1. Hah!
  2. Yah!
  3. Nice job, Leonie! That's one of the biggest deer I've [cdb]ever seen!
  4. Yeah, it's gonna make for a fine feast. Let's start [cdb]breaking it down and... Hmm?
  5. What's wrong?
  6. Ignatz, there's only one arrow in this deer.
  7. Hey, you're right. That's weird.
  8. I thought both of us hit the mark, but I guess not.
  9. These arrows are all standard issue, so there's no way [cdb]to tell which one of us fired the kill shot.
  10. Well, my arrow felt great when I let it fly, so I think [cdb]it's safe to assume this is mine.
  11. Maybe. It didn't penetrate very deep, so it might [cdb]actually be mine—I can't draw my bow back as far [cdb]as you, you know.
  12. But I mean, it could easily be yours, too! I don't actually know for sure.
  13. Hmm. It's true that's it's not too deep. And you do [cdb]have great aim...
  14. Nope! Nope. It's mine. Has to be. The shot just felt [cdb]too good when I let it go.
  15. I guess one of us could have hit a different deer? Although I haven't actually seen any others...
  16. Doesn't matter. Pull the arrow out while I get ready [cdb]to hang and skin it.
  17. OK, sure!
  18. Huh? Hang on, there's something in... Ah!
  19. Hurry up, Ignatz! We've gotta hang it and drain it [cdb]before the blood congeals!
  20. Leonie, look! I found the other arrow!
  21. Well, someone seems delighted. Where was it?
  22. In the deer!
  23. There was a shattered arrowhead inside the wound, [cdb]and after I dug around a bit, I also found splintered [cdb]fragments of a shaft.
  24. Wait. So the first arrow hit the deer, and then the [cdb]second one hit in the exact same place?
  25. Sure seems that way. That would also explain why the [cdb]arrow we found was so shallow.
  26. Wow. That's...seriously impressive.
  27. Yeah, we weren't off by so much as an inch!
  28. This is great news. I was so certain I'd hit the deer, [cdb]but then I started doubting myself.
  29. I think it would've broken my brain if I was wrong!
  30. I worried I was losing my touch, too.
  31. Haha! We were thinking the exact same thing!
  32. I know, right? That's too funny.
  33. Honestly, you're such a crack shot, it would've [cdb]been strange if you missed from that distance.
  34. And no one hunts better than you, Leonie!
  35. Doesn't matter if we're hunting deer or trading blows [cdb]on the battlefield—there's no one I'd rather have at [cdb]my side than you.
  36. Same here. Now let's take care of this deer so we can [cdb]start that feast!