1. Brrr! There may not be snow here, but the wind still [cdb]settles right in your bones.
  2. Brrr! There may not be snow here, but the wind still [cdb]settles right in your bones.
  3. Yes, it's often coldest in places without snow.
  4. Make sure to stay warm, all right? It's often coldest [cdb]in places without snow.
  5. Apologies for dragging you so far north and then [cdb]saddling you with reconnaissance duties. Still, how [cdb]are things looking?
  6. Thought for sure we'd see signs of the enemy by now, [cdb]but I've got nothing.
  7. Thought for sure we'd see signs of the enemy by now, [cdb]but I've got nothing.
  8. You really think those Sreng folks are coming over [cdb]these mountains? Seems like a pretty risky plan.
  9. You really think those Sreng folks are coming over [cdb]these mountains? Seems like a pretty risky plan.
  10. Oh, they will come. It's in their nature.
  11. And if I know their leader, this will be a much larger [cdb]raid than normal.
  12. Ask about the Sreng people.
  13. Ask about the Sreng people.
  14. Ask about the Sreng leader.
  15. They tried to raid us during the confusion at the [cdb]capital too, right?
  16. They tried to raid us during the confusion at the [cdb]capital too, right?
  17. So are Faerghus and Sreng mortal enemies [cdb]or something?
  18. So are Faerghus and Sreng mortal enemies [cdb]or something?
  19. I don't know if I'd go that far, but we've definitely got [cdb]something of a history.
  20. Even back when I was a kid, there was open fighting [cdb]between the two.
  21. When Faerghus won, the Sreng leader offered up his [cdb]youngest son as a prisoner of war.
  22. The same son who's now leading this current raid.
  23. This leader sounds like a big deal.
  24. This leader sounds like a big deal.
  25. Yes, he's quite well-versed in Fódlan's culture and [cdb]military strategy alike.
  26. After he was surrendered to Margrave Gautier as a [cdb]prisoner of war, he was held here for some time.
  27. The margrave lost his wife to the Sreng offensive, [cdb]and I know he harbored many ill feelings towards [cdb]their people.
  28. But he also hoped to improve relations between the [cdb]two peoples, and thusly treated his prisoner well, [cdb]teaching him our language and customs.
  29. Sadly, the prisoner did not appreciate the effort. He fled Margrave Gautier at his first opportunity and [cdb]scurried back home.
  30. But if Sreng offered him as a hostage, why would they [cdb]welcome him back?
  31. But if Sreng offered him as a hostage, why would they [cdb]welcome him back?
  32. It's all a bit muddled and unclear. Father dispatched [cdb]men to find out the truth of the matter, but everyone [cdb]feigned ignorance.
  33. Still, he now leads the Sreng forces, which means they [cdb]must have at least some respect for the man.
  34. Doubtless they were pleased when he walked in the [cdb]door with inside knowledge of Fódlan practically [cdb]oozing from his pores.
  35. You've got one interesting neighbor, I'll give you that. Things are tougher in the north than I thought.
  36. You've got one interesting neighbor, I'll give you that. Things are tougher in the north than I thought.
  37. I'm glad you've come to understand our situation, [cdb]at least in some small part.
  38. Our preparations are complete, Father. Perhaps it's [cdb]time we gathered the generals?
  39. Yes. Once everyone is here, we'll depart for the Ruska Mountains and take shelter at the stronghold [cdb]in the foothills.
  40. That stronghold again? We're practically retracing the [cdb]entire northern campaign at this point.
  41. Yes, that is where hostilities began, isn't it?
  42. Your Majesty, House Gautier should've been able to [cdb]handle this situation ourselves. Pray forgive me for [cdb]dragging you into it.
  43. Not at all. Gautier and Fraldarius have long been [cdb]allies in the fight against the forces of Sreng.
  44. It is only right that the leader of House Blaiddyd [cdb]should come to your aid in a time of such crisis.
  45. I'll be counting on you and Sylvain as well.
  46. Show confidence.
  47. Show apprehension.
  48. Don't worry—we'll send these folks packing.
  49. Don't worry—we'll send these folks packing.
  50. Great! In that case, maybe I'll kick back and let you [cdb]do all the...
  51. ...
  52. Kidding! Kidding. Of course I'll give this everything I [cdb]have. Well, except my life—I'll be keeping that.
  53. Honestly? I'm a little nervous. This leader of theirs [cdb]sounds pretty sharp.
  54. Honestly? I'm a little nervous. This leader of theirs [cdb]sounds pretty sharp.
  55. You've nothing to fear. We all know how formidable [cdb]you are in a fight.
  56. You've nothing to fear. We all know how formidable [cdb]you are in a fight.
  57. Besides, with the group we've got here, the chances of [cdb]us losing are practically nothing.
  58. ...
  59. But of course, it's the job of a leader to prepare for [cdb]and prevent that tiny chance from ever occurring.
  60. I'll do my best as well, Margrave.
  61. Though having ceded the Fraldarius title to my son, I fear I'm naught but a common military man now.
  62. False modesty ill suits you, Rodrigue. Now let's all go [cdb]out there and make our king proud.