1. Captain Jeralt? I have a request to make of you.
  2. Someone's formal today. Well? Out with it.
  3. When this war is over, please let me join your [cdb]mercenary company!
  4. You'll go back to wandering the world, right?
  5. So please, Captain. Please let me come with you.
  6. ...
  7. I'm happy to hear you want to join us, Leonie. But that's not enough for me to say yes.
  8. No? Why not?
  9. There are two reasons.
  10. The biggest is that I'm thinking about stepping down [cdb]from my position as captain, so the ultimate call isn't [cdb]really mine to make.
  11. Then...who will lead the mercenaries?!
  12. Couldn't tell you. That's up to them.
  13. The second reason is that I think you should start [cdb]your own band of mercenaries instead.
  14. You...do?
  15. You're a mercenary in your own right now, and a [cdb]fantastic general in this army.
  16. With that kind of experience, there's no point in [cdb]going to work for someone else.
  17. Do you really think so?
  18. Of course. Someone with your skill set would be a [cdb]fine addition to any group of mercs, including mine.
  19. You're planning to surpass me and the kid, right?
  20. You can't exactly do that if you're working for us.
  21. You'll have to build your own band of mercs from the [cdb]ground up and win your reputation just like I did.
  22. You'll need to give it your all if you want to create [cdb]something better than what I've built.
  23. ...
  24. Then that's what I'll do.
  25. I'll form my own band of mercenaries that's every bit [cdb]as good as yours!
  26. That's why I'm proud to call you my apprentice.
  27. But in exchange, I have a condition.
  28. You have to remain as captain until I catch up to you!
  29. Well, I guess it's a captain's job to live with an [cdb]apprentice's reckless decisions.
  30. But I don't have all the time in the world. This body's [cdb]falling apart as it is.
  31. So get yourself up and running before I shrivel away. Got it?
  32. It's a promise!
  33. I'm looking forward to the day.