1. No! How'd this happen?!
  2. Ahahaha! Quite the stroke of ill luck for you that we [cdb]happened upon your vile and wicked deeds!
  3. Don't get too worked up, Constance. You must be [cdb]tired from all that spell casting, no?
  4. You want a snack? I brought plenty just in case.
  5. Oh, my dear Mercedes and Annette. I so appreciate [cdb]your concern for my well-being.
  6. As you well know, the three of us never got a chance [cdb]to study together at the school of sorcery...
  7. But if we had, I like to think it would've gone just [cdb]like this.
  8. Ask about the school of sorcery.
  9. Point out how sad she sounds.
  10. So you three went to the same school in Fhirdiad?
  11. So you three went to the same school in Fhirdiad?
  12. We did indeed, although Constance was a year ahead [cdb]of us.
  13. You sound sad, Constance. What's up?
  14. You sound sad, Constance. What's up?
  15. Of course I'm sad, you feckless oaf!
  16. If only I'd attended a year later, I'd have been [cdb]reunited with my dear Mercedes and met Annette [cdb]as well.
  17. Well, we're together now, and that's what matters!
  18. Anyway, I'm glad we got to see your new magic up [cdb]close, Constance. What a treat!
  19. Oh, but we're not finished yet, Annette—I still have [cdb]need of your assistance.
  20. Your creative mind will be indispensable for putting [cdb]the finishing touches on my magic.
  21. Please don't put it all on Annie. I'd be glad to [cdb]help, too.
  22. Truly? Oh, but this fills me with joy!
  23. Seems like at least this phase of the test run worked [cdb]out in the end, yeah?
  24. Seems like at least this phase of the test run worked [cdb]out in the end, yeah?
  25. Yes. I was able to pinpoint the spell's current [cdb]shortcomings, which means it was an extremely [cdb]fruitful endeavor indeed.
  26. Praise her efforts.
  27. Rain on her parade.
  28. Shortcomings? Your magic was incredible! We'd be [cdb]dead in a ditch right now if not for you.
  29. Shortcomings? Your magic was incredible! We'd be [cdb]dead in a ditch right now if not for you.
  30. Ahahaha! Perhaps, although if there is one thing [cdb]everyone knows, it's that I am never satisfied.
  31. Yeah, I dunno. It still seemed pretty out of control. I kept thinking you were gonna either fry us all or [cdb]accidentally hit the villagers instead.
  32. Yeah, I dunno. It still seemed pretty out of control. I kept thinking you were either gonna fry us all or [cdb]accidentally hit the villagers instead.
  33. Well, it's still in the experimental stage, so there are [cdb]bound to be a few occasional mishaps.
  34. And once I get my hands on another gemstone, [cdb]the next step is to increase its precision and...and...
  35. Oh dear.
  36. Oh no! Is it that time already?
  37. The sun's coming up! We have to get Constance into [cdb]the shade at once.
  38. ...
  39. Oh, there's no need to waste your energies on a sad [cdb]little thing such as myself.
  40. I'm just happy you deigned to humor this crude [cdb]experiment of mine.
  41. Alas, I can but offer my humble service as payment. If there are any menial or demeaning tasks that you [cdb]need performed, you have but to ask.
  42. Too late.
  43. So this is why she wanted to do it at night.
  44. So this is why she wanted to do it at night.
  45. Yes, it's as if she becomes a completely different [cdb]person depending on the lighting—but either way, Constance is always a dear friend to me.
  46. I'll never get used to this.
  47. I'll never get used to this.
  48. Yes, it does take a bit of adjustment—but cheerful or [cdb]sad, she remains one of my dearest friends.
  49. Yeah, it was sort of confusing at first, but I've really [cdb]grown to like this flavor of Constance.
  50. Your kind words are far more than I deserve...
  51. Well, I dunno about you, but I'm exhausted— [cdb]and the only thing that's gonna help is a nice, [cdb]cozy bed.
  52. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted— [cdb]and the only thing that's gonna help is a nice, [cdb]cozy bed.
  53. Good idea. Let's rest up today and get right back [cdb]at it tomorrow!