1. All right, now I'll just... Huh. What's with the weird [cdb]design on this piece here?
  2. That is no design, Caspar, but a fracture.
  3. And a perfectly straight one at that, which makes it [cdb]rather hard to discern.
  4. Repairing it will likely not prove worth the bother. Best relegate the piece to life as training equipment.
  5. Wow, you really know your stuff, Ferdinand. I'm clueless when it comes to this kind of thing.
  6. Sometimes I think you know everything...
  7. Oh, I am not quite so impressive as that. Er, but you [cdb]seem troubled by something, Caspar. What is it?
  8. No, forgive my presumption. Perhaps I was merely [cdb]imagining it.
  9. See? You do know everything! Something is kinda [cdb]bothering me.
  10. I was talking to someone the other day about how I [cdb]want to distinguish myself in battle, and they said that [cdb]meant I wanted the war to go on forever.
  11. Of course, I told them they were nuts... Then I actually [cdb]started thinking about it.
  12. About what I'll be doing when the war ends, I mean. About what I'll even...be.
  13. I do not think you have cause to worry.
  14. We may not know what the future holds, but you are [cdb]delivering great results as a leader. Surely you will be [cdb]held in esteem for such?
  15. Sure, but doesn't that just mean my life is about [cdb]nothing but fighting?
  16. I'm not a guy like you who's good at pretty much [cdb]everything, so... Ha! Listen to me. I can't remember [cdb]the last time I got in my own head like this.
  17. Nonsense. We all have our worries.
  18. Why, even I have one or two of my own.
  19. Oh yeah? Like what?
  20. Well...
  21. Your earlier appraisal of my boundless talent, for one.
  22. Huh? But that's true! Also, why would you need to [cdb]worry about being good at everything?
  23. Oh, there is no doubt I can handle most things [cdb]without much difficulty.
  24. And there are few things I have strong preferences [cdb]about—stimulants such as coffee aside.
  25. And there are few things I have strong preferences [cdb]about. Hardly any, in fact.
  26. Right. Which means...
  27. But to me, that fact is nothing more than the flip side [cdb]of having no prominent talents.
  28. I am a purveyor of all trades, but an expert in none. A man such as yourself who possesses rare ability in [cdb]a single field is positively dazzling.
  29. Wha...
  30. Haha! OK, you are seriously overthinking this [cdb]entire thing, Ferdinand.
  31. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled you have a high [cdb]opinion of me. But any comparison of us is always [cdb]gonna end with my being humiliated.
  32. Do you truly think so?
  33. Look, I'm bad at the sciences, hopeless with strategy, [cdb]and a complete oaf when it comes to coordinating [cdb]anything besides tying my own shoes.
  34. But you can help me with all that stuff.
  35. And not just me—you can help everyone shore up [cdb]their weak points!
  36. Sheesh! All right, that's enough worry for one day. Time to go run until I puke! YAH!
  37. Caspar, wait! And...he has gone.
  38. Still, I suppose the man makes an intriguing point— [cdb]my lack of weaknesses does give me a unique ability [cdb]to offer aid to everyone...