1. Lord Hubert, we've located what appears to be an [cdb]enemy scouting party in the forest near our base.
  2. This is certainly a matter of concern. We will need to [cdb]make immediate preparations to—
  3. But the one who located them was...Caspar.
  4. Ah, I see. Then what of our casualties? Also, did we [cdb]manage to capture any of the enemy?
  5. We've three lightly wounded, including Caspar. And I fear none were taken alive.
  6. Heh. I suppose such things are wont to occur when [cdb]charging headlong into the fray.
  7. Hey, Hubert! Did you hear how I cleared out a few [cdb]enemy spies?
  8. I did indeed. And on top of getting several people [cdb]injured, you failed to capture any of said spies.
  9. Had you first called for reinforcements before leaping [cdb]into action, that could have been avoided.
  10. And what if they'd gotten away while we waited?
  11. Also, didn't you say it was fine when my old man did [cdb]the same thing before?
  12. Reinforcements would be nothing but a hindrance to Count Bergliez. If he could not handle something [cdb]himself, additional soldiers would do nothing more.
  13. Besides, he would not have suffered even the slightest [cdb]injury in the process.
  14. Hey, I'm barely scratched! Aw, forget it. I'll win your [cdb]respect next time for sure!
  15. Why do you ever insist on hurling yourself into [cdb]danger at every opportunity?
  16. Clearly, some of the reason lies in your desire for [cdb]military accolades. And yet...
  17. Let us take this most recent incident, for example. Had you summoned reinforcements, you would likely [cdb]have received more plaudits for it.
  18. The capture of an enemy spy would have been a nice [cdb]feather in your cap, as would coming home with [cdb]fewer injured comrades.
  19. Yeah, I don't know about all that. All I can say is that [cdb]my gut told me to attack and I listened.
  20. And it wasn't a terrible result, so what's the problem?
  21. The problem is whether or not your gut continues to [cdb]avail you.
  22. If this instinct of yours is wrong even a single time, [cdb]you will find a mound of dirt over your head.
  23. Don't talk like that, Hubert! I might be aggressive, [cdb]but I'm not angling to end up dead.
  24. Your untimely demise would make trouble for me, [cdb]as well. Why, just think of the critical military [cdb]manpower I would be sacrificing.
  25. Yet at the same time, you and your gut mucking up [cdb]carefully-laid plans is cause for no less chagrin.
  26. Gaaaah! You think too much, you know that?!
  27. I mean, if you wanna make a name for yourself on [cdb]the battlefield, you kinda have to accept the risk of [cdb]death.
  28. I made the choice to distinguish myself in war [cdb]in spite of that.
  29. But hey, you know what? If you think I'm gonna kick [cdb]the bucket, go ahead and work that into your plans!
  30. Ah...
  31. Look, I know I'm your critical military manpower or [cdb]whatever it was you said. But sometimes you've gotta [cdb]win whether you have that manpower or not.
  32. Like I said, I'm not aiming to get myself killed, but I [cdb]also know there are no guarantees in battle.
  33. Anyway, I figure that's gotta be the best way to make [cdb]sure I don't end up being a burden for you.
  34. Oh, it's time for training. Gotta run, Hubert!
  35. Placing your fate into my hands, are you?
  36. They say it is a fine line that separates the saint from [cdb]the buffoon. How right they are. Heh.