now we're [cdb]heading to Garreg Mach. Never a moment's [cdb]rest, huh?
  22. We just got back from Fhirdiad and now we're [cdb]heading to Garreg Mach. Never a moment's [cdb]rest, huh?
  23. No time for it, I'm afraid. If we don't act quickly, [cdb]more lives will be lost, and the end of the war will [cdb]slip even further away.
  24. Plus, if our next battle's at Garreg Mach, there's a [cdb]chance Rhea will be there...
  25. This could be just the opportunity we need. Can you [cdb]go assemble the troops?